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Lh.. LhFLASHROMCOM Dž"w#. Lh.. LhDISK1 NT AfQKINST DOC AfDREADME TXT Af'KSEEVER EXE AfnJ(UPDATE TXT Afg DOSWIN MhNOVELL 312MhNOVELL 4X MhOS2WARP !MhSCOUNIX "Mh:WIN95 %MhWINNT35 'MhThis is NT tag file   : !"#$&'()*+,-./012345689<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~|ࡱ;   Root Entry FgCompObjbWordDocument4ObjectPoolgg  FMicrosoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.6;  Oh+'0 D h   @d (C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\TEMPLATE\NORMAL.DOT'Intel Triton Bus Master Device DriversSung Woon WeeSungܥe- e4$4 $4 4/4/4/4/4/////// //3C//"//////N1P1P1P1)y1234Tf4T34// ////3/4/4///////4//4//N1H/V/,4/4/4/4//N1/t/Triones Bus Master / PIO Device Drivers for Intel Triton Chipset Quick Installation Guide (October 1, 1995) 1. MS-DOS / WINDOWS / WFW You should install CD-ROM in secondary channel in Winodws (WFW). Change the current directory to a:\doswin or b:\doswin. Under DOS command line prompt, run the SETUP directly. After entering the setup utility, just follow the instructions of the setup. 2. WINDOWS NT3.5 From the Program Manager, double click on "Windows NT Setup" in the Main group. Select "Options/Add/Remove SCSI Adapters..." Click on Add. The "Select SCSI Adapter Option" dialog will appear; select "Other (Requires a disk from a hardware manufacturer)" from the "Adapter:" list box. Next, the "Insert Diskette" dialog box will appear; insert the Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver disk into Drive A: and type in "a:\winnt35" and . Next, the "Select OEM Option" dialog box will appear; select "Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" and click "OK." Next, the "Select SCSI Adapter Option" dialogbox will appear; click on the "Install" button in the dialog box. If installation is successful, the "SCSI Adapter Setup" dialog box will reappear, and "Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" will be listed. That means the driver is installed. Reboot your system to load the driver. 3. WINDOWS 95 The installation procedures described here are created based on the Windows 95 Final Beta Release version. Close any running applications. Remove references to installed real-mode IDE device drivers in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, especially any drivers that control ATAPI CD-ROM and special IDE features. Remove references to the default installed IDE device drivers: Open the Control Panel folder and invoke the System applet. Click on the Device Manager option. Click on the View Devices by Type button. A list of the system devices connected to the system will be displayed. Click on the Hard disk controllers record and remove all the instances under this record. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95. Windows 95 will re-start. Install the Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI driver: After you remove references to the default installed IDE device drivers and re-start the system. Windows 95 will report that a Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller or Standard ESDI/IDE Controller has been detected in the system. Select Driver from Manufacturer's Disk. Insert the floppy disk containing the driver file (IDEATAPI.MPD) and installation file (IDEATAPI.INF) into the system. Choose OK to load the driver from the A:\WIN95. Windows 95 will display a Select Device window. Choose OK. When Windows 95 reports that a Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller has been detected, the selected device type should be the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controllers. When Windows 95 reports that a Standard ESDI/IDE Controller has been detected, the selected device type should be the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller. When prompted to re-insert the floppy containing the IDEATAPI.MPD file, choose OK again. Windows 95 may not be able to process the .INF file and .MPD file the first time, choose OK again if this happens. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95. 4. NOVELL 3.X&4.X Copy the driver TRIN4X.DSK or TRIN312.DSK to the subdirectory which holds the file SERVER.EXE. Boot up the file server. On the system console and on the command prompt state, type in: load TRIN4X.DSK or load TRIN312.DSK You can also include the above command line into the start up file STARTUP.NCF to load the driver automatically. 5. SCO UNIX Install SCO UNIX 3.2.x or SCO Open Desktop 3.x using the default SCO IDE driver. Reboot your SCO UNIX system. Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5 inch floppy drive of your system. Use doscp command to copy the file TRISCO.TAR to your /tmp directory. For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type: doscp a:/scounix/trisco.tar /tmp/trisco.tar From root directory, type the following commands: mkdir /inst cd /inst tar xvf /tmp/trisco.tar . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) Now, insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive A and type: tar cvf /dev/ . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) Your floppy drive A device name could be: rfd096ds15 5.25 DSHD rfd0135ds18 3.5 DSHD rfd048ds9 5.25 DSDD rfd0135ds9 3.5 DSDD Now you have already made an installation diskette for the device driver. Start the installation by typing: custom Select the "Install" operation and then follow the guided steps. When prompted "Do you want to set the device configuration (y/n)", answer "n". Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 6. SCO UNIX 5.0 Install SCO UNIX 5.0 using the default SCO IDE driver. Reboot your SCO UNIX system. Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5inch floppy drive of your system. Use doscp command to copy the file TRISCO5.TAR to your /tmp directory. For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type: doscp a:/scounix/trisco5.tar /tmp/trisco5.tar From root directory, type the following commands: mkdir /inst cd /inst tar xvf /tmp/trisco5.tar . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) Install the driver by typing: ./install Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 7. OS/2 2.0 and W A R P 3.X Copy TRIOS2.ADD from the floppy diskette to your hard disk under the OS2 directory (i.e., C:\OS2). Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS to replace BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD with BASEDEV=TRIOS2.ADD Reboot the system. NOTE: For more information (like parameter settings, driver de-installation, etc.), please refer to the README.TXT file on the diskette. 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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview 1.2 Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver Files 2. MS-DOS / WINDOWS 2.1 Installation 2.2 De-Installation 2.3 Restrictions of Disk Driver and Fast Disk Driver 2.4 Troubleshooting 3. Windows NT3.5 3.1 Installation 3.2 De-Installation 3.3 Troubleshooting 4. Windows 95 4.1 Installation 4.2 De-Installation 5. Novell 3.X & 4.X 5.1 Installation 5.2 Troubleshooting 6. SCO UNIX 6.1 Installation 6.2 De-Installation 6.3 Adding Additional Hard Disk 6.4 Adding CD-ROM 6.5 Troubleshooting 7. SCO UNIX 7.1 Installation 7.2 De-Installation 8. OS/2 2.0 and WARP 3.X 8.1 Installation 8.2 De-Installation 8.3 Troubleshooting 9. Seever Utility ############################################################################# 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ############################################################################# 1.1 Overview The Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Drivers created by TRIONES Technologies, Inc. has the following features: 1) Takes advantage of the Triton chipset bus mastering capability and support bus mastering IDE on both IDE hard disks and ATAPI CD-ROM drives. This greatly reduces the CPU utilization and increases the data transfer rate. 2) Supports advanced data transfer timing modes. The PIO mode can be up to mode 4, and the DMA mode can be up to multiple word mode 2. 3) Supports LBA mode and Multiple-Block (or Multiple-Sector) commands. This readme will describe the setup procedures for the Triton Bus Master Device Driver for each operating system. The Triton Bus Master Device Drivers can only be used on motherboards with the Triton chipset and the system BIOS must properly initialize the Triton chipset IDE interface for the Bus Master IDE operation. Do not use any other add-in IDE (PCI or ISA) card in the system. 1.2 Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver Files TRIDMA.SYS -- The Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE Disk Driver for MS-DOS. TRICD.SYS -- The Triones Triton Bus Master ATAPI CD-ROM Driver for MS-DOS. TRIINT13.386 TRICTR.386 -- The Triones Triton Bus Master Fast Disk Driver for Windows 3.1 and Windows for WorkGroup 3.11. SETUP.EXE SETUP.INF -- The setup program. IDEATAPI.SYS-- The Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for Windows NT 3.5. OEMSETUP.INF-- The setup information file used by the Windows NT 3.5 setup. IDEATAPI.MPD-- The Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for Windows 95. IDEATAPI.INF-- The setup information file used by the Windows 95 setup. TRIN4X.DSK -- The Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for NOVELL version 4.10. TRIN312.DSK -- The Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for NOVELL version 3.12. TRISCO.TAR -- The Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for SCO UNIX. TRIOS2.ADD -- The Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for OS/2 SEEVER.EXE -- A utility to see the driver version information. ############################################################################# 2. M S - D O S / W I N D O W S ############################################################################# 2.1 INSTALLATION The setup program will copy files to the directory you indicate, and make changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS to configure the drivers. If the fast disk driver is installed, it wil also make changes to SYSTEM.INI in the Windows directory. To run the setup program: 1) Change the current directory to a: or b: 2) Under DOS command line prompt, run the setup: setup After entering the setup utility, just follow the instructions of the setup. 