/*********************************/ /* CONFIG.SYS DOCUMENT */ /*********************************/ DEVICE=FCDR2C.SYS /D:MSCD001 /A:300 OPTION SWITCH FORMAT /D:[DeviceName] DeviceName : 8 character code default : MSCD001 /A:p p : I/O Port Address default : 300 /*********************************/ /* AUTOEXEC.BAT DOCUMENT */ /*********************************/ MSCDEX /D:MSCD001 Set Option Switch /D:device_name MSCDEX uses this parameter to locate each device driver. Names used must match those used for /D:device_name parameter fod each device entry in CONFIG.SYS. /M:value The /M: switch determines how many sector buffers MSCDEX allocates when it installs itself. /L:drive_letter For software the requires that the CD-ROM drive be identified by particular drive letter