Expanded Memory Manager EMM.SYS Version 4.01 (C) Copyright Everex Systems, Inc. 1986, 1987, 1988. To boot up the system with the Expanded Memory Manager, insert the following device driver entry in your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=[path]EMM.SYS [/C] [pppp] [port,page]* [/D] [/H(:nnn)] Where [] indicates an argument, do NOT type in the "[]" characters. path is the directory where the EMM.SYS is located if you prefer to store the EMM.SYS in a sub-directory of the boot disk. (e.g. C:\EMM\EMM.SYS.....) /C directs EMM.SYS to chain interrupt vector 67H. Chaining permits software that uses vector 67H for other purpose to coexist with Expanded Memory Manager. pppp tells EMM.SYS where to start searching for a valid 64K page frame. The page frame is the starting address of the EMS memory mapping window. The pppp can be C400, C800, CC00, D000, DC00, or E000 (value in hexadecimal). C400 is the default value if pppp is not specified. port is the port address used to control the board. port can be 208, 218, 258, 268, 2A8, 2B8, or 2E8 (value in hexadecimal). page is the starting logical page on the board that supports Expanded Memory. Page ranges from 00 to 7F (value in hexadecimal). *If you have used the memory on this board to upgrade base memory (e.g. from 512 to 640), your first available page will be 08. /D tells EMM.SYS NOT to check the default page frame. /H:nnn informs EMM.SYS of the maximum number of handles to support. Default value for nnn is 64. ______________________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES Note that the device driver program file is located in the root directory of the boot drive. 1. System configuration: - an EV-158A at port 208 (hexadecimal) The command line should be: DEVICE=EMM.SYS 208,00 2. System configuration: - an EV-158A at port 2A8 with starting EMS page 20 (hexadecimal) The command line should be: DEVICE=EMM.SYS 2A8,20 3. System configuration: - an EV-158A at port 208 (hexadecimal) - an EV-171 at port 258 with starting EMS page 40 (hexadecimal) - page frame to begin at segment address D000 (hexadecimal) - interrupt vector 67 chaining enabled The command line should be: DEVICE=EMM.SYS /C D000 208,00 258,40 4. System configuration: - an EV-158A at port 208 (hexadecimal) - page frame to begin at segment address C800 (hexadecimal) - interrupt vector 67 chaining enabled The command line should be: DEVICE=EMM.SYS /C C800 208,00 ______________________________________________________________________________ RAM Disk Device Driver EDISK.SYS Version 2.03 (C) Copyright Everex Systems, Inc. 1986, 1987, 1988. Version 2.03 of EDISK.SYS is different from the previous version is that the maximum extended memory block transfer size is user definable (compatible with IBM VDISK.SYS). This upgrade was done to minimize loss of interrupts while extended memory input/output occurs. To boot up the system with the RAM Disk Driver, insert the following device driver entry in your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=[path]EDISK.SYS [bbb] [sss] [ddd] [/E[:n]] [/X] [/L] Where [] indicates an optional item. path is the directory where the EDISK.SYS is located if you prefer to store the EDISK.SYS in a sub-directory of the boot disk. (e.g. C:\EMM\EMM.SYS.....) bbb is the total RAM disk capacity in Kbytes (1024 Kbytes = 1 Mbytes). Ranges from 1 Kbyte to 15360 Kbytes sss defines the logical sector size (number of bytes per sector). Valid values are 128, 256, or 512(default) bytes per sector. ddd sets the maximum number of entries allowed in root directory. Ranges from 2 to 512. The default is 64 directory entries. /E:n tells the EDISK.SYS to use EXTENDED memory to hold RAM disk. The value n is the number of sectors to transfer in and out of extended memory at any one time. This value is optional; if included, n must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8; if excluded, the extended memory block transfer size defaults to 8. /X tells the EDISK.SYS to use EXPANDED memory (EMS) to hold RAM disk. /L tells the EDISK.SYS to skip adding a volume label to the RAM disk. NOTE no '/E or /X' option directs EDISK.SYS to use the base memory. An invalid argument (such as a sector size of 1024) will terminate EDISK.SYS. Valid values that are out of range (such as a kbyte buffer size that is larger than available memory) will be adjusted appropriately. _______________________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1. Device=edisk.sys This will create an all-default RAM disk: the edisk program will be stored in the root directory, the buffer size is 128K, the sector size is 512 bytes, the maximum number of entries in the root directory is 64, and the RAM disk will be located in base memory. 