2.2 DE-INSTALLATION To de-install the disk driver: Edit CONFIG.SYS to remark "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRIDMA.SYS". To de-install the CD-ROM driver: Edit CONFIG.SYS to remark "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRICD.SYS ..." and also Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to remark "C:\DOS\MSCDEX /D:MSCD000". To de-install the Fast Disk driver: Edit SYSTEM.INI and remark "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRIINT13.386" and "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRICTR.386", and also set the values of "OverlappedIO" and "32BitDiskAccess" to OFF. All these entries are under the "[386Enh]" section. 2.3 RESTRICTIONS OF DISK DRIVER and FAST DISK DRIVER 1) If you want to install both of the DOS disk driver and the CD-ROM driver, you should setup the disk driver before the CD-ROM driver in the CONFIG.SYS. 2) The Fast Disk driver for Windows can only function if the DOS disk driver is loaded. 2.4 TROUBLESHOOTING 2.4.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities for the DOS Disk Driver If the driver does not work properly after the installation, it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The driver provides parameters for the user to override the capabilities reported by the connected device drives. The user can append parameters with the following format [/V] [/drive [dma=dmamode|pio=piomode] [!lba] [!ms]] to the "device=..." statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Where V indicates to display verbose information, including device scanning progress and TRITON chip set timing register values, and etc. drive specifies which drive to override on. It can be: PM primary/master PS primary/slave SM secondary/master SS secondary/slave dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be: SW2 single word DMA mode 2 MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1 MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2 NO not use DMA operation. The PIO will be used. piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be: 0 PIO mode 0 1 PIO mode 1 2 PIO mode 2 3 PIO mode 3 4 PIO mode 4 If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO operation on the corresponding drive. !lba indicates not to use LBA mode. !ms indicates not to use multi-sectors commands. For example: device=c:\triton\tridma.sys /PS dma=SW2 !lba indicates that we will use single word DMA mode 2 and not use LBA mode on the slave drive of the primary IDE channel. 2.4.2 Overriding Drive Capabilities for the CD-ROM Driver If the driver does not work properly after the installation, it could be that the CD-ROM drives report wrong capabilities. The driver provides parameters for the user to override the capabilities reported by the connected drives. The user can append parameters with the following format [/V] [/drive dma=dmamode|pio=piomode] to the "device=..." statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Where V indicates to display verbose information, including device scanning progress and TRITON chip set timing register values. drive specifies which drive to override on. It can be: PM primary/master PS primary/slave SM secondary/master SS secondary/slave dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be: SW2 single word DMA mode 2 MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1 MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2 NO not use DMA operation. The driver will use PIO on the corresponding CD-ROM drive. piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be: 0 PIO mode 0 1 PIO mode 1 2 PIO mode 2 3 PIO mode 3 4 PIO mode 4 If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO operation on the corresponding drive. For example: device=c:\triton\tricd.sys /SM dma=no indicates that we will not use DMA and only use PIO operation on the master drive of the secondary IDE channel. ############################################################################# 3. W I N D O W S N T 3 . 5 ############################################################################# 3.1 INSTALLATION 1) From the Program Manager, double click on "Windows NT Setup" in the Main group. 2) Select "Options/Add/Remove SCSI Adapters..." 3) Click on Add. 4) The "Select SCSI Adapter Option" dialog will appear; select "Other (Requires a disk from a hardware manufacturer)" from the "Adapter:" list box. 5) Next, the "Insert Diskette" dialog box will appear; insert the Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver disk into Drive A: and type in "a:\winnt35" and . 6) Next, the "Select OEM Option" dialog box will appear; select "Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" and click "OK." 7) Next, the "Select SCSI Adapter Option" dialogbox will appear; click on the "Install" button in the dialog box. If installation is successful, the "SCSI Adapter Setup" dialog box will reappear, and "Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" will be listed. That means the driver is installed. 8) Reboot your system to load the driver. 3.2 DE-INSTALLATION If you want to de-install the Triones Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver, you should keep the EIDE/ATAPI environment the same as when you installed the driver. Otherwise, you may meet some problems. 1) From the Program Manager,double click on "Windows NT Setup" in the Main group. 2) Select "Options/Add/Remove SCSI Adapters...". 3) Select "Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" and then click on Remove. 4) Exit "Windows NT Setup" and reboot the system. 3.3 TROUBLESHOOTING 3.3.1. Overriding drive capabilities If the Windows NT 3.5 does not work properly after the installation, it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The driver provides 6 parameters for the user to override the capabilities reported by the connected device drives. 1. UseLbaMode: This is a double word parameter specifying if we want to use LBA mode on a particular disk drive. We only use the low word. We split the 16-bit low word into 4 4-bit fields, each corresponding to one possible connected disk drive: 15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0 +-----------------+------------------+---------------+----------------+ | Secondary/Slave | Secondary/Master | Primary/Slave | Primary/Master | +-----------------+------------------+---------------+----------------+ If a field is set to non-zero, then we are going to use LBA mode on the corresponding disk drive. The default value is 0xF. 2. UseMultiBlock: This is a double word parameter specifying if we want to use multiple block commands on a particular disk drive. We only use the low word. We split the 16-bit low word into 4 4-bit fields, each corresponding to one possible connected disk drive: 15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0 +-----------------+------------------+---------------+----------------+ | Secondary/Slave | Secondary/Master | Primary/Slave | Primary/Master | +-----------------+------------------+---------------+----------------+ If a field is set to non-zero, then we are going to use multiple block command on the corresponding disk drive. The default value is 0. 3. PrimaryMasterMode: 4. PrimarySlaveMode: 5. SecondaryMasterMode: 6. SecondarySlaveMode: These are double word parameters. We can use them to override DMA/PIO timing modes for the connected drives. Some drives may have firmware bugs causing them to report the wrong ATA DMA/PIO timing mode to the driver. Most notable are the multitude of drives on the market which claim to support PIO Mode 2 when in fact, they really are Mode 0 or Mode 1 drives. Incorrect ATA DMA/PIO timing modes may cause system boot failure or data corruption. Therefore, the driver includes a facility whereby the user may override the vendor-specified ATA timing mode. The possible parameter values are: 0x00 Use DMA with Single-Word DMA mode 0 0x01 Use DMA with Single-Word DMA mode 1 0x02 Use DMA with Single-Word DMA mode 2 0x03 Use DMA with Multi-Word DMA mode 1 0x04 Use DMA with Multi-Word DMA mode 2 0xf0 Use PIO with PIO mode 0 0xf1 Use PIO with PIO mode 1 0xf2 Use PIO with PIO mode 2 0xf3 Use PIO with PIO mode 3 0xf4 Use PIO with PIO mode 4 0xf5 Use PIO with PIO mode 5 0xff Use PIO with driver-decided default PIO mode 0xffffffff Default value, the driver will decide what operation (DMA/PIO) and what mode to use by itself. To set the parameters: 1) From the Program Manager, select File/Run and type in "REGEDT32". 2) In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subwindow, open the SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / IDEAtapi / Parameters or 3) Double click on the parameter name you want to change, and make your change. Be sure to click on the Radix/Hexdecimal button before clicking OK. 4) Reboot your system. ############################################################################# 4. W I N D O W S 9 5 ############################################################################# 4.1 INSTALLATION 1) Close any running applications. 2) Remove references to installed real-mode, IDE device drivers in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, especially any drivers that control ATAPI CD-ROM and special IDE features. 3) Remove references to the default installed IDE device drivers. A. Open the Control Panel folder. B. Invoke the System applet. C. Click on the Device Manager option. D. Click on the View Devices by Type button. A list of the system devices connected to the system will be displayed. E. Click on the Hard disk controllers record. There could be two cases. For case 1, there should be three instances listed: * Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller (Bus Mastering not supported) * Primary IDE controller (dual FIFO) * Secondary IDE controller (dual FIFO) Goto step F for case 1. For case 2, there should be two instances listed: * Standard ESDI/IDE Controller * Standard ESDI/IDE Controller Goto G for case 2. F. Remove the Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller's listing (case 1). 1. Select the Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller. 2. Click on the Remove option. 3. Select OK when prompted to remove this controller. 4. Goto step H. G. Remove the Standard ESDI/IDE Controller listings (case 2). 1. Remove the Secondary Controller's listing. a. Select the Second instance of the Standard ESDI/IDE Controller. b. Click on the Remove option. c. Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller. 2. Remove the Primary Controller's listing. a. Select the remaining instance of the Standard ESDI/IDE Controller. b. Click on the Remove option. c. Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller. H. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*. I. Windows 95* will re-start. 4) Install the Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI driver when prompted to do so. A. Windows 95* will report that an Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller or a Standard ESDI/IDE Controller has been detected in the system. Select Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer. B. Insert the floppy disk containing the driver file (IDEATAPI.MPD) and installation file (IDEATAPI.INF) into the system. C. Type in \WIN95 and choose OK to load the driver from the A:\WIN95 D. Windows 95* will display a Select Device window. Choose OK. Note: * If Windows 95* reported that an Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller has been detected, the selected device type should be the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controllers. * If Windows 95* reported that a Standard ESDI/IDE Controller has been detected, the selected device type should be the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller. E. When prompted to re-insert the floppy containing the IDEATAPI.MPD file, choose OK again. Note: * Windows 95* may not be able to process the .INF file and .MPD file the first time, choose OK again if this happens. F. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*. G. Windows 95* will report that the system settings have changed. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*. The IDEATAPI.MPD driver will be installed and used as long as the Triton IDE interface is enabled. After installation, the IDEATAPI.MPD file is stored in the c:\\System\IOSubSys directory. The IDEATAPI.INF information on the install floppy is integrated into the Windows 95* device database for automatic support of the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller and is stored in the c:\\INF directory as one of the files named OEM.INF (name varies depending on system.) 4.2 DE-INSTALLATION (Method 1) This procedure allows one to de-install the use of the Intel Triton Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI device driver and restore the default Windows 95* device driver for IDE support. 1) Close any running applications. 2) Un-install the bus master driver. A. Open the Control Panel folder. B. Invoke the System applet. C. Click on the Device Manager option. D. Click on the View Devices by Type option. A list of the system devices connected to the system will be displayed. E. Click on the Hard disk controllers record. For case 1, there should be three instances listed. * Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controllers * Primary IDE controller * Secondary IDE controller Goto step F for case 1. For case 2, there should be two instances listed: * Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller * Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller Goto step G for case 2. F. Remove the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controllers listings (case 1). 1. Select the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controllers listing. 2. Click on the Remove option. 3. Select OK when prompted to remove this controller. 4. Goto step H. G. Remove the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller listings (case 2). 1. Delete the associated .INF file: a. Go to the .INF directory: (1) Invoke the MS-DOS* Command prompt (2) cd c:\INF b. Determine which INF file to delete. The Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller .INF file is located at one of the files named OEM.INF. There may be one or more of these OEM.INF files loaded on the system. To determine the correct one to delete use file compare to compare each of the OEM.INF files to the IDEATAPI.INF file on the install floppy. Other devices may be stored as an OEM*.INF file, so it is important to select the correct one. c. Delete the correct OEM.INF file. 2. Remove the Secondary Controller's listing. a. Select the Second instance of the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller. b. Click on the Remove option. c. Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller. 3. Remove the Primary Controller's listing. a. Select the remaining instance of the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller b. Click on the Remove option. c. Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller. H. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95* I. Windows 95* will restart. 3. Install the default Windows drivers when prompted to do so. A. Windows 95* will report that the Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller (Bus mastering not supported) has been detected. Select the Windows default driver for installation. B. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95* 4.3 DE-INSTALLATION (Method 2) You can also try another way to change back to the Windows 95* default driver: 1. Open the Control Panel folder. 2. Invoke the System applet. 3. Click on the Device Manager option. 4. Click on the View Devices by Type option. A list of the system devices connected to the system will be displayed. 5. Click on the Hard disk controllers record. For case 1, there should be three instances listed. * Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controllers * Primary IDE controller * Secondary IDE controller Goto step 6 for case 1. For case 2, there should be two instances listed: * Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller * Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller Goto step 7 for case 2. 6. For case 1: o Double click on the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controllers. o Click on the Driver. o Click on the Change Driver. o Select the default driver to change back to. 7. For each instance of case 2: o Double click on the Intel Triton Bus Master IDE Controller. o Click on the Driver. o Click on the Change Driver. o Select the default driver to change back to. 8. Restart Windows 95* when prompted to do so. ############################################################################# 5. N O V E L L 3.X & 4.X ############################################################################# 5.1 INSTALLATION 1) Copy the driver TRIN4X.DSK or TRIN312.DSK to the subdirectory which holds the file SERVER.EXE. 2) Boot up the file server. 3) On the system console and on the command prompt state, type in: load TRIN4X.DSK or load TRIN312.DSK You can also include the above command line into the start up file STARTUP.NCF to load the driver automatically. For disk operation or CD-ROM operation, please refer to the corresponding NOVELL system user manual. NOVELL has a command "cd help" which describe all features for CD-ROM. 5.2 TROUBLESHOOTING 5.2.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities If the NOVELL does not work properly after the installation, it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The user can use parameters to override the capabilities reported by the connected device drives. The user can append parameters with the following format [/V] [/drive [dma=dmamode|pio=piomode] [!lba] [!ms]] to "load TRINxxx". Where V indicates to display verbose information. drive specifies which drive to override on. It can be: PM primary/master PS primary/slave SM secondary/master SS secondary/slave dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be: SW2 single word DMA mode 2 MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1 MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2 NO not use DMA operation. The PIO will be used. piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be: 0 PIO mode 0 1 PIO mode 1 2 PIO mode 2 3 PIO mode 3 4 PIO mode 4 If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO operation on the corresponding drive. !lba indicates not to use LBA mode. !ms indicates not to use multi-sectors commands. ############################################################################# 6. S C O U N I X ############################################################################# 6.1 INSTALLATION 1) Install SCO UNIX 3.2.x or SCO Open Desktop 3.x using the default SCO IDE driver. 2) Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 3) Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5inch floppy drive of your system. Use doscp command to copy the file TRISCO.TAR to your /tmp directory. For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type: doscp a:/scounix/trisco.tar /tmp/trisco.tar 4) From root directory, type the following commands: mkdir /inst cd /inst tar xvf /tmp/trisco.tar . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) 5) Now, insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive A and type: tar cvf /dev/ . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) Your floppy drive A device name could be: rfd096ds15 5.25 DSHD rfd0135ds18 3.5 DSHD rfd048ds9 5.25 DSDD rfd0135ds9 3.5 DSDD Now you have already made an installation diskette for the device driver. Start the installation by typing: custom 6) Select the "Install" operation and then follow the guided steps. When prompted "Do you want to set the device configuration (y/n)", answer "n". 7) Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 6.2 DE-INSTALLATION 1) Start the de-installation by typing: custom 2) Select the "remove" operation to start the de-installation. 3) Then select the All EIDE Bus Master Device Driver Package. The driver will be removed from the SCO UNIX System disk and the original IDE driver will be restored. 4) Reboot your SCO UNIX system and now the TRISCO Device Driver has been removed. 6.3 ADDING ADDITIONAL HARD DISK 1) First type command: mkdev hd unit SCSI-adapter 0 trisco where, the "unit" can be 0 (indicates the master drive) or 1 ( indicates the slave drive); The "adapter" can be 0 (indicates the primary channel) or 1 (indicates the secondary channel). For example, to configure the master driver on the secondary IDE channe type: mkdev hd 0 SCSI-1 0 trisco Then just follow the instructions of this command to update SCSI configuration and build a new kernel. Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 6.4 ADDING CD-ROM 1) First type command: mkdev cdrom Then follow the instructions of this command. Answer the ferfix name by ide, the Adapter by 0 (primary channel) or 1 (secondary channel). The unit by 0 ( master derive) or 1 (slave drive). The lun by 0. If you have not installed the high-sierra file system, answer "y" to install it. At last, answer "y" to build a new kernel. 2) Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 3) To mount a CD-ROM, type: mount -r -f HS, lower /dev/cdnumber / where "number" is the CD-ROM device number which can be 0, 1,..., depending on the order of the CD-ROM installation, and is a NULL directory name which you can create by command "mkdir". 4) Now, you can operate the CD-ROM through the "install node" directory. 6.5 TROUBLESHOOTING 6.5.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities If the SCO UNIX system does not work properly after the installation, it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The user can chose parameters to override the capabilities reported by the connected device drives. 1) Insert the installation diskette in the floppy drive A, and type custom 2) Select the "install" operation and EIDE Device Driver For Intel Triton to start the process. When prompted "Do you want to set the device configuration (y/n)", answer "y", then you can set the parameters for the driver. 3) After you finish, reboot your SCO UNIX system. ############################################################################# 7. S C O U N I X 5.0 ############################################################################# 7.1 INSTALLATION 1) Install SCO UNIX 5.0 using the default SCO IDE driver. 2) Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 3) Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5inch floppy drive of your system. Use doscp command to copy the file TRISCO5.TAR to your /tmp directory. For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type: doscp a:/scounix/trisco5.tar /tmp/trisco5.tar 4) From root directory, type the following commands: mkdir /inst cd /inst tar xvf /tmp/trisco5.tar . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) 5) Install the driver by typing: ./install 6) Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 7.2 DE-INSTALLATION 1) Change the directory to /inst. 2) Remove the driver by typing: ./remove ############################################################################# 8. O S / 2 2.0 and W A R P 3.X ############################################################################# 8.1 INSTALLATION 1) Copy TRIOS2.ADD from the floppy diskette to your hard disk under the OS2 directory (i.e., C:\OS2). 2) Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS to replace BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD with BASEDEV=TRIOS2.ADD 3) Reboot the system. 8.2 DE-INSTALLATION 1) Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS and change BASEDEV=TRIOS2.ADD back to BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD 2) Reboot the system. 8.3 TROUBLESHOOTING 8.3.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities If the OS/2 system does not work properly after the installation, it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The user can use parameters to override the capabilities reported by the connected device drives. The user can append parameters with the following format [/V] [/drive [dma=dmamode|pio=piomode] [!lba] [!ms]] to "BASEDEV=TRIOS2.ADD" Where V indicates to display verbose information. drive specifies which drive to override on. It can be: PM primary/master PS primary/slave SM secondary/master SS secondary/slave dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be: SW2 single word DMA mode 2 MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1 MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2 NO not use DMA operation. The PIO will be used. piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be: 0 PIO mode 0 1 PIO mode 1 2 PIO mode 2 3 PIO mode 3 4 PIO mode 4 If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO operation on the corresponding drive. !lba indicates not to use LBA mode. !ms indicates not to use multi-sectors commands. ############################################################################# 9. S E E V E R U T I L I T Y ############################################################################# SEEVER.EXE is a utility that will display the build information for all Triton device drivers. To use this utility type SEEVER and the file name. You will see information about the device driver and when it was created. The purpose for this utility is to keep track of the different versions of the device drivers that might be released in the future. ############################################################################# ############################################################################# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) Triones Technologies, Inc. 1994-1995, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Triones Technologies, Inc. 47963A Warm Springs Blvd. Fremont, Ca. 94539 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: IN NO EVENT WILL TRIONES BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN PARTICULAR, TRIONES SHALL NOT HAVE LIABILITY FOR ANY HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, OR DATA STORED USED WITH THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING THE COSTS OF REPAIRING, REPLACING, OR RECOVERING SUCH HARDWARE, OR DATA. TRADEMARKS: OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. MS-DOS, Windows, MS, Windows NT3.5, Windows 95, Windows for WorkGroups 311 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. NOVELL 3.x, NOVELL 4.x are registered trademarks of NOVELL, Inc. SCO UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX systems Laboratory, Inc. CHANGES: The material in this manual is for information only and is subject to change without notice. TRIONES reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users. 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All rights reservedz$Build$25 May, 1995VERSIONVersion: COPYRIGHTCopyright:BUILDBuild: $,7ALR SEEVER.EXE Binary File Version Identification Utility > Copyright 1995 Intel Corporation, Triones Technologies, Inc. Usage: SEEVER No file name is specified !!r+b Specified file cannot is found !! - Version Information - %%s %s %s -AS \\_C_FILE_INFO=n55"EEE50P 0PX000WP ``````ppxxxx(null)   nnnnnnn EEE50P 0PX000WP ``````ppxxxx(null)m(<>R6000 - stack overflow R6003 - integer divide by 0 R6009 - not enough space for environment run-time error R6002 - floating-point support not loaded R6001 - null pointer assignment ZRB OP4PˌÌH؎GH+s+ڋ+s+¬NF$6 -؎֋./@ʎں!L!Packed file is corrupt  <&roller" MF\GOODBMSECONDARY.DeviceDesc="Secondary IDE controller" DISK_ID=""  U P D A T E N O T I C E for Triones Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for Intel Triton Chipset Version 3.1 (November 6, 1995) 1. Some ATAPI CD-ROM drives need different workarounds. These workarounds were added into the drivers. Now more ATAPI CD-ROM models are supported. The following CD-ROM drives were fully tested: MITSUMI FX400,FX400B,FX400C,FX400D SONY CDU55E,CDU76E,CDU77E,CDU78E HITACHI CDR-7730 NEC CDR260R,CDR271,CDR272,CDR273 TOSHIBA XM-5302B WEARNES CDD-120A,CDD-220, OAK EVALUATION PHILIPS LMS CM207 (version 3.0) 2. New workaround about WD Caviar hard disk drives recommended by Western Digital was used. (version 3.0) 3. In Wondows 95 system, when entering the DOS mode, the original PIIX configuration and drive configuration will be restored. There will be no more error message or garbage characters when exiting into the DOS mode. (version 3.0) 4. The driver for Windows 95 now allows a maximum 64K data transfer size for one command. The performance is much better than before. (version 3.0) 5. For the previous versions, if a Windows 95 system was installed without the DOS or Windows 3.1 pre-installed, for the following device combination: 0x1F0: a DMA supported disk drive 0x170: a PIO only CD-ROM drive accesssing the CD-ROM sometimes would result in an "Exception 0E ..." error message. This issue now is fixed. (version 3.0) 6. The bus master IDE is a new technology. With so many IDE/ATAPI devices already in the market, there are a lot of compatability issues. Our bus master IDE/ATAPI device drivers are the first ones in the market. We have been keeping in touch with the IDE hard disk and ATAPI CD-ROM device manfacturers. Since the last release (version 3.0), we have gotten some new feedbacks from them. We adjusted the default mode settings for some hard disks into the drivers. (version 3.1) 7. The following new CD-ROM models were tested: WEARNES CDD-620 SANYO CRD-254P 8. We provided a new method to change back to the Windows 95 default driver, please refer to the readme file. (version 3.1) 9. When forcing to use PIO mode 0, the DOS driver sometimes reportes a wrong PIO mode. This problem was fixed in this release. (version 3.1) IMPD Nf4x. Mh.. 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S._.N&t[Win CD is Waiting... .@...`a.&_ "Ģ`S3._.u&t & 3[S@&^& &.& '"[ ^&&WËUWʋ+~m_]UVʋ+vo^]fPhh@9fX ffXfPRhh@9fX fZfXUSQRVW^ N .@&{ u..MV.UV.U.E .E.E3KrF.|t?.L9t.Q..T.\.LrYr.E.E7.>tE3K4V F$rʋV 3_^ZY[]V..U.]wt sCtA.)]' u t2.5 t.u+ރ .EB3.Es .E^а ..Ë2.>tW3K_6s6GÜЋ؃t=t=t=t..].[u.[ͫ4 ÆÒÃtȋPY;wȋ3PZ3WߎNj2_WVߎNj^_ÈGgÈgWU^&&g&W]UWV~^_]K<Ɗ܊<-KÊG.ЊG&2ÊGЊG2  Ê 3&l&nô. tCUS^& tC[]3ҹ =tRZ00123456789ABCDEF؃tS[.@&&{& Windows/DOS Bus Master ATAPI CD-ROM Driver for Intel Triton, Version 3.1 Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Triones Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. $Version$DOS Bus Master ATAPI CD-ROM Driver for Intel Triton, V3.1$Copyright$94-95 Triones Technologies, Inc. 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All rights reserved$Build$11/06/1995Triton Chpiset Signiture Not Found!! $DMA Base Address Error !! $Bus Master IDE Device Driver Not Installed $Bus Master IDE Device Driver Installed $. . `O.( Pf9 ft =af 9 f H$& f@9 fff fh8 f%  &w&w $д ! ! &G&O&Gf9 fffff 9 f .&( .B$"桸?Dfۺ@&{ f3fffC..f.f...f3WVK^ff_5!UW%!v5!v%!w5!w%! &G9&O&G !aW@E 2<E<? 6!utώǿ mBB_WP@; XBBXu_ôЀʀ?33ô. 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No Disk Can Support DMA Data Transfer!! $Invalid Command Line Parameter Detected: aMtxro7 31A1 U aMtxro7 12A1 U aMtxro7 42 5 aMtxro7 43 5 aMtxro7 12 3TA aMtxro7 45 0VA aMtxro7 58 0VA UQNAUT MAMEVIRKC5 04TS8505 A TS6506 A MZ?