***************************************************************************** * * * PCI Ethernet Adapter * * * * Readme file for Drivers/Utilities * * * * Release 4.6, Jan. 1997 * * * ***************************************************************************** This Diskette contains the VT86C926 OEM setup program and device drivers. 0. Changes from Release 4.5 Update: SETUP.EXE WINNT35 DOSODI I. File Structure A:. ³ DISK1 ³ PCIBROM.BIN ³ PCIMFG.EXE ³ README.TXT ³ SETUP.EXE ³ SETUP.TXT ³ ÃÄÄÄNETWARE ³ ÃÄÄÄSRVRODI.311 ³ ³ NW311.TXT ³ ³ PCINWSRV.LAN ³ ³ ETHERTSM.NLM ³ ³ LSLENH.NLM ³ ³ MONITOR.NLM ³ ³ MSM31X.NLM ³ ³ PATCHMAN.NLM ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄSRVRODI.312 ³ ³ NW312.TXT ³ ³ PCINWSRV.LAN ³ ³ MSM31X.NLM ³ ³ ETHERTSM.NLM ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄSRVRODI.4X ³ ³ NW4X.TXT ³ ³ PCINWSRV.LAN ³ ³ PCINWSRV.LDI ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄCLIENT32.DOS ³ ³ CNT32DOS.TXT ³ ³ PCINWSRV.LAN ³ ³ PCINWSRV.LDI ³ ³ PCIODI.COM ³ ³ PCIODI.INS ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄCLIENT32.W95 ³ ³ CNT32W95.TXT ³ ³ PCINWSRV.LAN ³ ³ PCINWSRV.INF ³ ³ PCIODI.COM ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄDOSODI ³ DOSODI.TXT ³ PCIODI.COM ³ PCIODI.INS ³ LSL.COM ³ IPXODI.COM ³ NETX.EXE ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄPKTDRVR ³ PACKET.TXT ³ PCIPKT.COM ³ ÃÄÄÄWFW31 ³ WFW31.TXT ³ OEMSETUP.INF ³ PCIND.DOS ³ ÃÄÄÄWFW311 ³ WFW311.TXT ³ OEMSETUP.INF ³ PCIWFW.386 ³ PCIND.DOS ³ PCIODI.COM ³ ÃÄÄÄWINNT35 ³ WINNT35.TXT ³ PCIWNT.SYS ³ OEMSETUP.INF ³ PCIWNT.HLP ³ ÃÄÄÄWINNT351 ³ WINNT351.TXT ³ PCIWNT.SYS ³ OEMSETUP.INF ³ PCIWNT.HLP ³ ÃÄÄÄWINNT40 ³ WINNT40.TXT ³ PCIWNT.SYS ³ OEMSETUP.INF ³ PCIWNT.HLP ³ ÃÄÄÄWIN95 ³ WIN95.TXT ³ PCIW95.INF ³ PCIWNT.SYS ³ PCIND.DOS ³ PCIODI.COM ³ ÃÄÄÄSCOUNIX ³ SCOUNIX.TXT ³ P926.TAR ³ ÃÄÄÄPCNFS ³ PCNFS.TXT ³ PROTOCOL.INI ³ PCIND.DOS ³ ÃÄÄÄLANTASTI ³ LANTASTI.TXT ³ PROTOCOL.INI ³ PCIND.DOS ³ ÃÄÄÄMSLANMAN.DOS ³ ÀÄÄDRIVERS ³ ÃÄÄNIF ³ ³ PCIND.NIF ³ ÀÄÄETHERNET ³ ÀÄÄPCIND ³ PCIND.DOS ³ LMDOS.TXT ³ PROTOCOL.INI ÃÄÄÄMSLANMAN.OS2 ³ ÀÄÄDRIVERS ³ ÃÄÄNIF ³ ³ PCIND.NIF ³ ÀÄÄETHERNET ³ ÀÄÄPCIND ³ PCIND.OS2 ³ LMOS2.TXT ³ PROTOCOL.INI ÃÄÄÄLANSVR40.DOS ³ LSDOS.TXT ³ OEMSETUP.INF ³ PCIND.DOS ³ ÀÄÄÄLANSVR40.OS2 LSOS2.TXT PCIND.NIF PCIND.OS2 II. User Guide for Utilities README.TXT This file. DISK1 File needed for install Window NT. SETUP.EXE PCI setup and diagnostic SETUP.TXT Text file for SETUP.EXE PCIMFG.EXE EEPROM programming utility PCIBPROM.BIN Binary code for Boot ROM. Usage method: 1. Create DOS image file in server F > login admin (or supervisor) F > cd \ login F > \system\dosgen (insert a bootable disk with network driver to A:) then a file named NET$DOS.SYS will be generated The bootable disk must contains the following files: lsl.com pciodi.com ipxodi.com vlm.exe (or netx.exe) net.cfg 2. Server's ne2000 driver must add: load rpl bind rpl to ne2000 (protocol = ethernet_802.2) 3. Workstation: Disable all bootable disks 4. Execute the following commands on the workstation A > lsl A > pciodi A > ipxodi A > netx A > f: F > login xxx Notes: While login the server, the dos image of disk A will disappear. You have to map disk A: to a directory contains COMMAND.COM in the script file to prevent from error. III. User Guide for Drivers Please refer to the text files (*.TXT) in each driver subdirectory. For example, if you are installing Windows 95, please read the text file in WIN95\WIN95.TXT for installation information. Note: The distribution right of the files of NOVELL must obtain by contacting Novell directly. (*.VLM, LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM, NETX.EXE)