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EdgBG $(08 A K U _y4p9qSȰ P2$ÿY j` l n'l SX5Y iiZ`O !  #JO>Wr]!"$$&()*+-/ 45l6886BC(GCH_HIKaL`MZNZ[_````acd`eff*h'jmmqoprvt^vyp{ V  …   "}lr` ݖa bќ[5dϩ9o xl.G\/0iZqh8}TKQ+yZ0EhrYIv?wYoΰ!7]V -8*ɿ_#&EpdgfdztJH-?r$wkY^{LV;I_& ]o#o`fUMG 3'  ) )!PUQYD]xc!#$$&F(/*R+"-/P45r6V88KJgLfMlNZv[/_`acMdfe?q@fy0h/jmmwospr|tfvqyz{`̅ *rxf3m~gShiלa;)jթd?0u@QZ~)I|:  =p'1x3v:k<=un?5E`QSUWkw}]o~>Z G6&܎in)]T4Ob5 '6& o`w~}n">fZ&!QeW1`6DKAnߺ$X]aBsOOvTInternal errorZT End of fileZTFile not foundZTDisk or device fullZTNo memory availableZTDOS detected an errorZTInvalid message numberZTImproperly formed messageZTInternal window errorZTInternal window errorZTInternal window errorZT Invalid driveZTInternal buffer errorZVersion 4.5 Unable to execute:TPlease wait...Z...Copyright 1990-92 Symantec Corporation All Rights Reserved0000No Yes W A V6Warning: You have read-only access to your data files.V0You will not be able to modify any program data.DCPZW A V:The configuration name does not exist in the configurationV9file. Please go into Hardware Configurations and redefineVthe configuration name.DCPZW VWaiting for a connection...VPress to cancelZAsk Caller Press to continue...W# VInvalid command line argumentsZ Esc=Continue Esc=EndF1=Help =Choose =Accept Esc=End =Choose =Accept F1=Help =Choose =Accept F3=Rename Ins=New entry Del=Delete Esc=End PgDn = next page PgUp = previous page Esc=EndF1=Help =Choose =Modify Esc=EndF1=Help =Choose =Modify F2=Display list Esc=EndF1=Help =Choose =Modify Esc=AcceptF1=Help =Choose =Modify Esc=AcceptF1=Help =Choose =Accept F2=Call F3=Rename Ins=Add Del=Delete Esc=End =Choose =Accept Esc=CancelF1=Help =Accept Esc=Cancel Esc=CancelF1=Help Esc=EndF1=Help =Choose =Mark/Unmark =Accept directory F2=Send Esc=MenuF1=Help =Choose =Accept Ins=Insert F3=Modify Esc=EndFile existsW ) V$Error - not enough memory to executeV the function.DCZRECW VInvalid file name.VEnter another.DCPZW VFile not found.DCPZHayes compatibleW 7 VProgram not installed properly.V2Please re-install or contact your Symantec dealer.DCPZOnline OfflineW ( VInvalid serial number.VPlease contact your DMA dealer.DCPZW ) VInternal communications error: C!SDCPZW  VNo carrier signalDCPZW  VNo channels availableDCPZW ( VComm driver not initializedDCPZW # V Port is busyDCPZW < VNetwork driver not foundV7The following network driver must be loaded in order toVuse the selected device type: CSDCPZW # VNo socket availableDCPZW # VGeneral network errorDCPZW ( VConnection terminatedDCPZW 8HZ Prefix/Suffix Name Prefix/Suffix String         W A V1You may not have a blank name for a prefix/suffixV7with a non-blank string. Either make the name non-blankVor clear the string.DCPZW  VServer not respondingDCPZW  VPort not availableDCPZPhone Number SuffixPhone Number PrefixW  VInvalid port parametersDCPZW N V:The selected comm port is not available or not responding.VThe comm port is: SVPlease verify that:VD 1) your comm or internal modem card is set up as the selected portVH 2) no other boards use interrupts that conflict with the selected portDCPZW N V?The selected NASI/NCSI port is not available or not responding.VThe selected port is: SVPlease verify that:V# 1) your NASI/NCSI host is workingV. 2) the name of the NASI/NCSI port is correctV# 3) the port is not already in useD CPZSession Options-./fW 7 V-This version of the program is not compatibleVin your country.V.Please contact your DMA dealer for informationV(about other available language versions.DCPZW < V0NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE ON SCANDINAVIAN MACHINES.V8PLEASE CONTACT THE PC SECURITY GROUP, PHONE +47.2.531153DCPZV:New ID code. Press to accept or to cancel...ZVEnter your master password: ZW VIncorrect passwordDCPZWF V>Warning: The Hayes Compatible selection is a special selectionV@to be used only if your modem does not appear on the modem list.V9There are two parameters which you must make sure are setV correctly.V<1. Set the data rate to the highest rate that your modem canV; support. Do not use MAX - this will only use 2400 as theV" speed for this modem selection.V<2. Make sure that the Adjust Speed To Modem selection is setV < correctly. When set to YES, the program changes the speedV 9 to the speed reported by the modem after a connection.V : When set to NO, the speed is not changed. If your modemV : does not support error correction, it most likely needsV A to be set to YES. If your modem does support error correction,V8 you must check to see how your modem has been set up.V> There is no way for the program to know automatically if itV= should adjust the speed after a connection. If you are notV0 sure, please contact your modem manufacturer.DCPZV3Converting old data files. Delete old ones (Y/N) ? ZYNW ( VUnable to find CSDCZW ( VUnable to load CSDCZColor Selection MenuColor Palette 1 (Errors/Warnings) Color Palette 2 (Forms) Color Palette 3 (Help) Color Palette 4 (General Menus) Color Palette 5 (Status/Info) Color Palette 6 (Terminal Mode) Color Palette 7 (Yes/No menus) W ' V#Unable to save new settings to diskDCPZW ' VInternal errorDCZW # VNot available in this versionDCPZL  5ZCancelProgram ColorsUser DefinedDefault Monochrome BLACK BLUE GREEN CYAN RED MAGENTA BROWN LTGRAY DKGRAY LTBLUE LTGREEN LTCYAN LTRED LTMAGENTA YELLOW WHITE CNTAWHOST command line parameters:NT -O=HNT2 -M=W (answer)NT? =H (hot key to activate)NT> =A (answer at any time)NT9 =D (dial a remote)NT4 -N= (optional)NT4 -C= (optional)ZDisconnectNot available - try another?Save ChangesW2 V*The selected modem usually works best withVthe following parameters:ZV$Connection started by MODEM RESPONSEV(Connection ended by CARRIER DETECT (DCD)ZVData rate set to SZVFlow control set to RTS/CTSZVAdjust speed to modem set to NOZV+Adjust speed to modem set to YES (required)ZResetCurrent PaletteVNormalZVIntenseZVReverseZEdit AttributeBackground Normal Background Reverse Foreground Intense Foreground Normal Foreground Reverse NT$Unable to create configuration filesZW  VError in message file.DCPZAV Device/Port:V< V6 VModem:V Data rate:V-Break length: 10ths/secVParity:V- DTR state:V  Flow control:V - RTS state:V Connection started by:V Connection ended by:V F VF VF VF ZAV Device/Port:V Use gateway: V7Gateway name: Class: VG VG VGParity: V G V F V F V F VF VF VF ZWNAV Device/Port:VModem:V Data rate:V-Break length: 10ths/secVParity:V- DTR state:V  Flow control:V - RTS state:V Connection started by:V Connection ended by:V Ring no to answer on:V -Seconds to wait after dial:V Dial type:V- Leased line:VRedial attempts:V-Seconds between redials:V'Additional modem initialization string:V-Adjust speed to modem:ZWNAV Device/Port:VModem:V Data rate:V-Break length: 10ths/secVParity:V- DTR state:V  Flow control:V - RTS state:V Connection started by:V Connection ended by:ZWNAV Device/Port:V Use gateway: V7Gateway name: Class: VParity:ZAV Device/Port:V< V< V Modem: VData rate: V-Break length: 10ths/secVParity:V- DTR state:V  Flow control:V - RTS state:V Connection started by:V Connection ended by:V Ring no to answer on:V -Seconds to wait after dial:V Dial type:V- Leased line:VRedial attempts:V-Seconds between redials:V'Additional modem initialization string:V-Adjust speed to modem:ZAdjust ParametersW%# VRTS state must be set to:V Always OnVif flow control is set to:V RTS/CTS or NONE.DCPZUtilitiesHardware Diagnostics... Play Back Sessions/Screens... View Log Files... Preprocess A Script... Modify Terminal Configurations... January February March April May June July August September October November December Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ampmAV(& C(SZW@ ZV Please waitZW AH;V IRQ (0-7):VAddress:ZCustom port parameters  Print OptionsDiscard Printer Output Print To Host Only Print To Remote Only Print To Host And Remote V?ͻV? V? V? V ?ĶV ? V ? V ? V ? V? V?ͼD DD CSZW 2AV-Script pre-processing successfully completed.DCPZVNorton pcANYWHERE/LANZVNorton pcANYWHERE/HostZVNorton pcANYWHERE/RemoteZOMNISPEBDRCHost Remote Gateway Awlan Playback Log Small Dial Wait Any Hotkey Record Scr DETail SUmmary DELete Move Proc Voice Delimited FIxed FOrmatted Screen Disk LP80 LP132 VInvalid command line argumentsZW -AHpVServer:VService:VPort:ZNASI/NCSI Device   W - VNo matching devices found.DCPZ Servers Servers Services Servers Services Ports W - VNASI/NCSI driver not found.DCPZNTUser-name already in useZNTUnable to access data filesZW - VIncorrect MSG file.VPlease contact your dealer.DCPZW . V(Bad data file: delete or use most recentVbackup.DCPZW 4 V-Not enough file handles. Make sure you have aV FILES=xxV0statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. The xx shouldVbe at least 10.DCPZW ! VEntry already exists.DCPZW # VUnable to access data file.DCPZW . V(You do not have read/write access rightsVfor this data file.DCPZW ! VEntry already deleted.DCPZW ( V"Unable to save changes because theV"entry was updated by another user.DCPZCOM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 COM5 COM6 COM7 COM8 COM9 COM10 COM11 COM12 COM13 COM14 COM15 COM16 rfWrite protectUnknown unitNot readyUnknown commandData (CRC)Bad req struct lengthSeekNon-DOS diskSector not foundPaper outWrite faultRead faultGeneral FailureSharing ViolationLock ViolationInvalid Disk ChangeFCB unavailableShare buffer overflowNetwork (??) error readingwriting device File Allocation Table Bad, drive Enter (R)etry or (F)ail: Serial: Modem Network: NetWare/IPX Network: NetBIOS W( V$Cannot use RTS/CTS flow control whenV connection detection set to CTS.DCPZW( VCannot set data rate to MAXVif modem set to NONEDCPZWF VBThe following characters are not valid in the computer name field:V8 \ / : ; , * ? . < > = + | [ ] _DCPZKMKMKnnnJW < V5You may not start this operation while under Windows.V4Please exit Windows before executing this operation.DCPZL ( ZConnection Ended ByAlways Connected Carrier Detect (DCD)Clear To Send (CTS) Data Set Ready (DSR)Ring Indicator (RI) W 2 V,Start connection detection cannot be set to:V Modem responseVif a no modem is selected.DCPZT - operator cancelZT - unable to attach to deviceZT - unable to initialize modemZT - no dialtoneZT - busyZT ZDeleteSelect Host For ConnectionHost NamesW 4 VHost name to add: A ZW - V$Unable to update configuration file.DCPZL$ ,5ZUse GatewayConfiguration: .+5  9  24;c:<;CE  =? ;FE @B  c ILNGv5'G'G @AV 1Waiting for connection... ZL%  34ZData RateMax 75 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200Hardware ConfigurationsSerial PortsCOM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 COM3 For PS/2COM4 For PS/2Custom Comm DeviceNone TTY Printer Serial NASI/NCSI NetWare IPX NetBIOS Int14 AppleTalk MAC/IPX Telebit ACS Banyan L% ;<ZParityNone Odd Even Mark SpaceL &  >?ZFlow ControlNone X-ON/X-OFFRTS/CTS Both L ( ABZConnection Started ByAlways Connected Carrier Detect (DCD)Clear To Send (CTS) Data Set Ready (DSR)Ring Indicator (RI) Receive 2 's Modem Response L  DEZDTR StateAlways Off Always On On While ConnectedL  GEZRTS StateL& MNZDial TypeTone PulseW< VNew configuration name:A CZW 1 VNew host name: A ZQuick Connect ParametersL #  WXZEliminate SnowNo Yes Menus OnlyL$ Z[ZL$ [ZRemote Hot KeyHost Hot KeyR-Shift L-Shift Ctrl R-Shift Ctrl L-Shift Ctrl R-Shift L-Shift Alt R-Shift Alt L-Shift Alt R-Shift L-Shift Alt Ctrl Alt Ctrl R-Shift Alt Ctrl L-Shift Alt Ctrl R-Shift L-ShiftW ! VDisk I/O error.DCPZW  V Disk full.DCPZW ! VUnable to create the file.DCPZW - V$You do not have the necessary accessV#rights in order to modify the file.DCPZW $ VInternal data file errorDCCSPZW@ VRecord Manager page size errorV5This can occur if the BTRIEVE Record Manager has beenV;previously loaded into memory with incompatible parameters.V9BTRIEVE must be loaded with the following minimum values:V /M:20 /P:1536 /B:2 /F:4 /EDCPZW & V!BTRIEVE Record Manager not loadedDCPZW " VName already in use.DCPZQuick Connect OptionsModemNone Select From Modem List... Supported ModemsW + V#Unable to delete the configuration.VIt is used by host entry:DCCSPZL w5ZLeased LineL- {5ZAdjust SpeedW & V$You must enter a configuration name.DCPZL-  3|Z75 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200Preferences VX Y[O SWA HV Port name:V Data rate:VModem:VLast modem response:AC SC SC SZW 2 V#Unable to delete the configuration.V,It is the default configuration of the Host.DCPZW 2 V#Unable to delete the configuration.V-It is a default configuration of the Gateway.DCPZRemote Print DeviceLPT1 LPT2 LPT3 PRN Spool File Select Spool File...AD CZW < HV Port name:V Data rate:VModem:V Phone number:VLast modem response:ACSCSCSCSZGateway Connection StatusMax AV CSZAV 1 C SZConnection StatusVPhone number: ZDisconnectAVPlease wait...ZVYour computer name: ZWH VCWarning: If you intend to run Windows programs on this machine fromVBa remote location, you must make sure that your Windows program isVDproperly set up for remote access. This might have been done by yourVCsystem administrator. If not, and Windows is installed on your hardV@disk, you