ÀÀW ÃÃC:\MITOOL ÃÃDEVICE=C:\ANTIVRUS.SYS ããWøø ANTIVRUS.SYSÐÐ]ËË  .Cannot find ANTIVRUS.SYS. Abort installation.ÑÑQññ ANTIVRUS.SYSÐЂàà: ÐÐ!ÑÑQàà‡ÐÐQûûÐÐÐËË  0Cannot copy to same directory or make directoryÑÑ‚££Copying ANTIVRUS.SYS to C:\ÎÎANTIVRUS.SYS C:\ANTIVRUS.SYS¡¡Copying ANTIVRUS.SYSÏÏANTIVRUS.SYSøø ANTIVRUS.COMÐÐv££Cannot find ANTIVRUS.COMÑÑ¢¡¡Copying ANTIVRUS.COMÏÏANTIVRUS.COMààÓÐÐQÊÊ’ -ÉÉ’ààe ÐÐ[££2Making CONF-002.MTL for your forward reference.ÎÎC:\CONFIG.SYS C:\CONF-002.MTLòòC:\CONF-002.MTLöö ANTIVRUSÅÅ’ÆÆC:\CONF-002.MTLÑÑÑ££!Adding a statement to CONFIG.SYSÇÇC:\CONFIG.SYSöö ANTIVRUSÅÅ’ÆÆC:\CONFIG.SYSààÏ ÐÐÑððC:\CONFIG.SYS  HInstallation completed. You shall gain the facility after next booting.ÑÑQ££Copying ANTIVRUS.SYS to C:\ÎÎANTIVRUS.SYS C:\ANTIVRUS.SYSÐÐqààÑÑQààÓÐÐQÊÊ’ -ÉÉ’££!Adding a statement to CONFIG.SYSÇÇC:\CONFIG.SYSöö ANTIVRUSÅÅ’ÆÆC:\CONFIG.SYSààÏ ÐÐððC:\CONFIG.SYS  MEnd of updating CONFIG.SYS. You shall gain the facility after next booting.ääWÖÖffff < MITAC Anti-Virus V1.00 Installation&LA Anti-Virus Installation °° °°? Before installation, read the help information of Anti-Virus°° to know about the utility.°°% This installation does two things:°°# 1. Copy ANTIVRUS.SYS to the C:\.°° 2. Add a statement such as°°% DEVICE=C:\ANTIVRUS.SYS°° to CONFIG.SYS.°° °°# Enter your destination pathname:°°5 ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ·°°5 º º°°5 ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ±± ( °° ²²  OK ³³ #Cancel&gA Anti-Virus Installation °° °° °° °°? Hot keys are used to open the DISK WRITE-PROTECT STATUS bar.°° Default is .°°# Now, you can change the hot key:°° ÖÄ·°° Ctrl+Alt+º º°° ÓĽ±±  °° ²²  OK ³³ #Cancel$•FAnti-Virus Installation°° °°? Before installation, read the help information of Anti-Virus°° to know about the utility.°° °°E To activate Anti-Virus, ANTIVRUS.SYS must be in the root directory°°B of the bootable partition, this installation will copy the file°°$ to C:\ and then add the statement°°& DEVICE=C:\ANTIVRUS.SYS°° to CONFIG.SYS.°° °°E WARNING! If you have installed ANTI-VIRUS before, and you want to °°F install it again, first please remove the old one by 'antivrus /r'.°°! Then you can install it again.°° °°" Continue?°° ²²  Yes ³³ # No $– AAnti-Virus Installation°° °° CONFIG.SYS is updated.°°* Do you want to view the new CONFIG.SYS?°° ²²  Yes ³³  No $œF Anti-Virus Installation°° °° °°; Anti-Virus installation will update your CONFIG.SYS now.°° °°= If you choose YES, we are going to update your CONFIG.SYS.°° °°= If you choose NO, the installation will make a file, named°°@ CONF-002.MTL within root of bootable device, for your forward°° reference.°°% Continue?°° ²²  YES ³³ & NO 4RF I n s t a l l a t i o n F a i l u r e°° °°&This failure is caused by two cases. °° °° Case 1: Your hard disk is full.°° °°:Case 2: You have installed ANTIVRUS before, you will have°° °°; to run 'antivrus /r' first to remove it. Then you°° °° can install it again.°° ³³ " OK