OS/2 2.X DRIVERS for DCE 376 A new revision of DCE376 driver for IBM OS/2 2.X is available now. The file name for the OS/2 2.0 driver is DCE376.ADD and its file size is 12164 bytes, dated 07/23/93. The new DCE376 driver supports IBM OS/2 2.0 and 2.1. Both disk and non disk devices like tape drives and CDROM drives are supported by this driver.Thereby users can use utilities like SYTOS Plus for OS/2 ver. 1.35 or Novaback for OS/2 2.0 ver 2.01 for doing their backups. This driver is compatible with the IBM's SCSI driver specifications for OS/2 2.X. Hence this driver should work with most software that is written to this specification. This driver has been tested on DCE firmware 4P0 only. Users having earlier firmware are advised to contact Customer Support for checking if they can upgrade their boards to this current version of firmware. The driver has been tested with the following devices and utilities: a) CDROMs connected to primary DCE controller NEC model CDR-84 SONY model CDU 8001 SONY model CDU 541 b) Tape drives connected to primary DCE controller ( using Novastor's Novaback for OS/2 ) Archive model 2150S Wangtek model 5150ES Wnagtek model 5525ES Exabyte model EXB 8200 c) Two DCE 376 disk controllers with one or more disks on both of them. INSTALLATION: The installation procedure of DCE376 Driver depends on how you are going to install (from floppy or CDROM) the OS/2 2.x operating system. OS/2 2.0 can't be installed from CDROM drives. OS/2 2.1 supports either floppy or CDROM based installation. Installation of OS/2 2.x using floppy diskettes : 1. Follow the DCE376 manual to setup hardware, install DCE376 adapter, connect disk drives and run EISA configuration. 2. If disk drives are of more than 470 MB in size , then during the "fdisk" of OS/2 2.X , define primary and enhanced logical partition, for a total disk capacity of upto 470 MB. 3. Install the OS/2 2.X using the normal procedure to install OS/2 2.X. As DCE376 is Western Digital register set compatible, this installation should proceed normally subject to maximum selected disk size of 470 MB. 4. Once the disk drives are working under OS/2 2.X on primary controller, the support for CDROMs, tape drives, secondary DCE controller, more than 2 physical drives per controller and physical disk size above 470 MB is added by installing the DCE376 driver supplied in this DCE376 DOS driver diskette. 5. Copy the file DCE376.ADD in this subdirectory to C:\OS2 directory of your prepared OS/2 system. 6. Backup the file C:\CONFIG.SYS to floppy disk. 7. Edit the file C:\CONFIG.SYS to remove the following lines, if present BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD by putting a REM statement ahead of the line as shown below. REM BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD and add the following line BASEDEV=DCE376.ADD just after the above line. -----> CONFIG.SYS before change .... .... BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD .... .... -----> CONFIG.SYS after change .... .... REM BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD BASEDEV=DCE376.ADD .... .... Once the above modification is done, save the CONFIG.SYS file and shutdown the OS/2 system and reboot. The system will then boot from the enhanced DCE 376 driver. 8. If adding CDROMs , make sure the following lines are present in the C:\CONFIG.SYS file. Also make sure the files referred to by these lines are present in the C:\OS2 directory. BASEDEV=OS2SCSI.DMD BASEDEV=OS2CDROM.DMD IFS=CDFS.IFS /Q BASEDEV=???????.FLT Note that these lines are required for the CD-ROM to work properly. The question marks in the last line stand for the proper filter file for the particular CD-ROM drive you use. For example, NECCDS1.FLT is the filter file for an NEC CD-ROM drive model 80 or 84. The above four lines should appear after the following line on C:\CONFIG.SYS. BASEDEV=DCE376.ADD The OS2SCSI.DMD is the IBM SCSI driver, OS2CDROM.DMD is the IBM's CDROM driver. Make sure the DCE376 driver is loaded first, followed by OS2 SCSI driver and CD ROM driver. Installation of OS/2 2.x using CD-ROM : 1. Follow the DCE376 manual to setup hardware, install DCE376 adapter, connect disk drives and run EISA configuration. 2. Do the following to prepare OS/2 "Disk 1": a. Make working copies of the "Install" and "DISK1" diskette from the OS/2 2.1 CDROM as per the OS/2 2.1 documentation. b. Copy the DCE376 driver "DCE376.ADD" from this subdirectory to working Disk 1. Assume drive A has DCE376 DOS driver diskette and drive B has the working "DISK1" diskette. C>COPY A:\OS2_20\DCE376.ADD B:\ c. Modify the "CONFIG.SYS" file on work diskette "Disk 1" by commenting out the following two lines: BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD BASEDEV=IBMINT13.I13 Add the following line: BASEDEV=DCE376.ADD The lines should now read as below after the modification: REM BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD ... ... REM BASEDEV=IBMINT13.I13 BASEDEV=DCE376.ADD d. Make sure the following lines exist in the CONFIG.SYS file on working Disk 1: BASEDEV=OS2SCSI.DMD BASEDEV=OS2CDROM.DMD IFS=CDFS.IFS /Q BASEDEV=???????.FLT Note that these lines are required for the CD-ROM to work properly. The question marks in the last line stand for the proper filter file for the particular CD-ROM drive you use. For example, NECCDS1.FLT is the filter file for an NEC CD-ROM drive model 80 or 84. 3. Use the work diskettes "Install" and "Disk 1" and install OS/2 2.1 by following the OS/2 2.1 Installation through CD-ROM procedure, specified in the OS/2 documentation. Do not define an OS/2 partition of more than 472MB. When installation is complete, reboot the OS/2 system. The driver installation is now complete. Note: If the system does not reboot and displays a message that complains about "COUNTRY.SYS", do the following: a. Reboot the system using working "Install" and "Disk 1" diskettes. When the OS/2 welcome screen is displayed, press key to abort the normal installation. The OS/2 command prompt should now be displayed. b. Copy the "CONFIG.SYS" file from bootable drive (e.g., C:\) to a floppy diskette. Use an editor on any other DOS or OS/2 system to check if the following lines read properly: REM BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD ... ... REM BASEDEV=IBMINT13.I13 BASEDEV=DCE376.ADD c. Check on the OS/2 system to make sure that the file "DCE376.ADD" exists in the OS/2 subdirectory of the bootable drive, e.g., C:\OS2. Also make sure DCE376.ADD does not exist in the root directory of bootable drive. Test Report : OS/2 Driver for DCE376 has been tested with upto two adapters on OS/2 ver 2.0 and 2.1. Also Tape and CDROM drives have been tested. Novaback for OS/2 2.X from Novastor has been tested and found to be working fine. Both FAT and HPFS partitions have been tested. Known Bugs / Limitations : 1. CD-ROMs and tape drives are supported only by primary DCE376 controller. 2. The first OS/2 partition / system drive should be less than 472 MB. Subsequent partition / system drives may be more than 472MB. 3. Without the OS/2 driver, only 472 MB of drive will be accessed. 4. Type 153 enhanced partitions are not supported by this driver. 5. If the tape drive malfunctions and stops responding to SCSI commands, the system may appear to have "hung". The firmware on the DCE376 will timeout after 60 minutes and the system will recover from the error.