must run the pcANYWHERE INSTALL program and choose theVBAdditional Windows Installation option from the menu. This INSTALLV@program will be found in the same directory as AWLAN is located.VBFAILURE TO DO THIS INSTALLATION WILL CAUSE Windows TO OPERATE VERYV SLOWLY WHEN RUN REMOTELY.D CPZLicensee name is ok?W B V;Unable to write the licensee name to the main program file.V:VAllow special keyboard handler:V!Allow caller to change host mode:V "Caller subject to inactivity time:V Log calls from this caller:V Print destination:V Terminal type:V 9Time allowed online: min (0=unlimited)VCallback phone number:V prefix:V suffix:VCommand to execute:Z%&%65(%:5*%8O)%35'%<5+ %>5. %B5/ %DF0 %1 %'2%,%%%-L" 45ZAllow Special Keyboard HandlerNo Yes - Initially Off Yes - Initially Level 1Yes - Initially Level 2Yes - Initially Level 3L % 75ZAllow Caller To Blank Host ScreenL 9OZAllow Use of L  ;5ZAllow Caller To Reboot HostL$ =5ZAllow Caller To Change Host ModeL ( ?5ZCaller Subject To Inactivity TimeoutL # C5ZLog Calls From This CallerL ! EFZPrint DestinationDiscard Printer Output Print To Host Only Print To Remote Only Print To Host And Remote Begin Host OperationWait For A Connection Exit, Hot Key To Activate Exit, Allow Incoming Calls Call A Remote Cancel And Remove From Memory Modify Connect Parameter W ( V!Caller entry name already in use.DCPZAC%ZNo -C Only -C And #!9#=##5@#5A#c> #c? #5 #6 #5WFAH^VReboot on disconnect:VUse caller information list:VDefault caller entry:V Allow any password on reconnect:VPasswords are case sensitive:V6Password attempts allowed: (0 for unlimited)V ,Password entry timeout: minutesV  Active keyboards during session:V ?Inactivity timeout: minutes (0 for no timeout)V Blank host screen:ZL ! ZUse Caller Information ListW- AH\V!Advanced graphics mode detection:VAllow scanning while host busy:VAllow pop-up file transfer:VAllow remote mouse:VMaximize display speed:VSpecial keyboard handler type:Z%57%5%5:%5%5%'' VX'' '3'< ' ' '[4 'B ''c8'';L * %ZMaximize Display SpeedNo Yes (requires about 46K extra memory)L# ZActive Keyboards During SessionHost And RemoteHost Only Remote Only L $ 5ZAdvanced Graphics Mode DetectionNo (use default caller entry)Yes L $ 5ZAllow Any Password On ReconnectL % !ZReboot On DisconnectL) $ZAllow Remote MouseNo Yes (requires about 1K extra memory)L) %$ZNo Yes (requires about 17K extra memory)Allow Background File TransferL   5ZPasswords Are Case SensitiveL   5ZBlank Host ScreenV Host status:VConfiguration:CSCSZInactive Active SuspendedL  5ZSupport GraphicsL # ZSpecial Keyboard Handler TypeNone Type 1 Type 2 W ( V$You must enter a non-blank password.DCPZCaller Information for: W4 VThe password is already in use.V-The same password cannot be used in more thanVone caller entry.V/Also, the master password cannot be the same asVa password in a caller entry.D CPZL % 5ZScan When Host Is BusyL  ZTerminal Lines To DisplayTop 24 Lines Bottom 24 Lines WP V? The 'Maximum Display Speed' preference is currently set to SVFIf YES, non-Windows screen data is displayed on the remote much fasterVGthan if the parameter is set to NO, but approximately 46K of additionalV6memory is required by the memory-resident host module.VC The 'Allow Popup File Transfer' preference is currently set to SVIIf YES, the remote caller can initiate file transfers at any time via theVKhot-key menu in addition to running the AWSEND file transfer program from aVLDOS prompt. Allowing popup file transfers requires that an additional 17K ofV Imemory be used by the resident host module. Also note that file transfersV Linitiated from the hot-key menu operate much more slowly than file transfersV Iinitiated by the AWSEND program. If file transfer speed is important, useV the AWSEND program.V H You may at this time view and/or modify these and other host featuresVEpreferences before host operation is started. This screen will not beVdisplayed again.ZL* 5ZView/Modify Host Features PreferencesghwxYYGY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2&M^M~IOK~OAT\G0\J1\N3\Q3\V1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT\J0^M~IOK~OAT&L1^M~IOK~BNYEY1No^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0F1Q0V1X4&C1&D2^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~B170YYFY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0F1Q0V1X4&C1&D2&M^M~IOK~OAT\G0\J1\N3\Q3\V1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX4D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT\J0^M~IOK~BNYDY1No^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATD^M~o^MATA^M~BNYEY1No^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4^M~IOK~OAT&C1&D2^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~BYYGY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1W0X4^M~IOK~OAT&B0&C1&D2&K3&Q5^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT&B1^M~IOK~OAT&L1^M~IOK~BYYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0N1Q0V1X4W0^M~IOK~OAT&B0&C1&D2&K3&Q6&U1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25S36=1^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~POATS0=%R^M~IOK~D5~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT&B1^M~IOK~OAT&L1^M~IOK~B102YYGY1YO4445~N10~o^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2^M~IOK~OAT*SC0*ML0*FL3*FR1*SM3*XC1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT*SC1^M~IOK~BYYHY1No^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4^M~IOK~OAT&C1&D2*AA5*BK2*FL3*SM3^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~BYYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2^M~IOK~OAT*DC1*FL3*MF0*MH0*MS0*XC2^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~BYYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2^M~IOK~OAT*DC1*EC0*SM3*SC0*FL3*XC1*MF0^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT*SC1^M~IOK~OAT&L1^M~IOK~BYYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0F1Q0V1X4&C1&D2&M^M~IOK~OAT\G0\J1\N3\Q3\V1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX4D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT\J0^M~IOK~BYYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~PoATE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2&M0^M~IOK~OAT\J1\N3\Q3\V1%%C1*H2^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX4D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT\J0^M~IOK~OAT&L1^M~IOK~B145151NYEY1No^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~BYYGY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2&M0^M~IOK~OAT*E0*F3*H0*M1*S0^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT*E1*S1^M~IOK~OAT&L2^M~IOK~B140YYHY1No^MATZ^M~N25~OK~PoATE0Q0V1X5^M~IOK~oAT&C1&D2$C1$E1$F4$S1^M~IOK~oATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~oATD%T%N^M~oATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~BCONNECT 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RING~-103~YYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0N1Q0V1W0X4^M~IOK~OAT&C1&D2&K3&Q5%%C1%%M3^M~IOK~OAT\G0\N3^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25S36=5S95=2^M~IOK~oATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~o^M~W10~O+++W10~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT&L1^M~IOK~BYYGY1Yo^MAT^M~N25~OK~POATB0E0Q0V1X4^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~BRELIABLE*~-99~102YYGY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2&K3^M~IOK~OAT\G0\N3%%C1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25S36=7^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT&L1^M~IOK~BYYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0N1Q0V1W1X4^M~IOK~OAT&C1&D2&K3&Q5^M~IOK~OAT\G0\N3%%C1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATS36=7S48=7S95=2^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT&L1^M~IOK~B227160YYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0N1Q0V1W0X4^M~IOK~OAT&C1&D2&K3&Q5^M~IOK~OAT\G0\N3%%C1^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20S12=25^M~IOK~OATS36=7S48=7S95=2^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~O+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~OATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT&L1^M~IOK~BYYHY1Yo^MATZ^M~N25~OK~POATE0Q0V1X5&B1&C1&D2&H3^M~IOK~OAT&K4&M0&N0&R0*E0^M~IOK~OATS0=0S7=%DS10=20^M~IOK~OATD%T%N^M~OATS0=%R^M~IOK~O^M~W10~o+++~W10~N25~OK~D10~oATE1HS0=0^M~Po^MATX1D^M~o^MATA^M~OAT&L1^M~IOK~Buvwxy~dhfgijeklmtnopqz{|rs}Acer Modem 2424 Anchor Signalman Lightning 24 Apollo V.32turbo AT&T 2224 CEO AT&T 4000 AT&T 4024 ATI 2400etc ATI 9600etc/e CALPAK MX-2400/MXE-2400 Codex 2234 Codex 2264 * Codex 3220 Codex 3260/3265 CompuCom Speedmodem Combo CompuCom Speedmodem STAR * Datatronics Discovery 1200C * Datatronics Discovery 1200P * Datatronics Discovery 2400E * Digicom 9624 EasyData * ETech Bullet E2400 ETech Bullet E9696M ETech Bullet PC2400MH Everex Evercom 24E Everex Evercom 24E+ Fastcomm FDX Series Forval 14400 Forval 9600 V32 Galaxy UFO V.32 Turbo/V.42bis Gateway 2000 TelePath V.32/42bisGeneral DataComm V.42bis GVC 9600 GVC 9600 V.42bis GVC 14400 V.42bis GVC Super Modem 2400 Hayes compatible Hayes ISDN - V.120 * Hayes ISDN - X.25 * Hayes Smartmodem 300 Hayes Smartmodem 1200 Hayes Smartmodem 2400 Hayes Smartmodem 9600 - V.32 Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 14.4 Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 96 Hayes V-series 2400 Hayes V-series 9600 Hayes V-series Ultra 96 Hayes V-series Ultra 144 Incomm Turbo 4800 * Intel 2400EX Intel 2400EX MNP Intel 9600EX Intel 14.4EX Intel SatisFAXtion Intel SatisFAXtion/400E Leading Edge Model L 1200 * Lightning LightCom 96 Manual modem Maxmodem 2400EI Maxum Super Modem 2400 * Megahertz 96/24 FAX/Modem Megahertz P296FMV FAX/Modem MICC 4824 MICC 9600/9610/9620 Microcom AX/1200-2400 series Microcom AX/9600 * Microcom AX/9612-9624 series Microcom QX/12K and QX/V.32c * Microcom QX/4232bis Microcom QX/4232hs Migent Pocket Modem MultiTech 1200 * MultiTech 224 MultiTech 224E MultiTech 224EH5/EH7 MultiTech 696 MultiTech MultiModem II MT1432 MultiTech MultiModem V32 NEC N9631 Netcomm SmartModem M4/M5 Okidata Okitel 9600 OmniTel Netcomm Q1200 OmniTel Netcomm Q2400 Penril Alliance V.32 Penril Datalink 2400 Popcom X100 * Practical Periph. 2400SA MNP * Practical Periph. 2400SA V.42bisPractical Peripherals 1200 Practical Peripherals 14400FXSA Practical Peripherals 2400SA Practical Peripherals 9600SA Prometheus ProModem 1200 * Racal Milgo RMD 3222 Racal Vadic 9632VP Rockwell RG 2400 PC Modem Sharp 9624e Supra FaxModem V.32 * Telebit QBlazer Telebit T1000 Telebit T1600 Telebit T2500 Telebit T3000 Telebit TrailBlazer Plus Telenetics TC921 * Touchbase Worldport 1200 Touchbase Worldport 2400 Touchbase Worldport 9600 UDS FasTalk 2400 * UDS FasTalk V.32/42b UDS V.32 * UDS V.3225 USRobotics Courier 2400 USRobotics Courier 2400e USRobotics HST USRobotics HST Dual Standard USRobotics Sportster 2400 PC MNPUSRobotics Sportster 2400 v42bisUSRobotics Sportster 9600 V42bisUSRobotics V.32/V.32bis Ven-Tel 9600 Plus/Plus II Ven-Tel Pathfinder * Viva 9642e V.42bis Western Datacom 432 LineBkr V.32Zoom 2400 Zoom 2400 V.42bis Zoom 9600 V.32 Turbo Zoom 9600 V.32bis * Zoom FaxModem FX 9624V Zoom FaxModem VFX V.32/V.42bis ZyXEL U-1496 * Z v S E Z =bN?&iqNzE A!J"4#$-%B%&&'()***++ ,,,-./01234u5666789:;W? @@AvBqCdD*EEFGcHxHzIVJKL1L*M;NSOyPxQSTTTUbVwV0W!XXYZ[\q]Q^f^_JaAbcccee+e2f *** An incompatible version of the gateway software is already active $, Please press ...Y You are connected to gateway:  Gateway options 1. Connect to a host 2. Disconnect Enter selection (1-2): Available hosts: .  More ? (Y/N): Y Select host (1-): Enter phone number to dial: There are no available hosts at this time Gateway session ended  Establishing connection to:  Connected to:  Initializing modem... Dialing... Waiting for connection... Redialing... Modem response:  Connected... The selected host is not available Unable to initialize communications The modem configuration is invalid Unable to initialize modem Unable to establish connection Operation cancelled The connection to the host has been terminated  Time allowed on-line has expired  Inactivity timeout expired  The gateway operater has terminated gateway operation  The gateway computer has been rebooted Initializing gateway...