V8.05 * no more error-message, if no CD-ROM inserted V8.04 * detects AMD 5x86 CPU, Cyrix DX/4, Cyrix 5x86, 6x86, Pentium Overdrive * more detail-infos on cyrix-CPUs * smaller fixes for CPUs >100 MHz, comparisonlist more actual * detects S3 Trio64 V+ chip V8.02 * fixed: wrong accesstimes on IDE-drives with >1024 cyl wrong harddisc size, if >2 drives installed CD-ROM benchmark more accurate * detects AMD 486 DX/4 SV8B (WriteBack) CPU * shows IDE-parameter of drives 3 and 4 * CONFIG.VGL and CONFIG.XXX may be edited from the program V8.01 * harddisk-benchmark for up to 4 drives * fixed: wrong harddisc-size on some Intel BIOS wrong disc-drive-size on some BIOS * detects AMD 486 DX/4 CPU * shows 'Virtual DMA Specification' driver