@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $LE  Eh !,<op (3 E    INT1333AD'Edhltx|X'H=U{'H'PL\Px` #'(,L'0Tp@'D%*'E0HL7N'Dnu|u-u1ø Ð3ҊU}ur2҈U€tl<t^ G,MwFF $PEEe,WE0,ÀM,e,U0EfFfF rE8UC‰Ft= IЁ A 3RQPRQP c t[ d _ ^HVf~tWH_f~s f~uVH^FKu2fNfufrt uf~EPEf~EfFif~떠DgfEfG f- g$fEffEG HGG$fEfEgEX3FEGUG$?DFMN H L 'H ( ,'(   INT13 BEEEEEEEEEE#EEEE`Wr4w/<u"<DD:Euaa3۾ t-=>Dellu! uf[Jˁ@E3F s3 Ѕu L3 %rHINDOSPOLLINGOverlappedIOWIN3TRI-100 Int 13h VxDs require Windows Ver 3.1 or later. $ TRI-100 Virtual Int 13h Driver Version 0.62A. Copyright (c) Triones Technologies, Inc., 1995. $ Int 13h VxD failed to communicate with TRI-100 DOS Int 13h handler. Int 13h VxD cannot be loaded. Please check with Triones' support staff. $ No IDE drive was found attached to TRI-100 ISA-Bus IDE adapter. Int 13h VxD cannot be loaded. Please check with Triones' support staff. $INT13_TRI100_VERINT13_TRI100_DEBUG= Press any key to continue ... $ IDE drive failed to pass initialization in Int 13h Vxd Driver $ Int 13h Translation Real Mode Initialization finished !$$Version$Windows INT 13 Translation for Intel Triton, V3.1$Copyright$94-95 Triones Technologies, Inc. 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All rights reserved$Build$11/06/1995ATA_Nov-EventATA_Nov-AllocATA_Nov-IORegATA_Nov-InterATA_Nov-AESPATA_Nov-TimerATA_Nov-16MegATA_Nov-Drive ERROR: No Piix found by using func 0! ERROR: No Piix found by using func 1! ERROR: No IDE controller enabled! Error: Alloccate Resource %s Tag Error: RegisterForEventNotification() fails Error: Hardware conflicts Error: No device found! Error: AddDiskSystem() fails IDE Primary IDE SecondaryMaster Device Slave Device [DISK] SEQACESPRINTERPROCESSWRTONCE[CDROM]SCANNEROPTICALMEDCHGR Error: AddDiskDevice for Adapter:%x/Device:%x Primary SecondaryMasterSlave *** Bus Master/PIO EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver *** %s/%s: Not found%s DMA Single-Word 2 DMA Multi-Word %d PIO Mode %d, LBA, Multi-Sect ============================================================================= V32BIT!32BITPMPSSMSSDMA=SW2DMA=MW1DMA=MW2PIO=0PIO=1PIO=2PIO=3PIO=4LBAMSWC!LBA!MS!WCDMA=NO@EVNTALRTIORSINTPAESPTIMRCB16DDSK"#p!p!+9GVemu}   #)/59<?DHLaMtxro7 31A1 U aMtxro7 12A1 U aMtxro7 42 5 aMtxro7 43 5 aMtxro7 12 3TA aMtxro7 45 0VA aMtxro7 58 0VA UQNAUT MAMEVIRKC5 04TS8505 A TS6506 A xZA@A@A@|A@kA@XA@NA@*A@?@L??9;5;1;-;);%;!;;;;m)@Z)@D)@;)@3)@#)@ )@(@(@(@(@(@(@((@(@|(@w(@m(@X(@F(B(>(:(6(#@"@!@!@!@!@HD@<840,($  F  @kI@+@P@@@@@@@@h @ @@i@c@P@J@7@1@'@@ @@@@@@@@m@e@`@V@@\@Q@@@@@@@W@(@ @ @ @% @. @%@@@@@@@@@@x@k@c@^YTM@8@+@%@@@@I@@@_@R@A@<@7@"@@ @@@@@@@@@@m@c@]@W@Q@G@;@.@@@@@@@@@@@@g@`@V@7@0@)@@@@@@@@@@@@@U@O@C@4@*@$@@ 6|xtplhd\XTUnRegisterEventNotification@@SetHardwareInterrupt@ScheduleNoSleepAESProcessEvent&@~"@RemoveDiskDevice@@RegisterForEventNotification@RegisterHardwareOptionsF@ PutRequest@]@@@PutIOCTL4@@@OutputToScreen @n@U@<@@@@r@@@0@@@MapAbsoluteAddressToDataOffset] @ @MapDataOffsetToAbsoluteAddress@I @ @ GetRequest@GetIOCTL/@GetCurrentTime:@:@26@*6@3@2@^0@K0@$@$@#@#@t#@m#@,@@Free@DoRealModeInterrupt@DeRegisterHardwareOptions@@=@DeleteDiskDevice@@DeleteDiskSystem@ CheckDiskCardW@ClearHardwareInterrupt@@@CancelNoSleepAESProcessEvent+@!@@CUnAdjustRealModeInterruptMask@@@CEnableHardwareInterrupt)@CDisableHardwareInterrupt'"@!@@@@@CDoEndOfInterrupt!@CAdjustRealModeInterruptMask@AllocateResourceTag@Alloc/ @ AddDiskDevice@ AddDiskSystemp@<&roller" MF\GOODBMSECONDARY.DeviceDesc="Secondary IDE controller" DISK_ID="" . !Mh!.. !MhTRIOS2 ADD If(nMZ(8@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $NE Zu# )@PPZZ) L`h hTRIOS2??%@#TRIONES:1.00#@ (For Evalution Only)EIDE_CD$ $Version$ OS2 3.0 Bus Master Device Driver for Intel Triton, V3.1$Copyright$ 94-95 Triones Technologies,Inc. All rights reserved.$Build$ 11/06/1995 %#%s%#%s%#%s%#ERROR: Trios2 Driver installation fail!!TRIONES_*_EIDE4p8 OS/2 Bus Master EIDE Hard Disk/ATAPI CD-ROM Device Driverfor Intel Triton, Version 3.1 Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Triones Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.**hSERROR: Main Board Signature can't be found!!ERROR: No Piix found by using func 0!ERROR: No Piix found by using func 1!ERROR: No IDE controller enabled!Primary SecondaryMaster Slave %#%s%#%s: %# %s : CDROM -- DISK -- SingleWord DMA = %dMulti-Word DMA = %dPIO Timing Mode= %d [ LBA Enabled ] [Multi-Sectors]%#%s%# N=,    0123456789ABCDEF SM2MW1MW2NOVPMPSSMSSPIODMAMS!MSLBA!LBAptx|lXF00D1 EFX40CM207 LION OPTICS CD-ROM CDU55E &G<t&GS`=[UPPfFf^fN fVfvf~fnURV3Z]URVFZ]URVZ]URVFZ]UVfff]URVfFfZ]UWRQV~N mYZ_]UVRQVvN oYZ^]UWRQf3f3ɋV~N fmYZ_]UVRQf3f3ɋVvN foYZ^]UWQf3f3f3~NQfYY_]UVWQf3f3f3v~N QfYY_^]UFf ff3FfЋFff3ҊVfff]USFVv3v Ԋ[]USRQFV^K&W3<&&WYZ[]UFf ffFfff]UF]UVFֆ]UfVfFfff]ÜPR|ZZXPR|ZZXUSQRVWv ^F ~NCZ_^ZY[] USQVWN^FZnj_^Y[]UQVWv&ZЋ_^Y]URF1ZZ]USRF^Z ò1ZZ[]USR^ZZ[]UVSRv3۲=ZZ[^]WVh$^_WVh ^_WV^u^^Gv^w(^_WV  FF~rfiF:F^uK^u>^G^w+^&^LJ^^GvJ^_WV؋FVFVF Fu^&Gu^&G&WFV+FF^&tF^&G ^&GF^G F^&GF^&GF~u ~t~vF^9.r^㋇FHF~w ^Gt^&O ^&G sFvv^>luN^Gu^&O ^&G ^O#^g^&GF&WH^G>W@^t0j^&wF&wDF.PL ^t^24FV 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This configuration enables/disable Logical Block Support for IDE drives which support this option. The configuration report when booting will indicate whether this feature has been enabled on a particular drive. By default, LBA Support is enabled. Do you want to support the LBA characteristic? (y/n): \c" >&2 do read aa rest case $aa in y|Y) break ;; n|N) tmp="${tmp} !LBA" suptLBA=" No" break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select yes or no" >&2 esac done while echo "\n\r 2) Enable/Disable Multple Block I/O Support This configuration enables/disable Set Multiple Support. The Multiple Block I/O improves performance of most IDE drives. If the drive does not support this feature, this switch will be ignored. The configuration report when booting will indicate whether this feature has been enabled on a particular drive. By default, Set Multiple Support is enabled. Do you want to support the Multi_Sectors Mode? (y/n): \c" >&2 do read aa rest case $aa in y|Y) break ;; n|N) tmp="${tmp} !MS" suptSMS=" No" break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select yes or no" >&2 esac done while echo "\n\r3) Override Vendor-Specified PIO Timing Mode By default, the driver automatically sets the highest PIO timing mode supported by each drive. This configuration allows you to override the vendor-specified PIO timing mode with any timing mode between 0 and 5. This is particularly useful for support of drives which have firmware bugs, causing them to return incorrect PIO timing modes in the IDENTIFY DRIVE command. For example, many current drives which claim to be Mode 2 are really Mode 0 or Mode 1. Please specify the PIO Timing Mode(0-4 or q): \c" >&2 do read aa rest case $aa in 0|1|2|3|4) tmp="${tmp} PIO=${aa}" PIOM=" ${aa} " break ;; q|Q) break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select 0-4 or no" >&2 esac done while echo "\n\r4) Override Vendor-Specified DMA Timing Mode By default, the driver automatically sets the highest DMA timing mode supported by each drive. This configuration allows you to override the vendor-specified DMA timing mode with any timing mode between 0 and 2. This is particularly useful for support of drives which have firmware bugs, causing them to return incorrect DMA timing modes in the IDENTIFY DRIVE command. Please specify the DMA Timing Mode: 1. Single Word DMA mode 2 2. Multi-Word DMA mode 1 3. Multi-Word DMA mode 2 4. Not use DMA operation Input your select(1-4 or q): \c" >&2 do read aa rest case $aa in 1) tmp="$tmp DMA=SW2" DMAM=" SW2" break ;; 2) tmp="$tmp DMA=MW1" DMAM=" MW1" break ;; 3) tmp="$tmp DMA=MW2" DMAM=" MW2" break ;; 4) tmp="$tmp DMA=NO" DMAM=" NO " break ;; q|Q) break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select 1-4 or q" >&2 esac done while echo " Your configuration for ${2} ============================================ --------------------------------------------------- | Support | Support | PIO Timing | DMA Timing | | LBA | SMS | Mode | Mode | |---------|---------|--------------|--------------| | ${suptLBA} | ${suptSMS} | ${PIOM} | ${DMAM} | --------------------------------------------------- Are You sure to receive the configuration? (y/n/q): \c" >&2 do read aa reset case $aa in y|Y) rep=0 break ;; n|N) break ;; q|Q) tmp= rep=0 break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select yes, no or quit" >&2 esac done done } trap 'cleanup $FAIL' 1 2 3 15 clear echo "\n" >&2 echo "\n" >&2 while echo " -------- Display Driver Information -------- This configuration will display the adapter device driver level, disk or CD-ROM controller status during the SCO UNIX system initialization. Do you want to report the Devices Informations when booting? (y/n): \c" >&2 do read aa rest case $aa in y|Y) SPACE=/V break ;; n|N) SPACE= break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select yes or no" >&2 esac done CFG00= CFG01= CFG10= CFG11= cd ${PACKDIR} clear echo "\n" >&2 echo "\n" >&2 while echo " -------- Control Parameter Configuration --------- Although the driver has set the Drive/Device configuration to make the driver's performance optimizations. You can override the default setting by yourself to make a better performance for the drive. Do you want to set the device configuration? (y/n): \c" >&2 do read aa rest case $aa in y|Y|n|N) break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select yes or no" >&2 esac done if [ $aa = "y" -o $aa = "Y" ] then repeat=1 while [ $repeat = "1" ] do while echo "\n Please select the device which you want to configurate ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Primary port master device 2) Primary port slave device 3) Secondary port master device 4) Secondary port slave device 5) Exit Please select 1-5: \c" >&2 do read aa rest case $aa in 1) setparam "PM" "Primary Master" CFG00=${tmp} break ;; 2) setparam "PS" "Primary Slave" CFG01=${tmp} break ;; 3) setparam "SM" "Secondary Master" CFG10=${tmp} break ;; 4) setparam "SS" "Secondary Slave" CFG11=${tmp} break ;; 5) repeat=0 break ;; *) echo "\nWARINING:\07You must select 1-5" >&2 esac done done fi echo "char *CommandLine =\"${SPACE} ${CFG00} ${CFG01} ${CFG10} ${CFG11}\";" >space._IDE safecopy space._IDE space.c rm -f *._IDE cd ${CONFDIR} grep "eide" mdevice > mdevice._IDE if [ ! -s mdevice._IDE ] then cat mdevice Master > mdevice._IDE safecopy mdevice._IDE mdevice fi rm -f Master rm -f mdevice._IDE grep "eide" mscsi > mscsi._IDE if [ ! -s mscsi._IDE ] then cat mscsi Mscsi > mscsi._IDE safecopy mscsi._IDE mscsi fi rm -f Mscsi rm -f mscsi._IDE if [ ! -f "${PERMSDIR}/eide" -o ! -d "${SAVEDIR}" ] then if [ ! -d "${SAVEDIR}" ] then mkdir ${SAVEDIR} fi cd ${SDEVICED} safecopy hd ${SAVEDIR}/hd safecopy wd ${SAVEDIR}/wd safecopy wd0 ${SAVEDIR}/wd0 safecopy wd1 ${SAVEDIR}/wd1 safecopy Sdsk ${SAVEDIR}/Sdsk safecopy Srom ${SAVEDIR}/Srom fi cd ${SDEVICED} safecopy HD hd rm -f HD sed -e 's;Y;N;' < wd > wd._IDE safecopy wd._IDE wd sed -e 's;Y;N;' < wd0 > wd0._IDE safecopy wd0._IDE wd0 sed -e 's;Y;N;' < wd1 > wd1._IDE safecopy wd1._IDE wd1 sed -e 's;N;Y;' < Sdsk > Sdsk._IDE safecopy Sdsk._IDE Sdsk rm -f *._IDE clear cd ${BUILD} ./idbuild exit $OK ./tmp/init.eide 700 0 1 7773 6046531576 6561 : # # # Copyright (C) Triones Technologies, INC. 1994-1995 # # # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/etc tmp=/tmp/eide$$ perm="/etc/perms/eide" # permlist of this product PERM=/etc/perms/inst # OS (link kit) permlist set="EIDE Device Driver for Intel Triton, V3.1" _THIRDPARTY= # only true if 3rd party s/w exists _RELINK= # gets set to true by SAMI if nec. CONFDIR=/etc/conf/cf.d : ${OK=0} ${FAIL=1} ${TRUE=0} ${FALSE=1} # Function Definition # Prompt for yes or no answer - returns non-zero for no getyn() { while echo "\n$* (y/n) \c">&2 do read yn rest case $yn in [yY]) return 0 ;; [nN]) return 1 ;; *) echo "Please answer y or n" >&2 ;; esac done } # Remove temp files and exit with the status passed as argument # Usage: cleanup status # cleanup() { trap '' 1 2 3 15 [ "$tmp" ] && rm -f $tmp* exit $1 } # Install third party software, if necessary, and execute mkdev type program thirdparty() { thirdanswer= # test if _THIRDPARTY is set [ "$_THIRDPARTY" ] && { while echo " Do you have a third party driver or product to install (y/n)? \c" read thirdanswer do case $thirdanswer in y|Y) echo " When the next menu is displayed on the screen, choose item number 4 to add a supported product.\n" /etc/custom break ;; n|N) break ;; *) echo "\nPlease enter y or n.\n" >&2 ;; esac done } # test if _MKDEV is set [ "$_MKDEV" ] && sh -c "_RELINK=: $_MKDEV" return $OK } # Print an error messages error() { echo "\nError $*" >&2 } # Set PERM variable used in linkchk permschk() { cd / if [ -f /etc/perms/extmd ]; then PERM=/etc/perms/extmd elif [ -f /etc/perms/inst ]; then PERM=/etc/perms/inst else error "Cannot locate LINK packages permlist. Needed to verify linkkit installation" cleanup $FAIL fi } # Test to see if link kit is installed chklinkkit() { until fixperm -i -d LINK $PERM do case $? in 4) echo "The Link Kit is not installed." >&2 ;; 5) echo "The Link Kit is only partially installed." >&2 ;; *) echo "Error testing for Link Kit. Exiting."; cleanup $FAIL ;; esac # Not fully installed. Do so here while echo "Do you wish to install it now? (y/n) \c" do read ANSWER case $ANSWER in Y|y) custom -o -i LINK break ;; N|n) echo "Drivers cannot be installed without the Link Kit." cleanup $FAIL ;; *) echo "Please answer 'y' or 'n'. \c" ;; esac done done } # main() - starting point for action in script cd / # Clean up and exit after signals trap "cleanup $FAIL" 1 2 3 15 permschk # Check for link kit, since drivers cannot be installed without it chklinkkit # if there is a third party driver or software to be installed then the # _THIRDPATY variable is set to true. In that case we want to install that # software using custom [ "$_THIRDPARTY" ] && thirdparty # Run install.driver for each driver selected (sets up driver-specific info) # A driver install script should be present in /tmp for each package the user # selected from custom for i in /tmp/install.* do $i || { echo "\n$i script failed. Exiting ..\n" cleanup $FAIL } done rm -f /tmp/install.* cleanup $OK ./usr/lib/custom/eide.rmv 700 0 1 2034 6007101453 10454 # # Copyright (C) Triones Technologies, INC. 1994-1995 # # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/etc BUILD=/etc/conf/bin CONFDIR=/etc/conf/cf.d PACKD=/etc/conf/pack.d SDEVICED=/etc/conf/sdevice.d SAVEDIR=/usr/lib/custom/save.eide : ${OK=0} ${FAIL=1} ${TRUE=0} ${FALSE=1} cleanup() { rm -rf $TMP/*.$_IDE exit $1 } safecopy() { trap "" 1 2 3 15 cp $1 $2 trap 1 2 3 15 } trap 'cleanup $FAIL' 1 2 3 15 cd ${CONFDIR} grep -v "eide" mdevice > mdevice.$_IDE safecopy mdevice.$_IDE mdevice grep -v "eide" mscsi > mscsi.$_IDE safecopy mscsi.$_IDE mscsi rm -f *.$_IDE cd ${SDEVICED} rm -f eide safecopy ${SAVEDIR}/hd hd safecopy ${SAVEDIR}/wd wd safecopy ${SAVEDIR}/wd0 wd0 safecopy ${SAVEDIR}/wd1 wd1 safecopy ${SAVEDIR}/Sdsk Sdsk safecopy ${SAVEDIR}/Srom Srom rm -rf ${SAVEDIR} cd ${PACKD} rm -rf eide cd wd0 if [ -f stubs.c ] then mv stubs.c STUBS.C fi if [ -f stubs.o ] then mv stubs.o STUBS.O fi cd ../wd1 if [ -f stubs.c ] then mv stubs.c STUBS.C fi if [ -f stubs.o ] then mv stubs.o STUBS.O fi cd ${BUILD} ./idbuild exit $OK ./etc/conf/cf.d/Master 700 0 1 34 6007101453 7555 eide Is iHh eide 0 0 1 2 -1 ./etc/conf/cf.d/Mscsi 600 0 1 20 6007101453 7372 eide Sdsk 0 0 0 ./etc/conf/pack.d/wd0/stubs.c 644 0 1 1155 6007101454 11000 #ident "@(#) stubs.c 23.2 91/03/12 " /* * Copyright (C) 1989-1991 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * The information in this file is provided for the exclusive use of * the licensees of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Such users have the * right to use, modify, and incorporate this code into other products * for purposes authorized by the license agreement provided they include * this notice and the associated copyright notice with any such product. * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty. */ wd0open() {} wd0intr() {} wd0halt() {} wd0pres() {return (0);} ./etc/conf/pack.d/eide/Driver.o 600 0 1 134435 6046532013 11365 LR0+ 8]@.text8]h .data@@^(Z@.bss%@%@.commentluU =@t Ð@h h@EEl@E}r u u5=@u%<FP@EiE@EM <EM FHE8O@M l@E@EEȍ IUffʉ E@fǀE@fǀE@MfIfE@ǀ @Eȍ@ǀ@L+Eȍ@ǀDl)Eȍ@ǀLEȍ@M @APEȍ@MIHEȍ@8P @E@9El+U=@t Ð=@uEE>u#uh@jEpj0h@E@@E}EȍEE8u׋MHEMHE@@u uuS Ex4_PA"E@DPE@EPE@FPuh@jEpj0h@(DExu @Ju EE9@v?i@ExuP E@E@ EEppXEE}s$hu/hu/ uuE}s[EȍEE8uۃx4uhPJ/E@ th P0/ tE` 뒐f@$@ @f@5@h #Ef|fMf xPE~P"E}s!iE@ExuE#h@h:@h[@=t@+ÐÐÐÐU@E u+ÐE@EEE EE}s!EEME 8uEE9Eu먐h@jDÐU @%@EE}sKfEf f3@f%fMf f3f@5@h z!h _!=.u}u h@K@@f@f@5@h '!h !=0th@jiÐf@$@ @f@5@h h EEuh%@멐f@$ f@5@h j h ? f@$ f@5@h a h !  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$ITaskDone|97"9,M:P@ECO(GXferINC\FXferOUT,Ekeide_slot_nibbleeide_hba_ideide_porteidectlrinfoeidestartLocalBusSpeedWaitDeviceReadyAtapiSoftResetWaitDRQLoopWasteTimeLoopPrintInfoInitialDoneScanforPiixchipCommandLineDiskReadyLoopWaitForDRQsvirtophysGetDiskInfoIdeHardReseteide_nameDriveConfigInfoDriveInfoeide_num_adaptersRunIDECommandeide_entryeidestrategyCheckAdapterWasteTimeeideioctlWaitDiskReadycAdaptersStartDoneVersionInforCheckDeviceWaitBusyOffLoopSharegisterFunction0IndexIssueIdentifyeideinstalledSetTimeCountSetBufferSetFeatureTestflagsSetIDEConfigGetCDROMInfoFunction1IndexWaitOnBusyeideprintDeviceReadyLoopParseCustomOptionsCheckSignatureDMAStringCMDStringAdaptNameDeviceNameVendorCDROMGetFunct0GetCfgDataShortSwapSetCfgDataeidetimerTaskExecuteeideretryuntimeoutXferToSGListCompletIOTaskQueuePrepareIOConstructSGListTaskExecFlagsATAPICommandCDROMInterruptNoKownCommandStartReadCDROMTaskPrepareTaskInterruptSendAtapiCommandSendIdeCommandStartCDROMCommandErrorInfoStartOthersIDECommandStartBlockIOTaskStartTaskErrorDiskInterruptReadRemainDoBlockIOSetIntrStateXferFromSGList./etc/conf/pack.d/eide/space.c 600 0 1 34 6007101454 11072 char *CommandLine = " "; ./etc/conf/pack.d/wd1/stubs.c 644 0 1 1072 6007101454 10777 #ident "@(#) stubs.c 23.1 91/05/18 " /* * Copyright (C) 1991 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * The information in this file is provided for the exclusive use of * the licensees of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Such users have the * right to use, modify, and incorporate this code into other products * for purposes authorized by the license agreement provided they include * this notice and the associated copyright notice with any such product. * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty. */ int wd1intr() {} ./etc/conf/sdevice.d/eide 600 0 1 70 6007101454 10262 eide Y 2 5 0 14 1f0 1f7 0 0 eide Y 2 5 0 15 170 177 0 0 ./etc/conf/sdevice.d/HD 644 0 1 25 6007101454 7657 hd Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . %Mh.. %MhIDEATAPIINF NfIDEATAPIMPD Nfx;Copyright 1995, Triones, Inc. [version] signature="$CHICAGO$" Class=hdc Provider=%TRIONES% ;Class Install [ClassInstall] AddReg=HDC_Class [HDC_Class] HKR,,,,%HDCClassName% [Manufacturer] %TRIONES%=PIIX_HDC [PIIX_HDC] %*pnp0680.DeviceDesc%=BMIDE, *PNP0680 ;Generic bus master IDE %PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1230.DeviceDesc%=DUAL_BMIDE, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1230 %MF\GOODBMPRIMARY.DeviceDesc%=BMIDE_Child, MF\GOODBMPRIMARY %MF\GOODBMSECONDARY.DeviceDesc%=BMIDE_Child, MF\GOODBMSECONDARY [BMIDE] CopyFiles=@ideatapi.mpd AddReg=BMIDE.AddReg [BMIDE_Child] AddReg=BMIDE.AddReg [DUAL_BMIDE] CopyFiles=@ideatapi.mpd AddReg=StandardMF.Reg [DUAL_BMIDE.HW] AddReg=DUAL_BMIDE.RegHW [DUAL_BMIDE.RegHW] HKR,Child0000,HardwareID,,MF\GOODBMPRIMARY HKR,Child0000,ResourceMap,1,00,01,02,06 HKR,Child0000,MFFlags,1,0C,00,00,00 HKR,Child0001,HardwareID,,MF\GOODBMSECONDARY HKR,Child0001,ResourceMap,1,03,04,05,07 HKR,Child0001,MFFlags,1,0C,00,00,00 HKR,,PCIDualIDE,1,01 [StandardMF.Reg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*CONFIGMG HKR,,Enumerator,,*CONFIGMG 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nB #%4&/Q2C8|;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OPTION TYPE ; ----------- ; This identifies the Option type we are dealing with. The different ; possible types are: ; ; COMPUTER, VIDEO, POINTER, KEYBOARD, LAYOUT, SCSI, TAPE, PRINTER, ... ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Identification] OptionType = SCSI ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LANGUAGES SUPPORTED ; ------------------- ; ; The languages supported by the INF, For every language supported ; we need to have a separate text section for every displayable text ; section. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- [LanguagesSupported] ENG ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OPTION LIST ; ----------- ; This section lists the Option key names. These keys are locale ; independent and used to represent the option in a locale independent ; manner. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Options] "IDEATAPI" = ideatapi ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OPTION TEXT SECTION ; ------------------- ; These are text strings used to identify the option to the user. There ; are separate sections for each language supported. The format of the ; section name is "OptionsText" concatenated with the Language represented ; by the section. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- [OptionsTextENG] "IDEATAPI" = "TRITON Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SCSI MINIPORT DRIVERS: ; ; Order of the information: ; ; Class driver = Type, Group, ErrorControl, Tag, EventMessageFile, TypesSupported ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MiniportDrivers] ideatapi = !SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, "SCSI Miniport", !SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, 17, %SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll , 7 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 1. Identify ; ; DESCRIPTION: To verify that this INF deals with the same type of options ; as we are choosing currently. ; ; INPUT: None ; ; OUTPUT: $($R0): STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; $($R1): Option Type (COMPUTER ...) ; $($R2): Diskette description ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Identify] ; ; read-syms Identification set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set Identifier = $(OptionType) set Media = #("Source Media Descriptions", 1, 1) Return $(Status) $(Identifier) $(Media) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2. ReturnOptions: ; ; DESCRIPTION: To return the option list supported by this INF and the ; localised text list representing the options. ; ; ; INPUT: $($0): Language used. ( ENG | FRN | ... ) ; ; OUTPUT: $($R0): STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_NOLANGUAGE ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $($R1): Option List ; $($R2): Option Text List ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ReturnOptions] ; ; set Status = STATUS_FAILED set OptionList = {} set OptionTextList = {} ; ; Check if the language requested is supported ; set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) goto returnoptions else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_ReturnOptions endif ; ; form a list of all the options and another of the text representing ; returnoptions = + set OptionList = ^(Options, 0) set OptionTextList = ^(OptionsText$($0), 1) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_ReturnOptions = + Return $(Status) $(OptionList) $(OptionTextList) ; ; 3. InstallOption: ; ; FUNCTION: To copy files representing Options ; To configure the installed option ; To update the registry for the installed option ; ; INPUT: $($0): Language to use ; $($1): OptionID to install ; $($2): SourceDirectory ; $($3): AddCopy (YES | NO) ; $($4): DoCopy (YES | NO) ; $($5): DoConfig (YES | NO) ; ; OUTPUT: $($R0): STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_NOLANGUAGE | ; STATUS_USERCANCEL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; [InstallOption] ; ; Set default values for ; set Status = STATUS_FAILED set DrivesToFree = {} ; ; extract parameters ; set Option = $($1) set SrcDir = $($2) set AddCopy = $($3) set DoCopy = $($4) set DoConfig = $($5) ; ; Check if the language requested is supported ; set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_InstallOption endif read-syms Strings$($0) ; ; check to see if Option is supported. ; set OptionList = ^(Options, 0) ifcontains $(Option) in $(OptionList) else Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: SCSI option is not supported." goto finish_InstallOption endif set OptionList = "" ; ; Option has been defined already ; set MiniportDriver = #(Options, $(Option), 1) set Type = $(#(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 1)) set Group = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) set ErrorControl = $(#(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 3)) set Tag = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 4) set EventMessageFile = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 5) set TypesSupported = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 6) set Start = $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) installtheoption = + ; ; Code to add files to copy list ; ifstr(i) $(AddCopy) == "YES" set DoActualCopy = NO set FileToCheck = #(Files-ScsiMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\drivers\"$(FileToCheck) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO set DoActualCopy = YES endif ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == NO shell "subroutn.inf" DriversExist $($0) $(String1) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: shelling DriversExist failed" goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_CURRENT else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_NEW set DoActualCopy = YES else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: User cancelled SCSI installation" goto finish_InstallOption else Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Error reported in DriversExist routine in SUBROUTN.INF" goto finish_InstallOption endif endif ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == YES shell "subroutn.inf" DoAskSourceEx $(SrcDir) $(String2) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: shelling DoAskSourceEx failed" goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set SrcDir = $($R1) ifstr(i) $($R2) != "" set DrivesToFree = >($(DrivesToFree), $($R2)) endif else Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: User cancelled asking source." goto finish_InstallOption endif install Install-AddCopyOption ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != "STF_SUCCESS" Debug-Output "Adding SCSI files to copy list failed" goto finish_InstallOption endif else set DoCopy = NO endif endif ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES" read-syms ProgressCopy$($0) install Install-DoCopyOption ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_FAILURE" Debug-Output "Copying files failed" goto finish_InstallOption else-ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_USERQUIT" set Status = STATUS_USERCANCEL goto finish_InstallOption endif endif ifstr(i) $(DoConfig) == "YES" ; ; first run a privilege check on modifying the setup node ; shell "registry.inf" CheckSetupModify ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL goto finish_InstallOption endif ; ; then make a new SCSI entry, the entry is created automatically ; enabled ; set ServiceNode = $(MiniportDriver) set ServiceBinary = System32\drivers\#(Files-ScsiMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) set ServicesValues = { + {Type, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(Type) }, + {Start, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(Start) }, + {Group, 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), $(Group) }, + {ErrorControl, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(ErrorControl) }, + {Tag, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(Tag) }, + {BinaryPathName, 0, $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $(ServiceBinary) } + } ;set ParametersValues = "" set ParametersValues = { + {UseLbaMode, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), 4294967295} + {UseMultiBlock, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), 4294967295} + {PrimaryMasterMode, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), 4294967295} + {PrimarySlaveMode, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), 4294967295} + {SecondaryMasterMode, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), 4294967295} + {SecondarySlaveMode, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), 4294967295} + } set DeviceValues = {} set EventLogValues = { + {EventMessageFile, 0, $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $(EventMessageFile) }, + {TypesSupported, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(TypesSupported) } + } shell "registry.inf" MakeServicesEntry $(ServiceNode) + $(ServicesValues) + $(ParametersValues) + $(DeviceValues) + $(EventLogValues) + Parameters ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "Couldn't execute MakeServicesEntry in registry.inf" goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "MakeServicesEntry failed for SCSI" goto finish_InstallOption endif ; ; Have to turn off Atdisk ; shell "registry.inf" RemoveServicesEntry "Atdisk" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to shell RemoveServicesEntry (Atdisk)" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to disable services entry (Atdisk)" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ; ; Have to turn off Atapi ; shell "registry.inf" RemoveServicesEntry "Atapi" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to shell RemoveServicesEntry (Atapi)" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to disable services entry (Atapi)" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ; ; Have to turn on ScsiDisk ; shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry scsidisk $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to shell ModifyServicesEntry (ScsiDisk)" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to modify service entry (ScsiDisk)" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ; ; Don't have to turn on ScsiCdrm, leave it at current startup type ; endif set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_InstallOption = + ForListDo $(DrivesToFree) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), DeleteNetConnection $($) "TRUE" EndForListDo Return $(Status) [Install-AddCopyOption] ; ; Add the files to the copy list ; AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList Files-ScsiMiniportDrivers + $(MiniportDriver) + $(SrcDir) + $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers exit [Install-DoCopyOption] ; ; Copy files in the copy list ; CopyFilesInCopyList exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 4. DeInstallOption: ; ; FUNCTION: To remove files representing Option ; To remove the registry entry corresponding to the Option ; ; INPUT: $($0): Language to use ; $($1): OptionID to install ; ; OUTPUT: $($R0): STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_NOLANGUAGE | ; STATUS_USERCANCEL | ; STATUS_FAILED ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DeInstallOption] ; ; Set default values for ; set Status = STATUS_FAILED ; ; extract parameters ; set Option = $($1) ; ; Check if the language requested is supported ; set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_DeInstallOption endif read-syms Strings$($0) ; ; check to see if Option is supported. ; set OptionList = ^(Options, 0) ifcontains $(Option) in $(OptionList) else goto finish_DeInstallOption endif set OptionList = "" ; ; fetch details about option ; set MiniportDriver = #(Options, $(Option), 1) set MiniportFile = #(Files-ScsiMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) set FilePath = $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\drivers\"$(MiniportFile) ; ; check to see if file is installed ; if not give success ; LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(FilePath) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "NO" set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL goto finish_DeInstallOption endif shell "registry.inf" GetServicesEntryStart $(MiniportDriver) ifstr(i) $($R0) != "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" ; this could happen if there is no start value or there is no ; key, in which case the option is not installed set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R1) == $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "WARNING" $(String3) ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL goto do_removal endif ifstr(i) $($R1) == "CANCEL" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif endif do_removal =+ ; ; disable the registry entry ; shell "registry.inf" RemoveServicesEntry $(MiniportDriver) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to shell RemoveServicesEntry" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "SCSI.INF: Failed to disable services entry" goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ; ; we won't remove the file because we can only do so during the next boot. ; if the user chooses to reinstall the same driver during this boot ; he will still end up deleting the driver on next boot. if the file ; should be deleted a warning should be put up saying that the user should ; not try to reinstall the driver during this boot ; ; AddFileToDeleteList $(FilePath) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; ; Get ATATPI existing flags from the parameters key ; shell "" GetParameterValue $(MiniportDriver) "AtapiOnPrimary" set AtapiOnPrimary = $($R1) shell "" GetParameterValue $(MiniportDriver) "AtapiOnSecondary" set AtapiOnSecondary = $($R1) ; ; turn on Atdisk and/or Atapi again ; values of AtapiOnPrimary and AtapiOnSecondary: ; 0 - only disk, no atapi ; 1 - atapi exists ; others - no any disk and atapi ; ifint $(AtapiOnPrimary) == "0" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry "Atdisk" $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) ifint $(AtapiOnSecondary) == "1" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry "Atapi" $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) endif goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifint $(AtapiOnPrimary) == "1" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry "Atapi" $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) ifint $(AtapiOnSecondary) == "0" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry "Atdisk" $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) endif goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifint $(AtapiOnSecondary) == "0" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry "Atdisk" $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) goto finish_DeInstallOption endif ifint $(AtapiOnSecondary) == "1" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry "Atapi" $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) goto finish_DeInstallOption endif finish_DeInstallOption =+ return $(Status) [GetParameterValue] set Status = STATUS_FAILED set ParameterValue = "" ;read-syms RegistryConstants Debug-Output "Get driver parameter value: "$($0)", "$($1) set KeyName = "system\"$(!STF_CONTROLSET)"\services\"$($0)\"Parameters" OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(KeyName) $(!REG_KEY_READ) KeyHandle ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "Couldn't open key for read access" goto finish_GetParameterValue endif GetRegValue $(KeyHandle) $($1) ParameterValueList ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "Couldn't read parameter value" CloseRegKey $(KeyHandle) goto finish_GetParameterValue endif CloseRegKey $(KeyHandle) set ParameterValue = *($(ParameterValueList), 4) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_GetParameterValue = + Return $(Status) $(ParameterValue) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 5. GetInstalledOptions: ; ; FUNCTION: To find out the list of options which are installed ; ; INPUT: $($0): Language to Use ; ; OUTPUT: $($R0): STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $($R1): List of options installed ; $($R2): Option installed Text List ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GetInstalledOptions] set Status = STATUS_FAILED set InstalledOptions = {} set InstalledOptionsText = {} ; ; Check if the language requested is supported ; set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_GetInstalledOptions endif set OptionList = ^(Options, 0) ForListDo $(OptionList) set MiniportDriver = #(Options, $($), 1) set MiniportFile = #(Files-ScsiMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) set FilePath = $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\drivers\"$(MiniportFile) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(FilePath) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "YES" shell "registry.inf" GetServicesEntryStart $(MiniportDriver) ifint $($ShellCode) == $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ifstr(i) $($R1) != $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) set OptionText = #(OptionsText$($0), $($), 1) set InstalledOptions = >($(InstalledOptions), $($)) set InstalledOptionsText = >($(InstalledOptionsText), $(OptionText)) endif endif endif endif EndForListDo set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_GetInstalledOptions =+ Return $(Status) $(InstalledOptions) $(InstalledOptionsText) ;************************************************************************** ; PROGRESS GUAGE VARIABLES ;************************************************************************** [ProgressCopyENG] ProCaption = "Windows NT Setup" ProCancel = "Cancel" ProCancelMsg = "Windows NT is not correcly installed. Are you sure you want "+ "to cancel copying files?" ProCancelCap = "Setup Message" ProText1 = "Copying:" ProText2 = "To:" [StringsENG] String1 = "TRITON Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" String2 = "Please enter the full path to the TRITON "+ "Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI files. Then choose Continue." String3 = "TRITON Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI has been marked as a boot device. Removing "+ "it may cause the system not to boot."$(!LF)$(!LF)"Are you sure "+ "you want to remove the Adapter." [Source Media Descriptions] 1 = "TRITON Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" , TAGFILE = disk1.nt [Files-ScsiMiniportDrivers] ideatapi = 1,ideatapi.sys , SIZE=999 ..&Ȏ؎мt,Vj@IIf  4^UD e . Z 4sf M 5r$H6 ..&L! 2=3t9t/t%3\t3Pt t.m"<t<t<uW ؎3wq ;Ëٹ $D;ƄUUƄ*UƄUUƄUUƄ*UƄUU`LIFC$D;ƄUUƄ*UƄUU*ƄUUƄ*UƄUU$D;ƄUUƄ*UƄUU.m"<s&.."33.m"2.>p"t t S.?[r.O:[}_ G G 24@ r r 3.."3r)tr%rt S3ɳ 3&&v&=&dt`u䰀`L d4.|". }".|". ~"ˀgô<8"!ø=AB?.4"!ô@>WVQP33.0"XY^_3dt`Pe.|". ~"ˀ>XtUY.|". ~"ˀR] .|". ~"SP<XZ<t<t$n" fP .f"fX.>n"fP f `" fX.>n" fP.f""fXð<  u33=vG=vG=vG=!v G=(vG=2vG=.n"2-.""E.$"2.&" #   " **!!72%(C&?.2T2S$<Bn.."P˪XH˪(QW_Y(Q++Yȣn#=vk=&vc=v[=vS =LvK =xvC=@v;=v3=v+= v#!=.v(=0v2=v B=vP33ai ah4.6."jˠ$a6a: ahb.6."hˠ$a)BBa$aC*BB AMIFLASH Version 4.65 - Flash EPROM Programming Utility Copyright (C)1992-1994 American Megatrends Inc. Enter BIOS Filename: Enter the BIOS Filename from which Flash EPROM will be programmed. The Format:- [Drv:\Pathname\Filename.Ext] The Filename must end with a . Programming Flash EPROM Saving BIOS File in Disk Reading BIOS File from Disk Help/Error Message  Press to Exit Press "Y" to Continue, "N" to RebootPress Any Key to ContinuePress Any Key to ExitPress Any key to RebootWant to Continue (Y/N)? Want to Exit (Y/N)? Please Wait..Put Off System Power No Flash EPROM present. Two 28F256A Flash EPROMs present. One 28F512 Flash EPROM present. Two 28F512 Flash EPROMs present. One 28F010 Flash EPROM present. One 28F001BX-T Flash EPROM present. One SST 28EE011 EEPROM present. BIOS file size and detected Flash EPROM size does not match. Shadow RAM Error. Memory Allocation Error. File Creation Error. File Does Not Exist. File I/O Error. Disk Full. Flash EPROM Read Error. Flash EPROM Programming Error. System will Not be usable unless existing Flash EPROM is replaced with new Programmed Flash EPROM. Flash EPROM Read Successful. Flash EPROM Programming Successful. BIOS File Read Successful. BIOS File Saving Successful. BIOS File Not Of Proper Size. BIOS File Too Large. Flash EPROM Programming is going to start. System will not be usable until Programming of Flash EPROM is successfully complete. In case of any error, existing Flash EPROM must be replaced by new Programmed Flash EPROM to make the System usable. System must NOT be turned off during the Programming operation. System will ReBoot if Programming is Successfully complete."5Oe{{{8V{ System BIOS does not have Flash support. Incompatible Flash support in System BIOS. System BIOS must have Flash support implemented according to BIOS-FLASH Interface Specification 2.00 2.00 or later. Chipset Registers Not Accessable OR Chipset Environment Can Not be Saved. This program can only be executed in Real Mode..k"<t.t". u".t". u"MN.t". u".t". u".t". u"MN.t". u"v.t". u"nN.t". u"Y.t". u"7.t". u"M"N.t". u" .t". u".t". u"MN.t". u".w". x"".w". y"}.t". u".t". v"U0.t". u"n.t". u"Y(.t". v".t". u"4íЋ<t< t< t NJ÷PX Q PXYSQR SQR:w t ZY[RQSP.w"QAYX[YZRQSP.|"Q%YX[YZRQSP .z"RQSPRQPM TXYZôPXôPXú.t". u"M).|". ~"ˀ.>l"tÎR t< t < t ZZZWRQSP.>l"tX[YZ_Î.|"Q\M YW.#>r"uRP,<.>l"tXZ_Î؊<Ĵ\t<\|t<|/tĊ.&|". &"@ءJRֶZðC2BBa aQ?Y$aP.>l"tQ|YX Release Date 06/28/1995 .p".q".r"Ü<Ü<Ü<Ü"ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜpq.>l"t @3