$ Initialization complete, gateway started. $ Unable to initialize communications. Gateway operation terminated. $YyActivity Log... Billing Detail... Billing Summary... Delete Old Log Data... Move Old Data To History File...Log Processing OptionsEARLIESTLATEST W N AVLog file to process:V Start date:V End date:VReport destination:VReport format option:ZParameters For Log File To ProcessHost Log File Remote Log File Host Log History File Remote Log History File L ZDestination For OutputScreen Disk File Printer (80 Column) Printer (132 Column)L (ZFormat For OutputFormatted Report Output Export Log Data With DelimetersExport Log Data In Fixed FormatProcess report/actionVProcessing report:ZVLUse , , PgUp, PgDn, Home, End = CancelZ Time Time TimeDate On Off Online Description Project -------- ----- ----- ------ ------------------------ ---------------- Time Time Time TotalDescription Project Date On Off Online Time ---------------------- ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------ ------ Total Total Description Calls Time ------------------------------ ----- -------Abort The Print OperationOK To Perform DeleteOK To Perform MoveActivity Report for Billing Detail Report for Billing Summary Report for W ( V"No log data found within the givenV date range.DCPZActivity Report Billing Detail Billing Summary Deleting Old Log Data Moving Old Data To History File No password entered ** TOTAL ** *** GRAND TOTALS *** CommentW # VLog file not found: CSDCPZPage %3d %s%s %02d%c%02d%c%02dPage %3d %s%s %02d%c%02d%c%02d%02d%c%02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d %4d%c%02d %.24s %.18s%02d%c%02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d %4d%c%02d %.30s %.18s"%02d%c%02d%c%02d","%02d%c%02d","%02d%c%02d","%04d%c%02d"%.22s %.16s %02d%c%02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d%4d%c%02d%.22s %.16s %02d%c%02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d %02d%c%02d%4d%c%02d%4d%c%02d"%02d%c%02d%c%02d","%02d%c%02d","%02d%c%02d","%04d%c%02d" %.30s %5d %4d%c%02d"%05d","%04d%c%02d"Date On Off Online Remote User DisconnectRemote User Disconnect Date On Off Online Time Remote User Calls TimeDate On Off Online Host Name Entry Project CommentDate On Off Online Remote User Disconnect Comment -------- ----- ----- ------ ------------------------------ ------------------ ----------------------------------------W ' VAWSEND could not disable HostDCZW ' VAWSEND could not enable HostDCZW 2 V*A connection must be active to run AWSEND.DCZW 2 V+pcANYWHERE must be installed to run AWSEND.DCZW ' VNot available in this versionDCPZW ' VInvalid function number.DCZW ' VLost connection with remote.DCZW ( VBad data packet receivedVProgram aborting.ZW - V"Error during HOST data compressionDCPZW 2 V+Ambiguous destination files are not allowedDCZW - VERROR: C SVfile(s) not foundDCZW F VAWSENDVEUsage: AWSEND [ file[s] TO|FROM HOST|REMOTE destination [-O=option] ]DCZFile Transfer in ProgressW 7 HV Host Status: V 3 Press to cancelZAV1Idle V1 V1 V1 ZV0Sending file/directory information to the remoteZW 2 V)Destination drive is invalid or not readyDCZW ( V Destination directory is invalidDCZV1Receiving CSV File size:CSZV1Sending C SV File size:CSZV1File Transfer Cancelled ZV Bytes sent:CSVPercent completed:CSZVBytes received:CSVPercent completed:CSZW 2 V.Error: Remote did not respond to file transferDCZW   VSource directory is invalidDCZW * V$Source drive is invalid or not readyDCZW  VSource files not found.DCZW  VNot enough memoryDCZW ( VCommunications read error.DCZVpcANYWHERE - AWSENDDDDV Licensed to:CSZUp,Down=Choose Enter=Accept Esc=EndUp,Down=Choose Enter=Modify Esc=Continue Esc=Continue Esc=EndW <HV Send from:VHost filename:V Protocol:Z ( L(  ZSend fromHost Remote File Transfer ParametersL ZFile Transfer OptionsBegin File Transfer Modify Parameters...Exit W / V+Error: Ambiguous file names are not allowedDCZHost sending...Host receiving...VFile name: C SVFile size: CSVBytes sent: 0 V% completed: 0 VWaiting for receiver... ZV File name: C SVBytes received: 0VWaiting for sender...ZW  VError: Invalid filenameDCZW ( VError: Source file not foundDCZCSVReceived packet:CSZVBad packet receivedZT$Transfer completed ZT!Transfer failed - connection lostZT'Transfer failed - cancelled by operatorZT"Transfer failed - too many retriesZT&Transfer failed - other side cancelledZT!Transfer failed - disk read errorZT"Transfer failed - disk write errorZT#Transfer failed - file create errorZTTransfer failed - timed outZVResending packetSZCSVSent packet: CSZCSCSVReceived packet:CSZVFile name: C SVFile size: C SVBytes received: 0 V% completed: 0 VWaiting for sender ZVSending... ZVReceiving... ZCSZExit AWSENDW 2 V(Incompatible version of pcANYWHERE host.DCZTOFROMHOSTREMOTEW <HV Send from:V Host file:V Remote file:Z ((File exists on HOST, overwrite ?W ( V#Error: Sending path cannot be blankDCZL( ZSelect ProtocolXMODEM XMODEM-CRC XMODEM-1K XMODEM-1K-G YMODEM YMODEM-G ZMODEM ,-./0123: *** Unable to initialize communications. This is probably due to missing network drivers. Make sure the appropriate network driver is loaded and try again. $ *** The communications driver overlay could not be found or is invalid. $ *** The current configuration is set up for a serial device. The small version of pcANYWHERE host does not support serial devices. $ͻ̹ȼĿô AUTO753006001200240048009600192003840057600115200Connection lostInactivity timeoutUsage timeoutHost rebootedRemote rebootedRemote logged offRemote cancelledHost ended sessionSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberampm : Your computer name:  : Port name: Data rate: Modem: pcANYWHERE Host Connection StatusPhone number: Last modem response: Press a key to continue...Initializing communications...Unable to initialize communications deviceInitializing modem...Modem configuration is invalidThe modem is not respondingDialing...Preparing to redialRedialing...Waiting for connection...Unable to establish connectionConnection established, remote user logging in...Log in successful, callback in progress...Log in unsuccessfulOperator abortConnection has been lostInactivity timeout expiredTime allowed on-line expiredRemote user logged offThe host PC is rebootingPlease wait...Press to begin data mode... [ ]NpcANYWHERE/Host Version 4.5 Copyright 1990-92 Symantec Corporation All Rights ReservedLicensed to:  pcANYWHERE Host MenuWait For A CallExit, Hot-key ActivatesExit, Allow Incoming CallsCall Remote UserVoice-first ConnectionFHABCDHARefresh ScreenBGCD#HostE$%RemoteE$ FNoYes ( BDiscard Print OutputPrint At Host OnlyPrint At Remote OnlyPrint At Host And Remote GNoWarmbootColdboot ( C OptionsWait For Another CallHot Key ActivatesIncoming Call ActivatesF DEliminate snow: Remote keyboard: Remote screen:   DSynchronized display: Host keyboard: Host screen: Blink attributes: Special keyboard: Screen update delay: NeverAlwaysMenus OnlyEnabledDisabledOffLevel 1Level 2Level 3 Host dialogue ! Remote dialogue P Press to exit. Use and to move window. 6Phone number to dial: $ CNoYesCVoice mode requested, press to accept, to cancel... Pick up the phone, press when remote user picks up...  % Waiting for connection, please hang up... $ Chat With Remote UserPrint OptionsEnd SessionSpecial Options user is busy. Cancel pcANYWHEREReboot Host PC Host Session Options %Unable to release allocated memory. %Unable to release system resources. *DOS is busy. Exit menu, try again later. .Please press ... The previous session was interrupted. Only the previous user's password will be accepted. DOS is currently busy on the host PC. Only the master password can be accepted at this time. The caller file could not be found, logging off... The caller file is invalid, logging off... Enter password: Invalid password. Please try again. Enter your terminal number: The terminal configuration file could not be found, logging off... The terminal configuration file is invalid, logging off... The terminal configuration file cannot be accessed at this time. If your terminal type is "", press to continue. Otherwise, press to end the session... <Log in successful, prepare for callback from host... *** The host PC is in a graphics mode that your terminal does not support *** The host PC operator terminated the session... Your remote software or terminal is not compatible with the host PC... *** Unable to load file transfer module. Error code returned by DOS: $ *** Unable to load communications driver overlay - $ *** Unable to load remote mouse driver overlay - $file not found. $not enough memory. $*** Unable to load high speed graphics overlay - $ *** In order to run pcANYWHERE in a DesqView window you need DesqView 2.26 or later. $ *** An incompatible version of pcANYWHERE is already active. $Diagnostics Main Menu Overview... Communications Tests... Video Tests... Keyboard Tests... Overview OptionsHardware... Environment... AUTOEXEC.BAT... CONFIG.SYS... W2 HVParallel ports: ASAVSerial ports: ASAVKeyboard: ASAVPrimary video adapter: ASAVSecondary video adapter: ASAVMonitor: ASPZW ? HV Port name:V Data rate:VModem:VLast modem response:AC SC SC SZTesting Modem HardwareDo The Colors Look Correct?W VVideo Colors Test: VSVPress to continue...PZW > V# Communications TestV.This option tests one or more of your hardwareV3configurations. If you test a configuration with anV+external modem, make sure that the modem isV5connected to the appropriate comm port and turned on.VPress to continue...ZAV Modem Response... OK V Press to continue...PZSerial Communication TestsCheck Port... Show Status Of Signals... Modem Test... Network Communication TestsCheck Network Driver... Test Network Communication... W VSerial Port Test:VSVPress to continue...PZW VSerial Configuration Test:VSVPress to continue...PZW V Modem Test:VSVPress to continue...PZW < V Video TestsV7These tests will test various video modes of operation.V8For each test, you may be asked to press a key or answerV5a question based on what appears on the screen. SomeV/tests may not be valid for your video hardware.VPress to continue...ZVideo TestsTest For Snow... Horizontal/Vertical Synch Test... Graphics Detection Test... Cursor Test... Check For Video RAM Conflicts... Check Video Modes... Colors Test... W - V Results Of Video TestsV!Adaptor Causes Snow: SV!Horizontal/Vertical Synch Test: SV!Graphics Detection Test: SV!Cursor Tests: SV!RAM Conflict: SV!Graphics Modes Test: SV !Color Bar Test: SV V Press to continue...PZW 9 V5This test is only valid on systems with CGA adapters.V VPress to continue...PZW <V8If some pixels are flashing on the screen (called snow),V6you may want to set the Eliminate Snow program option.VPress to continue...ZVEnter boot drive: ZW  VFailed to get signalsVPress to continue...PZW #VAdapter Snow Test: VSVPress to continue...PZW VGraphics Detection Test...VSVPress to continue...PZW VCursor Test... VSVPress to continue...PZW 2VThere are video RAM conflicts: VVideo RAM mapped to system RAM.V-High resolution graphics cannot be supported.DCPZW : V/A line of text will be displayed for each videoV1mode. Press after each line is displayed.V.If there is a problem, you may not be able to V6read the test, therefore, if you see a blank screen orV#unrecognizable line, press .V*Press to begin the video mode testZV;Is there an underline cursor at the end of this line (Y/N)?ZV;Is there a full block cursor at the end of this line (Y/N)?ZV:Is there a top block cursor at the end of this line (Y/N)?ZV=Is there a bottom block cursor at the end of this line (Y/N)?ZW VVideo RAM Test: VSVPress to continue...PZW #VToggle Keys Test:VSVPress to continue...PZToggle Keys Function OK?Keyboard TestsBios Extended Keyboard Support... Test Toggle Keys (Shift, Alt, Ctrl)... Keyboard Lights Test... Scan Code Test... Determine Which Program Controls The Keyboard... Keyboard TestsDuring the keyboard test you willbe asked to press various keys....Begin Keyboard TestsNoYesW ,V(Bios Support Of Extended Function Keys: VSVPress to continue...PZW < V Toggle Keys TestV7Please press the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys individuallyV5and in various combinations. The state of each key orV#key combination is displayed below.VPress to continue.ZVRight shift key: SVLeft shift key: SVAlt key: SVCtrl key: SZAll Key Combinations Detected?NoYesV#Is the Scroll Lock light on (Y/N)? ZV!Is the Caps Lock light on (Y/N)? ZV Is the Num Lock light on (Y/N)? ZW 8 V Scan Code TestV.Press any key on your keyboard. The scan codesV2generated for that key are displayed below. RepeatV/this process with other keys and call TechnicalV%Support to discuss keyboard problems.VPress to end this test...ZVHScan Code(hex): ZW ,V(The Keyboard Is Currently Controlled By:VBIOSVPress to continue...PZW , V Summary of Keyboard TestsV Extended Function Keys Test: SV Toggle Keys Test: SV Keyboard Lights Test: SV Scan Code Test: SV BIOS Control of Keyboard Test: SV Press to continue...PZL (ZExit Scan Code Test?W <V8This test ensures the existence of the serial data port.V Press to run the test...ZW ?V;This test verifies the operation of the modem by attemptingV:to initialize the modem in auto answer mode. If the modemV(does not respond, the test will timeout.VPress to run the test.ZW ;V7This test displays the state of the connection signals.V Press to run the test...ZW  VSignal Status: VClear To Send (CTS) - SVData Set Ready (DSR) - SVRing Indicator (RI) - SVCarrier Detect (DCD) - SVPress to continue...PZW VSignals not available.VPress to continue...PZW >V:This test ensures the existence of the appropriate networkV-driver for the configuration you are testing.V Press to run the test...ZW <V8This test attempts to send data using the network driverV/specified in the configuration you are testing.V Press to run the test...ZW (VNetwork Driver Test:VSVPress to continue...PZW #VNetwork Communication Test:ZVInitializing... ZVTesting... ZVPASSED ZVInit status = SZVChannel status = SZVError data unrecognizableZVPress to continue...PZVFAILED ZVTIMEOUTSZVBAD PORT PARAMETERSSZPASSED FAILED N/A YESBIOSW (V$Testing Horizontal/Vertical Sync... VSVPress to continue...PZW VKeyboard Lights Test:VSVPress to continue...PZ DEPRESSEDNOT DepressedW #VNo test for this keyboard type.VPress to continue...PZMonochrome Color Enhanced ColorPC/AT HIGHLOW V;No Response from Modem - Verify that the modem is connectedV 1to the comm port and that the power is turned on.ZV !Operation aborted. Please wait...ZV8Unknown Modem Type - Verify that the modem type selectedV matches the modem used.ZV;Modem Communications Error - Reset the modem and try again.V ,If problem persists, call Technical Support.ZDid Snow Appear On The Screen?UNTESTEDDid Scan Codes Function Properly?W #VScan Code Test: VSVPress to continue...PZW C V(The keyboard is currently controlled by:V=An Application. If this machine is used as an ANYWHERE host,V?the remote user might need the Special Keyboard Handler enabledV'to make the keyboard function properly.VPress to continue...PZW K VGThis test is only applicable for systems with CGA or Hercules adapters.VPress to continue...PZW 6 V1Unable to destinguish between text and graphics. VLast text memory addr = SVLast video memory addr = SVPress to continue...PZDid The Video Modes Appear Correct? Press to continue... 