Thank you for using the Modem Doctor. Version 6.0 adds many new features to the program and improves the diagnostic routines. MDR EXE 168121 01-01-95 Modem Doctor Shareware ver 6.0 MDR6FST TXT 55326 01-01-95 MDR User Manual MDR6ORDR TXT 4075 01-01-95 MDR order form MDRPACK6 LST 1345 01-01-95 This file MODEMD60 TXT 202778 01-01-95 MDR Technical Reference Manual VENDOR DOC 1166 01-01-95 For Shareware Vendors MDR.EXE is a shareware version of the Modem Doctor Please pass this shareware version to your friends, or upload the shareware version to BBS Systems. The User and Tech reference manuals need no special preparation to print. Spacing is set for 63 lines per page, and 80 characters per page. You can print using any program that reads ASCII text or simply by telling dos to copy the file to your printer with the command COPY FILENAME LPT1 or COPY FILENAME PRN. You can always download the latest version of the Modem Doctor on most nationally recognized BBS systems, or give a call to the Modem Doctor BBS operating 24 hrs a day at 410-256-3631 300 -> 19.2kbps. The Modem Doctor BBS also contains other communication utilities and support for Comset, Zboot, and other utilities I have written. Access to the system is open to all. Thanks, Hank Volpe