2. device=\everex\edisk.sys 256 /x This will create an RAM disk with 256K of buffer size, by using EXPANDED (EMS) memory. The EDISK.SYS device driver is stored in a directory call \everex. The sector size and maximum directory entries will be default values. (i.e. 512K and 64 respectively) 3. device=\everex\edisk.sys 256 /e This will create an similar RAM disk as example 2. The only difference is the RAM disk will be allocated with EXTENDED memory. 4. device=\everex\edisk.sys 1024 /e /l This will create a RAM disk with no volume label. _____________________________________________________________________________ Print Spooler Utility ESPOOL.EXE Version 2.0 (C) Copyright Everex Systems, Inc. 1986, 1987 To allocate a print spooler, enter the following command line while you are at a DOS prompt. [path]ESPOOL [/B:bbb] [/E] [/X] [/P:n] [/S:n[,b,p,d,s,h]] [/R] Where [] indicates an optional item. | indicates to choose one option among the choices. /B:bbb informs ESPOOL.EXE to create a print spooler of a particular Kbyte size. bbb ranges from 1 to 15360 Kbytes. If the specified size is too large to fit in memory, ESPOOL.EXE will automatically adjust the size. The default is a 64 Kbytes if /b:BBB is omitted. /E,/X informs ESPOOL to select which type of memory to use when allocating the print spooler. /E means using EXTENDED memory. /X means using EXPANDED (EMS) memory. Omitting /E or /X will cause the ESPOOL.EXE to allocate a print spooler with base memory /P:n informs ESPOOL to allocate the printer spooler on a parallel printer port that specific by n where n can be 1 to 4. /P:1 means spool on LPT1: (default) /P:2 means spool on LPT2: .... etc. /S:n informs ESPOOL to allocate the printer spooler on a serial port that specify by n where n can be 1 to 4. /S:1 means spools on COM1: /S:2 means spools on COM2: .... etc. b,p,d,s,h informs ESPOOL about the serial configurations. b - is the Baud rate. It can be 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600. p - is the Parity. Valid values are as follows: N for None, E for Even, and O for Odd. d - is the number of data bits. Valid values are 7 or 8. s - is the number of stop bits. Valid values are 1 or 2. h - informs ESPOOL that the serial printer uses XON/XOFF software handshaking protocol. /R request ESPOOL to echo the spooler(s) current configuration and status. This option is intended to be used alone. When specified with other options, the other options will be ignored. ______________________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1. ESPOOL This will create an all-default print spooler. 64 Kbytes of size using base memory and spools on LPT1:. 2. ESPOOL /B:1024 /E /P:1 This will create a print spooler of size 1024 Kbytes using EXTENDED memory and spools on LPT1:. 3. ESPOOL /B:1024 /X /P:2 This will create a print spooler of size 1024 Kbytes using EXPANDED (EMS) memory and spools on LPT2:. 4. ESPOOL /B:1024 /X /P:1 ESPOOL /B:1024 /E /P:2 This will create two print spooler of equal size but using different memory type. (Note: You can have more than one print spooler exists at the same time.) 5. MODE LPT1:=COM1: ESPOOL /B:2048 /E /S:1,9600,N,8,1,h The first line reroute LPT1: to COM1:, this will make all printer outputs go to COM1 rather than LPT1: The second line will create a print spooler of size 2048 Kbytes using EXTENDED memory and spools on serial port COM1: with the following handshaking configurations: BAUD rate is 9600 NO parity checking 8 data bits 1 stop bit XON/XOFF protocol supported. 6. MODE LPT1:=COM1: ESPOOL /b:2048 /E /S:1,1200,E,7,1,h This will create a print spooler with same size like the above example with differences in handshaking configurations. BAUD rate is 1200 EVEN parity checking 7 data bits 1 stop bit XON/XOFF protocol supported. _____________________________________________________________________________ END OF README FILE