40 column monochrome mode 40 column color mode 80 column monochrome mode 80 column color mode 320x200 4 color graphics mode 320x200 4 color graphics mode 640x200 monochrome graphics mode 80 column monochrome mode 720x348 monochrome graphics mode 720x348 16 color graphics mode 320x200 16 color graphics mode 640x200 16 color graphics mode 640x350 monochrome graphics mode 640x350 16 color graphics mode 640x480 monochrome graphics mode 640x480 16 color graphics mode 320x200 256 color graphics modeW VVideo Modes Test: VSVPress to continue...PZAPPW 6 V2WARNING - A connection is currently being detectedPZW; V7WARNING - CTS LOW, hardware flow control not respondingPZMDA CGA EGA EGA EGA MCGAVGA HerculesHercules IncolorNONEEnhancedPC/XT w/64K RAMw/128K RAMw/192K RAMw/256K RAMSerial Communication TestsCheck Port... Show Status Of Signals... YyNnParameters for: L  1ZSave ChangesTerminal ListKeyboard Sequences... Screen Sequences... Miscellaneous Parameters... Screen function (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)Initialize Exit Beep Cur pos. lead in Cur pos. between Cur pos. trail Cursor left Cursor right Display Ctrl lead-inDisplay Ctrl trail Rep char <= 255 Rep char >= 256 Clear screen Clear end of page Clear end of line Scroll line Scroll window Insert line Delete line Normal video Highlight Reverse video Reverse highlight Blink video Blink/highlight Blink/reverse Blink/rev/highligt Underline video Underline/highlight Underline/reverse Und/rev/highlight Underline/blink Und/blink/highlight Und/blink/reverse Und/blink/rev/hi Cursor off Underline cursor Block cursor 25 line mode 43 line mode 50 line mode 40 column mode 80 column mode 132 column mode Set video mode Sel color palette Prog palette regs Prog video DAC regs Prog video DAC mask Transp. print on Transp. print off Redirect output Turn Caps lock on Turn Caps lock off Turn Num lock on Turn Num lock off Turn Scrl Lock on Turn Scrl Lock off ASCII keybd mode Scan code kbd mode Enable blinking Disable blinking Load character gen Suspend/Resume Screen sequence for: W-AV 1st code: V 2nd code: V 3rd code: V 4th code: V 5th code: V 6th code: V  7th code: V  8th code: V  9th code: V  10th code:V  11th code:V 12th code:Z            Keyboard function (1) (2) (3) (4)Home Up Arrow Page Up Left Arrow Center Cursor Right Arrow End Down Arrow Page Down Insert Delete Ctrl Home Ctrl Up Arrow Ctrl PgUp Ctrl Left Arrow Ctrl Center Curs Ctrl Right Arrow Ctrl End Ctrl Down Arrow Ctrl PgDn Ctrl Ins Ctrl Del Alt Home Alt Up Arrow Alt PgUp Alt Left Arrow Alt Right Arrow Alt End Alt Down Arrow Alt PgDn Alt Ins Alt Del F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Shift F1 Shift F2 Shift F3 Shift F4 Shift F5 Shift F6 Shift F7 Shift F8 Shift F9 Shift F10 Shift F11 Shift F12 Ctrl F1 Ctrl F2 Ctrl F3 Ctrl F4 Ctrl F5 Ctrl F6 Ctrl F7 Ctrl F8 Ctrl F9 Ctrl F10 Ctrl F11 Ctrl F12 Alt F1 Alt F2 Alt F3 Alt F4 Alt F5 Alt F6 Alt F7 Alt F8 Alt F9 Alt F10 Alt F11 Alt F12 Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 Alt 5 Alt 6 Alt 7 Alt 8 Alt 9 Alt 0 Alt A Alt B Alt C Alt D Alt E Alt F Alt G Alt H Alt I Alt J Alt K Alt L Alt M Alt N Alt O Alt P Alt Q Alt R Alt S Alt T Alt U Alt V Alt W Alt X Alt Y Alt Z Alt ` Alt - Alt = Alt \ Alt [ Alt ] Alt ; Alt ' Alt , Alt . Alt / Ctrl Keypad / Ctrl Keypad * Ctrl Keypad - Ctrl Keypad + Alt Keypad / Alt Keypad * Alt Keypad - Alt Keypad + Null Esc Shift Tab Ctrl Backspace Ctrl Tab Alt Backspace Alt Tab Alt Enter Alt Keypad Enter Alt Esc Ctrl Break Print Screen Ctrl Print Scrn Sys Request Pop up menu Refresh screen Scroll Display Down Scroll Display Up DesqView Hot-key Send Next Code Keyboard sequence for: W -AV 1st code: V 2nd code: V 3rd code: V 4th code: Z    Miscellaneous Parameters for: W 7AVName: VHeight (1-25): VWidth (1-80): VKeyboard type: VKey sequences case sensitive: VNo. pad characters (0-255): V Offset to add to row: V Offset to add to column: V Send row or column first: V Send position in ASCII: V Terminal auto-wraps: VScroll bottom right: VTerminal clears with attrib: VSupports PC attributes: VParity: VX-ON character: VX-OFF character: VpcANYWHERE compatible: Z   P  ./ 21    EG 41 61 :1 <H I1 >@   C1L .  0/ZASCII Scan Code Keyboard TypeNo YesL .  31ZKey Sequences Case SensitiveL. 51ZSend Position In ASCIIL. 71ZTerminal Auto-wrapsL. ;1ZScroll Bottom RightL($ =HZTerminal Clears With Attrib.L3 ?@ZParityNone Odd Even Mark SpaceL1 D1ZpcANYWHERE CompatibleL/ FGZSend Row Or Col FirstRowColCurrentNormal L1 J1ZSupports PC AttributesW $ VToo many CRT codes enteredVPlease remove codes DCCSPZW $ VFile not found: AW.TRMDCPZW ) V%Unable to find selected terminal dataDCPZGHIKLMOPQRSwstuv;<=>?@ABCDTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqxyz{|}~0. !"#$%&21/-,)+'(3457JNrW ( VSorry - not implemented yet!VPress any key...PZEntry Code CharEntry: W AVCode: Z eZ-./]>?@AA012Select Path To Restore Terminal File FromW ' V#Can't restore file that we're usingDCPZL # !]^ZSelect Terminal Data to RestoreAll Terminal Data Keyboard Sequences Screen Sequences Misc. Parameters Character Transl. Table W $CSZ Restored      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrsuvwxyz{|}~W! V HELP KEYSVPgDn - Next Help ScreenVPgUp - Previous Help ScreenVHome - First Help ScreenVEnd - Last Help ScreenVEsc - Exit Help ScreenPZW =VCONFIGURATIONSV5The list includes the names given to all the hardwareV8configurations that have been defined. From here you canV.delete, modify, add or rename a configuration.ZW =VHelp-3Z W =V SERIAL PORTSV3This menu lists the available IBM compatible serialV7ports. If you are using COM3 or COM4 on PS/2 computers,V5be sure you choose COM3 For PS/2 or COM4 For PS/2. IfV8you have a special serial port board that uses the 8250,V716450, or 16550 serial chip, you may be able to use theV/custom selection to describe your serial board.Z W =VHelp-6Z W =V IRQ SETTINGV7A serial port must support an IRQ line to be compatibleV1with pcANYWHERE. The available IRQ lines are 0-7,V7although 0, 1 and 6 are generally reserved by other IBMV7hardware. In addition, IRQ 3 and IRQ 4 are usually usedVby COM2 and COM1 respectively.Z W =VCUSTOM PORT ADDRESSV:Every IBM compatible serial port has a base address. CheckV8with your board's manual for the correct address to use.Z W =VMODEM SELECTIONV2pcANYWHERE supports many different modems. If yourV4modem brand does not appear on the list and is HayesV5compatible, select the Hayes model that is closest toV8your modem. If that does not work, try Hayes Compatible.V6If you are directly connected or must type directly toV your modem, choose NONE.V 7NOTE: An asterisk next to the modem name indicates thatV 2the modem is not supported by Symantec's TechnicalV 8Support department because Symantec no longer has accessV0to the modem and therefore is unable to test it.Z  W =VCONNECTION STARTED BY/ENDED BYV9These fields allow you to fill in the type of signal yourV5system uses to tell that a connection (call) has beenV(received or has ended. Your choices are:V-Always Connected: use for direct connections.V"Carrier Detect: RS-232 DCD signal.V !Clear To Send: RS-232 CTS signal.V "Data Set Ready: RS-232 DSR signal.V 7Ring Indicator: RS-232 RI signal, used with some PBX's.V 8Receive 2 's: used for starting when direct connect.V 7Modem Response: used for starting when a modem is used.V7 Choose DCD to end connections when modems are used.Z W =V DATA RATEV5This setting tells pcANYWHERE the communication speedV8for your connection. Select MAX if you are using a modemV2and you do not know the modem's highest data rate.V6Otherwise, select the modem's highest data rate or theV7rate required by your hardware. Note that selecting MAXV:may force the data rate to change after a modem connectionV5is made and may disable the modem's error correction.Z W =VPARITYV6Parity is a method or error checking that the host youV6will be calling may support. If you are connected withV0another PC using pcANYWHERE, set PARITY to NONE.V9Otherwise, choose the setting that matches the one neededV0by the computer to which you will be connecting.V 3If you are setting parity for use with a pcANYWHEREV .gateway, and the gateway has a outgoing serialV 8configuration, this setting overrides the parity settingV in the gateway's configuration.Z W =V FLOW CONTROLV9Flow control is used to insure that data will not be lostV6between two ends of a connection because it is sent orV6received more quickly than one end can handle it. YourV choices are:V4None: used by most modems at speeds under 9600 baud.V 1X-ON/X-OFF: used only by some non-ANYWHERE hosts.V 9RTS/CTS: Hardware flow control good for high speed modemsV and direct connections.V 3Both: Use only if your modem supports hardware flowV /control and your non-ANYWHERE host requires it.VXON-XOFF software flow control.Z W =V BREAK LENGTHV0Only change the default in rare cases when it isV4necessary to allow the remote computer's terminal toV7accommodate special host software applications, such asV'communicating through some PBX systems.Z W =V DTR STATEV8The serial port DTR signal is used to indicate that yourV8PC is turned on and ready for communications. This fieldV5gives you control over that signal. Your choices are:V.Always Off: use only under rare circumstances.V8Always On: the default used for most serial connections.V 6On While Connected: some systems want DTR to be activeV %only when a connection has been made.Z W =V RTS STATEV6The serial port RTS signal is usually used only duringV7a session using hardware flow control. This field givesV/you control over that signal. Your choices are:V.Always Off: use only under rare circumstances.V8Always On: the default used for most serial connections.V 6On While Connected: some systems want RTS to be activeV %only when a connection has been made.Z W =VRING NUMBER TO ANSWER ONV4This field sets the number of rings after which yourV9modem answers the phone when you receive a call. NormallyV9this field is set to 1, but you can specify more rings ifV8you wish to allow time for a person to answer before theV modem does.Z W =VSECONDS TO WAIT AFTER DIALV7This option is the maximum amount of time to wait for aV9connection after dialing a number. This includes time forV9a dial tone to be received and all digits to be sent out.V3You can tailor this time period to the speed of theV5telephone system you are working with and the maximumV9amount of time needed for your call to be accepted by theV  other end.Z W =V DIAL TYPEV5Most telephone systems support tone dialing, which isV9faster than the old-fashioned pulse dialing. Contact yourV6telephone company if you are not sure what yours uses.Z W =V LEASED LINEV8If your workplace uses a leased telephone line for modemV7communications, select YES. Otherwise leave the defaultV6of NO. This option helps pcANYWHERE program the modem.Z W =VREDIAL ATTEMPTSV3This field tells pcANYWHERE how many times to retryV1dialing a number that is busy. Setting the REDIALV4ATTEMPTS to 0 tells pcANYWHERE not to redial at all.Z W =VSECONDS BETWEEN REDIALSV8If you have set the REDIAL ATTEMPTS to a non-zero value,V4this field tells pcANYWHERE how long to wait betweenV8each redial attempt. Unless your phone system or companyV6takes a long time to disconnect a previous call, leaveV2this field set to the default value of 10 seconds.Z W =V &ADDITIONAL MODEM INITIALIZATION STRINGV8This advanced feature lists additional data that will beV5sent to your modem when pcANYWHERE programs the modemV8for dialing or answering. A typical use might be to tellV"the modem to turn off its speaker.V4If you have selected the Manual Modem option for theV 2Modems selection window, you may use this field toV 8enter the initialization string to be sent to the modem.Z W =VADJUST SPEED TO MODEMV6Some modems allow the computer to communicate with theV2modem at a different speed than the modem-to-modemV8connection. This is generally true for any modem capableV6of data compression, such as MNP 5 and V.42 modems. IfV5this field is set to YES, then pcANYWHERE will changeV6it's speed to whatever speed the modem reports after aV 5connection. If set to NO, the PC will continue to useV 5the current speed. When you select a modem other thanV 8Hayes Compatible, this field is automatically set to theV 8suggested value. For the Hayes Compatible selection, youV 7must refer to your modem manual to see if the computer-V5to-modem speed should be adjusted after a connection.Z W =VHelp-28Z W =VELIMINATE SNOWV9Some IBM CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) compatible displaysV9cause snow on the screen, just like the snow or static onV6a TV set. This preference should be set to YES only ifV'your CGA adapter exhibits this problem.V1Note: You can test for snow by using the HardwareV 0Diagnostics option from the Main Menu Utilities.Z W =VYOUR COMPUTER NAMEV/pcANYWHERE uses computer names to identify eachV4computer involved in remote communications sessions.V6Type in a name that would be meaningful to you and anyV5other users that may wish to connect to your machine.Z W =VMASTER PASSWORDV3pcANYWHERE users the master password to provide youV3security with respect to accessing your setups. YouV!must know the master password to:V!. Modify hardware configurations.V. Modify preferences.V". Modify host information entries.V $. Modify caller information entries.V '. Access your PC as a host at any time.Z W =VPROGRAM COLORSV6You have three basic choices for the colors pcANYWHEREV)will use for its various menus and forms:V5Default: pcANYWHERE selects its predefined color set.V7Monochrome: B&W for PCs using monochrome screens with aV2color adapter (such as gas plasma or LCD screens).V 3User Defined: allows you to choose your own colors.Z W =VBEGIN HOST OPERATIONV6After you have set up your preferences and selected anV4active configuration, this menu lets you choose whatV,basic host operating mode you wish to begin.VWAIT FOR A CONNECTIONV 9Generally used for unattended host operation, this choiceV 8basically prevents the host PC from doing any work untilV 3a remote computer attempts to connect to this host.V0 Page 1 of 3ZW =VEXIT, HOT KEY TO ACTIVATEV1This option leaves the host portion of pcANYWHEREV3resident in memory, but this PC will not answer anyV6calls until the host operator presses the host hot keyV&and chooses the appropriate selection.VEXIT, ALLOW INCOMING CALLSV 6When you choose this option, the host software will beV 1placed resident in memory, and ready to accept anV  incoming connection at any time.V0 Page 2 of 3ZW =VCANCEL AND REMOVE FROM MEMORYV5This option attempts to remove the host software fromV7memory (DOS may prevent this under certain conditions).V8In any case, the host software will no longer accept anyV/new connections. You must restart pcANYWHERE toVreactivate the host.V  CALL A REMOTEV 8This option lets the host PC dial the remote PC. It willV 8not appear on this menu for LAN hardware configurations.V0 Page 3 of 3Z W =V CALLER NAMESV9Any remote user who accesses your host system is governedV5by specific Caller Information records or the defaultV7caller entry (defined with Host Preferences). This listV8includes the caller names you have defined. You can add,V!modify, delete or rename entries.V 8Make sure that you name your callers with something thatV tells you who they are.Z! W =VHelp-37Z" W =VCALLER PASSWORDV6This password is the unique password you assign to theV6caller whose information you are entering. When remoteV6callers connect to your host and enter their password,V6pcANYWHERE searches through all the valid passwords inV8the Caller Information file for a match. Once a match isV4found, the associated parameters from this form willV 5be used to govern the caller's remote access session.V 5Be sure to make your passwords unique, and be carefulV 7about capitalization if you set the Host Preference forV  case sensitive passwords to YES.Z# W =VALLOW SPECIAL KEYBOARD HANDLERV5pcANYWHERE has a special keyboard handler that may beV8needed for remotely running some applications, like manyV6IBM 3270 emulation programs. This field states whetherV9this user can activate the special handler. Your choices:V6. No: Use only if you want to prevent users from beingV 'able to run those special applications.V 7. Yes - Initially Off: This default leaves it up to theV !user to activate it if necessary.V 8. Yes - Initially On: Use this option if the most commonV +use of your host needs the special handler.Z$ W =V !ALLOW CALLER TO BLANK HOST SCREENV7Set this option to YES when you want the remote user toV7be able to cause the host PC's screen to be blanked outV6during a remote access session. Set this to NO if yourV8host PC will be attended and you want to know everythingV that the remote caller is doing.Z% W =VALLOW USE OF V8The -C and key sequences are used byV6many programs to cancel the program and return to DOS.V9This field allows you to select which of these keystrokesV8you will allow this remote caller to use. You can chooseV9NO, for example, if this caller will be forced into a DOSV8batch file (using the Command to execute field) that youV do not want interrupted.Z& W =VALLOW CALLER TO REBOOT HOSTV9If you set this field to YES, this caller will be allowedV7to reboot this host PC. If you want other callers to beV5able to connect to your host after a reboot, you mustV5make sure that your AUTOEXEC.BAT file causes the hostV5software to be automatically loaded. See the manual'sV'discussion of pcANYWHERE command lines.Z' W =V ALLOW CALLER TO CHANGE HOST MODEV2When set to YES, this caller can change the host'sV6operating mode on disconnect. For example, if the hostV6was waiting for a call when this caller connected, theV9host can be forced to wait for the host operator to pressV5the hot key for the next session. Remote callers willV9even be able to cancel host operation. Therefore, be sureV 6that your callers can be trusted to leave your host inV /the desired mode, or just set this field to NO.Z( W =VCALLBACK PHONE NUMBERV7This phone number only applies to modem connections. IfV6you want the host to call the remote system back afterV5this caller connects to your PC, enter the number forV7the caller's remote PC. This is a good security measureV8guaranteeing that the desired caller is actually the oneVwho just got into your host PC.Z) W =VCOMMAND TO EXECUTEV7You can use this feature to automatically execute a DOSV9command line after this caller makes a connection to yourV7host PC. The command will be executed only if your hostV/was set up to be in Wait For A Connection mode.V8A typical use of this feature would be to invoke a batchV 3file to bring up a user menu, or perhaps to force aV 0logout/login sequence from a local area network.Z* W =V $CALLER SUBJECT TO INACTIVITY TIMEOUTV7If you have entered an Inactivity Timeout period in theV6Host Preferences menu, you can use this field to stateV5if this caller is subject to that timeout. If you setV9this field to NO, this caller will be able to leave theirV8remote PC running and connected for an indefinite amountV3of time unless you limit their Time Allowed Online.Z+ W =VLOG CALLS FROM THIS CALLERV6pcANYWHERE can maintain a host call log containing theV6dates, times and durations of calls made to your host.V5Set this field to YES if you want calls received fromV&this caller to be included in the log.Z, W =VPRINT DESTINATIONV6This field specifies where printed output will go whenV6this caller runs programs that print reports. AlthoughV5the print destination can be changed by a caller, youV8should set this field to the option that best suits yourV:basic needs. The options just indicates which PC, the hostV1remote, both, or none, will receive print output.Z- W =V TERMINAL TYPEV2Once a session has begun, pcANYWHERE needs to knowV7what type of machine the caller is using. Since callersV0may not be running pcANYWHERE, you might want toV7specify the terminal that this caller will be using. IfV5you wish, you can choose Ask Caller, which will causeV6pcANYWHERE to present a list of choices to this callerV 7once a connection is made. If you know that this callerV +will be calling with pcANYWHERE, choose theV pcANYWHERE terminal type.Z. W =VTIME ALLOWED ONLINEV9This field is designed to control the amount of time thatV7this caller may spend during a single session with thisV9host PC. It protects you against a caller that forgets toV4exit the session and leaves the remote PC connected.V8Enter the number of minutes, 1 to 9999 (approx. 7 days).V 7Setting this value to 0 means that this caller can stayV *connected for an unlimited amount of time.Z/ W =VHelp-51Z0 W =VHOT KEY FOR HOST MODE MENUSV8The host hot key keystroke combination is used to pop upV4the Host Options menu during a remote session, or toV6activate the host if it was resident but inactive. TheV9available hot key options include all combinations of theV1Ctrl, Alt, R-Shift and L-Shift keys. Choose a keyV6combination that does not conflict with other programsV +that you may have resident on your host PC.V #The default setting is Alt R-Shift.Z1 W =VACTIVE KEYBOARDS DURING SESSIONV6This field determines which keyboards, host or remote,V5can be used during remote sessions. Your choices are:V4. Host And Remote: default, used for any joint work.V5. Host Only: used when the remote user only observes.V7. Remote Only: used mostly when the host is unattended.Z2 W =VINACTIVITY TIMEOUTV4This field specifies the amount of time a caller canV7remain connected to this host with no screen data beingV4changed or keystrokes being entered. If the caller'sV7information entry is set to use the inactivity timeout,V/and this period expires, the connection will beVautomatically terminated.Z3 W =V ADVANCED GRAPHICS MODE DETECTIONV6Advanced graphics mode detection is necessary when youV8run certain programs that use non-standard techniques toV6display graphic information. Because enabling advancedV2graphics detection slows down pcANYWHERE, set thisV1field to YES only if you are sure you'll need it.Z4 W =VTIME BETWEEN HOST SCREEN SCANSV5This field should only be changed when screen displayV9operation is not as smooth as you would like. It controlsV4the frequency at which pcANYWHERE checks the host PCV9screen for changes that must be transmitted to the remoteV7PC. The value is expressed in units of 55 milliseconds.V 8The default value is 10. Smaller numbers will smooth outV 2screen displays, but cause the host PC to run moreV slowly.Z5 W =VREBOOT ON DISCONNECTV9You would want to reboot when a remote connection is lostV6for a variety of reasons: you want to ensure that eachV8caller starts a session in Wait For A Call mode so theirV6initial command is executed; you don't want subsequentV5callers to attach to your PC in the middle of anotherV9caller's application; etc. If you want to reboot and haveV 7other sessions be possible, make sure your AUTOEXEC.BATV 5restarts pcANYWHERE. If you choose to force a reboot,V 2you can pick coldboot or warmboot, and whether theV 8reboot will happen at the end of all calls, or only whenV 8the connection was inadvertently broken (such as a phoneVcall getting cut off).Z6 W =V 'ALLOW POP-UP (BACKGROUND) FILE TRANSFERV6pcANYWHERE accommodates file transfers with the AWSENDV3program, which can run from the DOS prompt during aV9remote access session. If you need to be able to transferV9files at any time (for example, when you're in the middleV1of examining a Lotus spreadsheet), you can enableV5pop-up file transfers. Setting this field to YES willV 5cause an additional resident program to automaticallyV 8load when host operation is started. Remote callers willV 8then be able to select file transfer from their SessionsV 1Options menu at almost any time during a session.V 8Note: Background file transfers operate much slower thanV,file transfers done with the AWSEND program.Z7 W =VDELAY BEFORE CALLBACK ATTEMPTEDV8This field affects modem connections only. If the remoteV8caller's information record indicates a callback number,V5pcANYWHERE will dial that number after this specifiedV9delay time. The delay is necessary for some phone systemsV1to be ready for a call to be placed after one hasV finished.Z8 W =VDEFAULT PHONE NUMBERV8This option affects only modem connections. If you electV3to use the Call A Remote option from the Begin HostV6Operation menu, this number will be the number dialed.V7If you leave this field blank, you will be prompted forVa number at run time.Z9 W =VUSE CALLER INFORMATION LISTV7When set to YES, your remote callers' passwords will beV.checked against those entered into your CallerV7Information records and the corresponding parameters ofV%the matching entry will be in effect.V5If set to NO, the only accepted passwords will be theV 8Default Caller Entry (defined using Host Preferences) orV 4the master password. In addition, the Default CallerV &Entry fields will govern all sessions.Z: W =VPASSWORD ATTEMPTS ALLOWEDV7This field controls the number of times a remote callerV+is allowed to enter a password before beingV5disconnected from your system. A value of 0 allows anVunlimited number of attempts.Z; W =VPASSWORD ENTRY TIMEOUTV8This field controls the amount of time a caller is givenV6to enter a valid password. It is an overriding timeoutV8that takes precedence over the Password Attempts AllowedV&field. The default value is 3 minutes.Z< W =VALLOW ANY PASSWORD ON RECONNECTV9If you have elected to use the caller table for screeningV6remote users, this option provides a useful safeguard.V8When a remote session is ended by an inactivity timeout,V9or the remote caller hangs up unexpectedly, the next userV8will not be able to access your host unless he knows theV8previous user's password or the master password. If thisV 8field is set to YES, any valid password will be acceptedV on subsequent calls.Z= W =VPASSWORDS ARE CASE SENSITIVEV7If a password is case sensitive, the remote caller mustV8enter it exactly as it appears in the Caller InformationV6entry, paying attention to which letters are upper andV8lower case. If this option is set to NO, lower and upperV2case letters are treated as if they were the same.Z> W =V #COMMAND TO LOAD HOST IN HIGH MEMORYV0This field is for hosts that have special memoryV2management software for optimizing extended systemV5memory (such as Quarterdeck's QEMM). If you have highV6memory available (between 640K and 1M), enter here theV/command used to load programs into that memory.V %For example, with QEMM, enter LOADHI.V 1If you are using DOS 5.0's EMM386 memory manager,V $enter the following into this field:V  COMMAND /C LHZ@ W =VSELECT HOST FOR CONNECTIONV6This list contains the names of the host computers youV7have set up to be accessed by your remote PC. Use F2 toV6immediately call that host. Otherwise, you can insert,V5delete or modify the information describing any host.ZA W =VCONNECT OPTIONSV'Once a host entry is selected, you can:V5. View/Modify Host Entry: simply lets you look at andV+possibly change the host information entry.V'. Call: attempt to connect to the host.V4. Wait For A Call: the remote PC will be prepared toV .accept an incoming call from another computer.V 5. Voice-first Connection: when you are using a serialV /configuration and are set up to be a pcANYWHEREV 0terminal, you can use this option if you want toV .speak to the Host PC operator first, then haveV,the PCs connect for a remote access session.ZB W =V HOST NAMESV7This list contains the names of any hosts computers youV1have defined. Associated with each name is a HostV8Information entry describing how your remote PC can makeV7a connection to that host. You need the master passwordV0to change, delete, rename or add new host names.ZC W =VCONFIGURATION NAMEV7Use this field to specify the hardware configuration toV9use to reach this host. You will be presented with a listVof the defined configurations.ZD W =V PHONE NUMBERV8If you will be using a modem (either directly or throughV5a pcANYWHERE/LAN or NASI/NCSI gateway), you can enterV6the phone number for this host here. If you leave thisV8field blank, you will be asked for the phone number whenV you try to connect to this host.ZE W =VHOST COMPUTER NAMEV6Enter a host computer name if this host is on your ownV9network or you are accessing a LAN host via a gateway. IfV5you leave this field blank, pcANYWHERE will display aV9list of known hosts when you try to connect to this host.ZF W =VTERMINAL EMULATIONV5This field tells pcANYWHERE what type of terminal youV7will be emulating when you connect to this host. ChooseV2pcANYWHERE if you are calling any pcANYWHERE host.V1You should choose a different terminal emulation Vto call any non-ANYWHERE host.ZG W =V LOG SESSIONV5Set this field to YES if you want to record the date,V5time and duration of calls made to this host. You canV4get various reports about the calls you have made byV8using the View Log Files option from the Utilities menu.ZH W =V HOST PASSWORDV0If this is a pcANYWHERE host, you can enter yourV7password to gain access to this host PC. It must be theV8password that the host operator has specified for you inV.the Caller Information record at the host end.V8If you leave this field blank, you will be asked for theV password at connect time.ZI W =VRECORDING STATUSV6pcANYWHERE allows you to record your computing sessionV7in a file for later reference. All screen activity thatV8is seen on the remote PC during a session will be saved.V9The sessions can be played back with the Play Back optionVfrom the Utilities menu.V 7You can have recording initially on or off for calls toV 5this host (recording can be turned on or off during aV 8session as well). You can also name the file to save theV recorded information.ZJ W =V SCRIPT FILEV5This field determines whether or not a script file isV7to be executed after a connection has been made. If theV6field is blank, then no script is executed. To specifyV5or change the script name, press ENTER and select YESV2from the Use Script menu. Then select the path andVfilename of the desired script.ZK W =VREMOTE HOT KEYV5The remote hot key is a keystroke combination used toV9pop-up the Session Options menu during a remote computingV2session. The available hot key options include allV8combinations of the Ctrl, Alt, R-Shift and L-Shift keys.V4Choose a key combination that does not conflict withV3other programs you may have resident on your remoteV 5PC (including the pcANYWHERE host software which usesV Alt R-Shift as a default).V $The default setting is Ctrl R-Shift.ZL W =VBLINK ATTRIBUTEV4Blinking is a screen display attribute that causes aV5screen character to flash on and off. Only change theV9default setting to NO if you unexpectedly experience thisV6kind of blinking at an unlikely time during a session.ZM W =VATTRIBUTE TRANSLATIONV5Attribute translation is a function that is necessaryV8when you have a color host but a monochrome remote. WhenV8enabled (set to YES), the remote software makes its bestV6guesses as to which host colors should be displayed asV9black-on-white or white-on-black on the remote PC. ChangeV8this option to NO only if incorrect characters appear onV $a Hercules adapter in RAM-font mode.ZN W =VERROR CORRECTIONV9This option applies to serial connections only (includingV4connections using gateways that have a serial link).V8Since serial phone connections are inherently subject toV6'noise', which causes data errors to occur, pcANYWHEREV2can help prevent these problems. Your choices are:V 6. None: no error correction (assumes your serial linksV 2are error free or errors are not critical to you).V 1. Keystrokes Only: checks remote keystrokes only.V 5. Maximum: checks both remote keystrokes and all dataV 0received by the remote PC. Use where accuracy isV/critical, since it slows the host PC operation.ZO W =VREMOTE PRINT DEVICEV8When the host PC is set to send print data to the remoteV9PC, you can choose which remote PC device will be used toV"output the data. Your choices are:V7. LPT1, LPT2, LPT3: standard IBM parallel port devices.V9. PRN: the current print device (may have been changed byV )the DOS MODE command. PRN is the default.V 7. Spool File: printed data will be saved in a disk fileV on the remote PC.V 6. Select Spool File: use this option to name the SpoolV  File used for remote print data.ZP W =VHelp-84ZQ W =VAUTOMATED PROCEDURESV9An Automated Procedure defines a set of hosts to call andV8operations to perform. These procedures can be set up toV9be executed at specific dates and times, with no operatorV$present at either remote or host PC.V7This list contains the names of the procedures you haveV 7defined. You can modify, delete, rename, add, or simplyV 1select a procedure to be scheduled for execution.V 6Automated procedures are only used for ANYWHERE hosts.ZR W =V AUTOMATED PROCEDURE OPTIONS MENUV6Once you have selected a procedure to modify (or add),V3you are presented with this menu. Your choices are:V5. Execute The Procedure: schedule the procedure to beV1executed. The date and time for the host sessionsV2in the procedure will govern when the actual callsV  are placed.V 6. View/Modify The Procedure: examine and/or change theV  procedure.ZS W =VHOSTS TO CALL FOR A PROCEDUREV7This list, which is initially blank, contains the namesV9of all the hosts which will be called when this procedureV8is executed. Each host in the list will be a Session forV5this procedure. Associated with each session are someV8options, including the date and time for the call, and aV#list of operations to be performed.V 6You can add, delete, or modify the information for theV  host sessions in this procedure.ZT W =VHelp-88ZU W =V TIME TO CALLV8Enter the time, using a 24-hour clock (13:00 is 1 p.m.),V8that this host session will begin. Leave the field blankV9if you want this host to be called as soon as possible onVthe specified date.V DATE TO CALLV 6Enter the date, using mm-dd-yy or mm/dd/yy format, forV 5this host to begin. Leave the field blank if you wantV 7this host to be called on the day it is invoked, at theV specified Time To Call.ZV W =VRETRIESV/Enter the number of time that pcANYWHERE shouldV3call a host if the previous attempt failed (perhapsV2the phone line was busy or the LAN host was in useVby some other user).VTIME BETWEEN RETRIESV +Enter the number of minutes that pcANYWHEREV .should wait before retrying to contact a host.ZW W =VHOST MODE ON DISCONNECTV9Select a host operating mode that will be in effect afterV8your Host Session host is finished. Your choices includeV8the same host modes that can be set when you set up yourV1PC to begin host operation, with the addition of:V 7. Original Host Mode: this selection simply returns theV /host to the mode of operation the host operatorV 1had set up before your Automated Procedure made aV 1connection. It has the same effect as running theV 0AWLOGOFF program with no command line arguments.ZX W =V %INACTIVITY TIMEOUT FOR A HOST SESSIONV9Use this field to safeguard against a situation where theV7host program 'locks up' leaving a phone connect intact.V9The lack of activity for this specified number of minutesV/will enable pcANYWHERE to break the connection.V3Entering a value of 0 means no inactivity timeout .ZY W =VIF ERROR OCCURSV3If something goes wrong during a session, such as aV2failed file transfer or running a DOS program thatV5reports an error (ERRORLEVEL not 0), you have severalV/options as to the disposition of the procedure:V7. Continue Session: go to the Host Session's next step.V 6. Quit This Session Only: cancel the rest of this HostV +Session and continue with the next Session.V 5. Quit Automated Process: immediately stop processingV /the current and any additional Host Sessions inV the Automated Procedure.ZZ W =VOPERATIONS FILEV9The operations file contains the list of steps to be doneV9after your remote connects to the host specified for thisV3Host Session. Use the standard pcANYWHERE techniqueV7selecting the path and file name. The file extension isVfixed to be .OPR.V 8The default name is AW.OPR, although you should probablyV 8pick a name that represents something meaningful to you.V 6Note: the same operations file can be used for severalV different Host Sessions.Z[ W =V OPERATIONSV3The operations file is constructed by inserting theV9desired steps into a list. The list must be in the actualV3order you want the steps invoked. You can delete orV7modify existing steps. To add a new step, press the InsV9key when the hightlight bar is over the step BEFORE whichV8you want the new step to be placed. If you want your newV 4step to be at the end, move the highlight bar to theV "blank line at the end of the list.V 8To move an entry, first delete it, then immediately moveV ,the highlight to the new spot and press Ins.V0 Page 1 of 3ZW =VEXECUTE DOS COMMAND ON HOSTV7You can use this operation type to have the host DOS doV9such tasks as copy files, create directories, or even runV$some user application or batch file.VEXECUTE DOS COMMAND ON REMOTEV 7This operation can be used for the same purposes a hostV 6uses it, but you may have less free memory to run yourV own applications.V0 Page 2 of 3ZW =VSEND FILES FROM HOST TO REMOTEVSEND FILES FROM REMOTE TO HOSTV2These operations are used to transmit files in oneV7direction or the other. Since there will be no operatorV6present during Automated Procedure execution, existingV5files will ALWAYS be overwritten when the source fileV1name matches a file on the destination directory.V0 Page 3 of 3Z\ W =VEXECUTE DOS COMMAND ON HOSTV9If you wish the host PC to execute a command from the DOSV8prompt, choose this operation type and enter the desiredVDOS command line.Z] W =VEXECUTE DOS COMMAND ON REMOTEV7If you wish the remote PC to execute a command from theV4DOS prompt, choose this operation type and enter theVdesired DOS command line.Z^ W =VSEND FILES OPERATIONSV7Set the Source name to the name of the file or files toV9be transmitted. You should include the complete drive andV7path name, unless you are sure of the current directoryV8of the source system. You may use the DOS wildcards ('?'V/and '*'). You may not specify a path name only.V 8Set the Destination name to the drive and path where theV 8files will be stored on the destination machine. You mayV 5specify a file name as well only if you are sending aV 7single file. If your destination is just a path, do notV !include a trailing backslash (\).Z^ W =VHelp-99Z` v W =VTERMINAL OPTIONSV6This menu lists some features you can invoke while youVare still online.VBREAKV8For serial connections, a 'Break' signal is used to meanV 3various things to host computers. For example, someV 8mainframes use the break signal to interrupt the currentV 4operation. Use this option only if you are sure whatV 4effect it will have on the host you're connected to.V0 Page 1 of 6ZW =V END SESSIONV9Since you are in terminal mode, End Session simply breaksV6the host connection and exits to the appropriate menu.V FILE TRANSFERV8Choose this option to perform file transfers. Before youV 5select this function, be sure that your host computerV 1is ready to send or receive the files you will beV  transmitting.V0 Page 2 of 6ZW =V GO TO DOSV8Use this option to access your PC's DOS while you remainV7connected to the host. Since a good portion of your RAMV5will still be used by pcANYWHERE, you may not be ableV"to run certain large applications.VMONITOR ON/OFFV 6Monitor mode is a special purpose display mode used toV 6analyze received data on the screen. All normally non-V 4displayable control characters will appear as an IBMV 9defined graphic. For example, CR's show as musical notes.V0 Page 3 of 6ZW =VPRINTER ON/OFFV1When Printer On is selected, all received data isV.sent to the printer in addition to the screen.VRECORDING ON/OFFV6Just as you can record remote access sessions, you canV 7record (often called 'Capture') terminal mode sessions.V 6This option lets you turn on, turn off, or specify theV file for recording purposes.V0 Page 4 of 6ZW =V RESET SCREENV7This option clears your screen and places the cursor atV7the top lefthand corner. You are asked for confirmationV"before this function is performed.V RUN SCRIPTV ,Select this option to execute a script file.V0 Page 5 of 6ZW =V SAVE SCREENV9Unlike recording, saving screens is like taking snapshotsV8of the current display. This option lets you specify theV2file for saving screens and/or to save the currentV6screen. If the screen file already exists, the currentV screen is appended to that file.V TERMINAL SETTINGSV /Use this option to adjust your current hardwareV 3configuration. Changes may, however, disconnect theV  current call.V0 Page 6 of 6Za W =VSELECTING A RECORDING FILEV4Use the standard pcANYWHERE path and file name menusV5to select a file for recording this session. The fileV9name extension is fixed to be '.RCD'. If the file alreadyV6exists, this session, starting with the current screenV4image, will be appended as a session within the sameVfile.Zb W =VFILE TRANSFER OPTIONSV6This menu is the starting point for terminal mode fileV1transfers. Available file transfer protocols are:V XMODEM XMODEM-CRCV XMODEM-1K XMODEM-1K-GV# YMODEM (batch) YMODEM-G (batch)V ZMODEM KERMITV  ASCIIV VIEW/EDIT OPTIONSV 1Some protocols have changable options that can beV modified with this selection.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =V RECEIVE FILEV5Choose this option if the host has been instructed toV7send a file to your PC. You are asked to specify a pathV9and possibly a filename (depending upon the protocol) forVthe received files.V SEND FILEV6Choose this option when you want to send a file to theV 8host system. Be sure that the host has already been setV 6up and is waiting for the file. You are prompted usingV 4the standard technique for choosing a pathname and aV  filename.V0 Page 2 of 2Zc W =VSELECTING A SAVE SCREEN FILEV4Use the standard pcANYWHERE path and file name menusV8to select a file for saving the current screen. The fileV9name extension is fixed to be '.SCN'. If the file alreadyV6exists, this screen will be appended to the same file.Zd W =VHelp-104Ze W =V SELECT RAW BINARY RECORDING FILEV4Enter a path then press to display a list ofV3available raw binary files used for saving recordedV9sessions, or press  to display a list of sub-directoriesV5Once a directory is chosen, either select or insert aV4.RAW file. New raw data is appended to the end of anVexisting raw binary file.Zf W =VSELECT SPOOL FILENAMEV4Enter a path then press to display a list ofV4available print spool files, or press  to display aV4list of sub-directories. Once a directory is chosen,V5either select or insert a .SPL file. New spooled dataV6will be appended to the end of an existing spool file.Zg W =V %SELECT FILENAME FOR ASCII SCREEN SAVEV4Enter a path then press to display a list ofV5available text files, or press  to display a list ofV3sub-directories. Once a directory is chosen, eitherV9select or insert a .TXT file. New ASCII screen saves willV.be appended to the end of existing text files.Zh W =VSELECT RECORD FILENAMEV4Enter a path then press to display a list ofV7available recorded session files, or press  to displayV6a list of sub-directories. Once a directory is chosen,V$either select or insert a .RCD file.Zi W =VSELECT SCREEN FILENAMEV4Enter a path then press to display a list ofV4available save screen files, or press  to display aV4list of sub-directories. Once a directory is chosen,V$either select or insert a .SCN file.Zj W =VREMOTE SESSION OPTIONSV6This menu lists some features you can invoke while youV/are still online in a remote computing session.V9Note that not all options are always available, dependingV&on host preferences and caller optionsV0 Page 1 of 7ZW =VCHAT WITH HOST USERV6Use this option to engage in a typed conversation withV2the host PC operator. Your display will reveal twoV7windows: one for your conversation and one for the hostV5operator's. Use Esc to end the conversations, or PgUpV2and PgDn to move the windows to the top or bottom.V  END SESSIONV 6Use this selection when you are, at least for the timeV 4being, through with this host. You will have severalV choices as to what to do next.V0 Page 2 of 7ZW =V FILE TRANSFERV,Allows you to do file transfers at any time.V3WARNING: File transfers initiated from here will beV1much slower than file transfers initiated via theVAWSEND program.V GO TO DOSV 8Use this option to access your PC's DOS while you remainV 7connected to the host. Since a good portion of your RAMV 5will still be used by pcANYWHERE, you may not be ableV "to run certain large applications.V0 Page 3 of 7ZW =V PRINT OPTIONSV8During a session you can decide where to print data thatV8is generated by host applications. If you choose to haveV7output sent to the remote PC, you can also select whichV,device on your PC will be used for printing.VREBOOT HOST COMPUTERV 2Select this option to reboot the host computer. ItV 8should be used with care. If you want to be able to dialV 5back into this host, be sure that the host's AUTOEXECV  file restarts the host software.V0 Page 4 of 7ZW =VRECORDING ON/OFFV5pcANYWHERE allows you to record your remote computingV9sessions in a file for later reference. The initial stateV9of recording is included in the host's Caller InformationV9entry. During a session you can turn recording on or off.VREFRESH SCREENV 7When you are not using Maximum Error Correction (RemoteV 4Preference), you may get some bad characters on yourV 4screen. This option instructs the host to resend theV entire screen image.V0 Page 5 of 7ZW =V SAVE SCREENV9Unlike recording, saving screens is like taking snapshotsV8of the current display. This option lets you specify theV2file for saving screens and/or to save the currentV6screen. If the screen file already exists, the currentV screen is appended to that file.V SPECIAL OPTIONSV 6This selection lets you change several parameters thatV ,affect the way the host and remote interact.V0 Page 6 of 7ZW =V RUN SCRIPTV,Select this option to execute a script file.V MOUSE OPTIONSV2If your host is running an application that uses aV6mouse, and you have a mouse on the remote, you can useV 5your mouse to control the application. This selectionV 5allows you to set some parameters that affect how theV mouse operates.V0 Page 7 of 7Zk W =V PRINT OPTIONSV8This menu allows you to choose where printed output willV8go when you run programs that print reports. The initialV7print destination is set in the Host Preferences of theV5host PC. Set this field to the option that suits yourV6current needs. The options indicate which PC, the hostV1remote, both, or none, will receive print output.Zl W =VEND SESSION OPTIONSV8The menu lists your options as to the disposition of theV8host PC after this disconnect. Your choices may include:V7. Host Waits For Another Call: stop all activity on theV%host until the next call is received.V6. Hot Key To Reactivate Host: host user must press theV $before a new session can be started.V 8. Host Accespts Calls At Any Time: let host continue anyV work; new calls are accepted.V 7. Cancel Host Operation: no more calls are accepted andV %host software is removed from memory.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =VEND SESSION OPTIONS (cont.)V9. Suspend, Connect To Another Host: similar to Wait For AV/Call, this mode is used to make a LAN host waitV.until the same caller dials back in, or a userV"with the master password connects.V4. Disconnect: end current session and return host toVoriginal operating mode.V0 Page 2 of 2Zm W =VReboot Host OptionsV7This menu lets you select the way the host is rebooted.VYour choices are:V3. Cancel Reboot Request: do not reboot the host PC.V7. Cold Boot: reboot the host as if the power switch wasVturned off and then on again.V 8. Warm Boot: reboot the host as if you pressed Ctrl-Alt-V Del.V 7Some adapters need one type of reboot or the other. YouV -may need to experiment with your host system.Zn W =VHelp-114ZM L N r W =V FULL GRAPHICSV8When the host PC is running a graphics program, there isV9a great deal more data that must be sent to the remote toV9display the proper images. Full graphics set to YES meansV3that the host will always send the complete graphicV9images. If you don't need a perfect picture on the remoteV9PC, set Full Graphics to NO. The host will then send muchV 6less data. This will, of course, affect the quality ofV recevied graphics.V 6Some applications change the text mode character fontsV 8for some characters. If Full Graphics is set to YES, theV3host will send this font information to the remote.Zs W =VHERCULES GRAPHICS PAGEV2Experiment with this option if you have a HerculesV9graphics adaptor and you don't believe that you're seeingV4the correct host screen on your remote PC. It allowsV0you to switch from one Hercules graphics page toV5another. (Hercules adapters can save several pages ofV information).Zt W =VHOST SCREEN STATUSV7Use this option to have the host PC's display turned onV#or blanked out during your session.Zu W =VHOST KEYBOARD LOCKEDV9This option, when present, allows you to disable the hostV9PC's keyboard. You might use this when you are performingV5some remote diagnostics or technical support when youV/don't want the host operator pressing any keys.V3Set this field to YES to disable the host keyboard.Z4 w W =VSPECIAL KEYBOARD HANDLERV6The Special Keyboard Handler must be used to have yourV6remote PC's keyboard operate the host when the host isV5running some specialized applications that handle theV7keyboard in non-standard fashion. If your keystrokes doV9not seem to be processed by the host PC, try enabling oneV*of the levels of Special Keyboard Handler.Zx W =VSYNCHRONIZED DISPLAYV4When you run host applications that perform frequentV8screen updates, such as a word processing program duringV9page up and down operations, you can speed up the sessionV9by DISABLING synchronized displays. Synchronized displaysV8means that the host and remote PCs will continually showV9the same information. By disabling synchronized displays,V 4the remote PC will be made to exactly match the hostV 2display only after the host screen 'settles down'.Zy W =VGATEWAY MAIN MENUV5The pcANYWHERE/LAN gateway is primarily used to allowV8a modem on one workstation to be shared by all LAN usersV9for incoming or outgoing calls. This menu lets you set upVand activate the gateway.VACTIVATE THE GATEWAYV 3Using the Incoming and Outgoing Configurations, theV 8gateway software will be loaded and placed as a residentV -program in this PC, ready for incoming calls.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =V &SELECT INCOMING/OUTGOING CONFIGURATIONV8The Incoming Configuration is the hardware configurationV6used by some remote PC to access the gateway computer.V8The Outgoing Configuration is the hardware configurationV9used by the gateway PC to access the destination host PC.V GATEWAY PREFERENCESV 5You can set up several parameters that govern gatewayV 6operation. You must make changes before the gateway isV  activated.V0 Page 2 of 2Zz W =VHelp-126Z{ W =VGATEWAY INACTIVITY TIMEOUTV9Similar to the host Inactivity Timeout, this timeout willV7cause the gateway to disconnect both sides of an activeV7connection. At that time, the gateway will be ready forV+another call on the incoming configuration.V5A value of 0 (default) will disable gateway timeouts.V 6However, the host inactivity timeout can still cause aV connection to be terminated.Z| W =VMAXIMUM CPU USAGEV9Because the gateway operation is in the background on theV6gateway PC, the software must share the processor timeV6with the running DOS program. Use this field to adjustV2the maximum percentage of the computer's availableV7processing time that will be give to gateway operation.V .The range is 1-10%, with 7% being the default.Z} W =V GATEWAY CLASSV2This field gives you the opportunity to group yourV4gateway PCs. You can enter any 4 characters that mayV6represent something meaningful to you, like '9600' forV1gateways that support a 9600 baud modem. Users ofV3pcANYWHERE/LAN can specify a gateway class in theirV8hardware configurations so that they only use a matchingV 1gateway when they connect to a remote or host PC.V This field can be left blank.Z~ W =V LOAD-IN-HIGH-MEMORY COMMANDV6This field is for gateway PCs that have special memoryV2management software for optimizing extended systemV5memory (such as Quarterdeck's QEMM). If you have highV6memory available (between 640K and 1M), enter here theV9command used to load programs into that memory. This willV5enable pcANYWHERE/LAN to load the gateway software inV the high memory.V %For example, with QEMM, enter LOADHI.Z W =VPLAYBACK OPTIONSV1The playback utility allows you to browse throughV9previously saved remote sessions or screen shots. You canV5play back information recorded from both ANYWHERE andV7non-ANYWHERE sessions. Any recorded screens or sessionsV6appear just as they did during the remote session whenVthey were recorded.V 8This utility also gives you the ability to re-record anyV 6recorded information into other files; much like a cutV and paste facility.Z W =V &PLAYBACK OPTIONS FOR RECORDED SESSIONSV5This menu presents your options for session playback.VBEGIN SESSION PLAYBACKV6This option starts the playback at the current sessionV6number. Playback files can include an unlimited numberV  of sessions.V SET STARTING SESSION NUMBERV 4Use this option to set the 'current' session number.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =VSTART RECORDING TO ANOTHER FILEV9This feature of playback allows you to re-record portionsV8of recorded sessions into other record files. You selectV6a new recording file just as you did when you recordedVthe original sessions.V !SAVE SESSION TO A RAW BINARY FILEV 5Record files a specially formatted to facilitate thisV 7playback utility. Saving to a binary file extracts onlyV 8the raw data received by the remote when the session wasV 2recorded. It is useful only for technical support.V0 Page 2 of 2Z W =V "PLAYBACK OPTIONS FOR SAVED SCREENSV7Once a playback file is selected, you have two options.VBEGIN SCREEN PLAYBACKV5This option starts the playback at the current screenV3number. Saved screen files can include an unlimitedV number of screens.V SET STARTING SCREEN NUMBERV 2Use this option to set the 'current' screen numberVwithin the saved screen file.Z W =VLOG PROCESSING OPTIONSV4Log files contain the time, date, duration and otherV7facts about calls received by a host or calls made by aV7a remote PC. This utility lets you get reports on thoseV6calls, as well as remove old data from your log files.V ACTIVITY LOGV 8Use this option to get a simple columnar summary of hostV -or remote activities, in chronological order.V0 Page 1 of 3ZW =VBILLING DETAILV6A Billing Detail report sorts the log data by the hostV7computer name (remote log) or remote caller (host log).V"Totals are included for each name.VBILLING SUMMARYV 9The Billing Summary just lists the name, number of calls,V 6and total time online during the logged host or remoteV  sessions.V0 Page 2 of 3ZW =VDELETE OLD LOG DATAV7This option allows you to remove old log data from yourV log files.VMOVE OLD DATA TO HISTORY FILEV2If you like to keep log data, but do not want yourV 7current log files to get too large (there is a limit onV 8the number of log entries that can be handled for screenV 5reports), you can choose to copy some old data to logV 4files used to specifically for old log data. You canV +get reports on these history files as well.V0 Page 3 of 3Z W =V %PARAMETERS FOR LOG PROCESSING OPTIONSV2There are five basic parameters for log processingV9functions. Not all parameters are needed for each action.V,Items that do not apply will be blanked out.VLOG FILE TO PROCESSV 5You can perform your desired operation on the host orV 7remote current log file, or the host/remote log historyV 6file. If you are moving data to history files, you canV 0only choose the host or remote current log file.V0 Page 1 of 3ZW =V START DATEV9This is the earliest date to be included in the report orV7action. Use mm-dd-yy or mm/dd/yy format. Blank means toV#include the EARLIEST (oldest) data.VEND DATEV 7The ending date is the last date for included data. LogV 6information up to AND including this date will be usedV for processing.V0 Page 2 of 3ZW =VDESTINATION FOR LOG REPORTSV9For the three report operations, this field specifies theV9output device. Reports sent to the screen may not containV8all logged data (comments, for example, may not appear).V5The Disk File or 132 Column Printer include all data.VFORMAT FOR LOG OUTPUTV 6This field specifies how output will be presented. ForV 6screen reports, always choose Formatted Report Output.V 8The 'Export' options are generally used to prepare inputV for database programs.V0 Page 3 of 3Z W =VHelp-136Z W =VHelp-137Z W =VHelp-138Z W =VHelp-139Z W =VTHE FILE TRANSFER SCREENV7The file transfer screen is divided into several parts:V9. The transfer direction: in the top, center, will be theV5word 'transfer', and arrows indicating the direction.V4It appears when any files are 'marked' for transfer.V8. The file display area: shows the list of YOUR (remote)V 6files and HOST files in the current directory on each.V 7. The information area: shows the total available spaceV /on each system, along with the number and totalV size of selected files.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =VHOW TO TRANSFER FILESV-The steps for performing a file transfer are:V61. Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow to move the highlight intoV%the window for the receiving machine.V62. Select the target directory. Use on a V3file to go down, or file '..' to go up a directory.V 73. Switch to the source window and select the directoryV #containing files to be transferred.V 54. Use to 'mark' the files to be transmitted.V 55. Press F2 to start the transfer or Esc to display aV 'menu of other options for marked files.V0 Page 2 of 2Z W =V OPTIONS MENU FOR YOUR/HOST FILESV8This menu gives you some choices regarding marked files.VBEGIN TRANSFERV6This starts the transfer, like using F2 after marking.V TAG GROUP OF FILESV 1This options lets you quickly mark a set of filesV 8matching some pattern. If you want to send all but a fewV 6files, mark everything, then unmark files not to send.V0 Page 1 of 5ZW =VUNTAG GROUP OF FILESV9Use this option to unmark tagged files matching some fileV name pattern.VDELETE SELECTED FILESV8This option, displayed when at least one file is tagged,V5deletes marked files. You will be prompted before theV 3file is deleted. This option will not delete markedV 7directories. Use the DELETE SELECTED DIRECTORIES optionV "if you want to delete directories.V0 Page 2 of 5ZW =VLOCAL COPY OF SELECTED FILESV8When files are tagged, this option creates a copy of theV7marked files into another, user specified, directory onV the same PC.VRENAME SELECTED FILEV 5When exactly one file is tagged, this option lets youV rename that file.V0 Page 3 of 5ZW =VMAKE A SUB-DIRECTORYV7Use this option to create a new subdirectory within theV6currently displayed directory for the selected window.VSELECT A NEW PATHV5Use this option when you want to display files from aV 6different drive or path. It is often faster to type inV 6the path rather than traversing up or down through theV !directories on the given machine.V0 Page 4 of 5ZW =VSET FILE TRANSFER OPTIONSV4This option lets you tell pcANYWHERE what to do whenV3it determines that files with the same names as theV7marked files already exist on the receiving PC, whetherV8data compression should be used, and whether deletion ofV%entire directories should be allowed.V DELETE SELECTED DIRECTORIESV 5When you have tagged any directories (files listed asV 6, this option lets you remove all files and lowerV (levels of subdirectories. USE WITH CARE.V0 Page 5 of 5Z  W =VTAG/UNTAG FILESV9Enter a file name pattern, using DOS wildcard characters.V6All files matching this pattern in the selected windowV4will be either tagged or untagged, depending on withVoption you had selected.Z W =VALLOW DELETION OF DIRECTORIESV9This field specifies whether you be allowed to mark, thenV8delete all files and subdirectories in a directory. YourV6selection will be saved in your personal configurationV7files so you won't have to set the option each time youVgo into file transfer.Z W =VSELECT A NEW PATHV8Enter a path name whose files should be displayed in theV9selected window. You can change drives by simply enteringV6'drive:' (e.g. G:), which will take you to the currentV7directory on that drive. If you want your path to startV8from the root of you desired drive, be sure to include aV leading backslash (\) character.Z W =VMAKE A SUBDIRECTORYV8Enter a subdirectory name to be created in the currentlyV8displayed directory of the selected window. DO NOT ENTERV.A FULL PATH WITH DRIVE LETTERS OR BACKSLASHES.Z W =VRENAME SELECTED FILEV6Enter the new file name. DO NOT ENTER A FULL PATH WITHVA DRIVE LETTER OR BACKSLASHES.Z W =VLOCAL COPY OF SELECTED FILESV6First choose the directory on the same PC to which theV8files will be copied. You can either type in the path orV9use the UP and DOWN arrows and subsequent menus to locateVthe desired target directory.V6If you had only selected one file, you can enter a newV 8name for the file. Otherwise, your destination must be aV pathname only.Z W =VHelp-149Z W =VDESTINATION FILE OPTIONSV7What can you do if the destination files already exist?V7. Verify Before Overwriting: prompt user before copyingVon top of an existing file.V7. Always Overwrite Duplicate Files: copy over any filesV of the same name without asking.V 8. Never Overwrite Duplicate Files: do not transfer filesV $if they exist on the destination PC.V 8. Always Ask For Destination Name: for every file, if itV )existed or not, ask for destination name.V 7. Overwrite Older Files Only: overwrite exisiting filesV-only if the new file has a later date & time.Z W =VCOMPRESSION OPTIONSV8This field determines the level of data compression usedV2for transfers. If ENABLED, pcANYWHERE attempts theV5highest level of compression that it believes will beV5effective given the baud rate and connection type. IfV&DISABLED, no compression will be used.V 6NOTE: Compression is disabled for .ARC and .ZIP files.Z W =VHelp-152Z W =V TERMINAL LISTV1This list contains the names of all the terminalsV4currently supported by a pcANYWHERE host. That is toV7say, these terminals can be used to call in and controlV8a host PC. If your terminal is listed, there is probablyV8no reason to modify its specifications. However, if yourV9terminal is not listed, you can choose some terminal typeV 6that your users don't use, and modify it to match yourV  terminal.Z W =VTERMINAL PARAMETERS MENUV2There are three sets of parameters governing how aV#terminal interacts with pcANYWHERE:V8. Keyboard Sequences: defines the keystroke combinationsV%used to emulate IBM PC keyboard keys.V5. Screen Sequences: defines what codes pcANYWHERE canV /use to produce proper displays on the terminal.V 4. Miscellaneous Parameters: define basic informationV about the terminal.Z W =VENTERING KEYBOARD SEQUENCESV8You can set up to force the terminal operator to enter aV9sequence of up to 4 keystrokes to emulate an IBM keyboardV5special function key. Select the function you want toV7change. Then, enter the four possible hexadecimal codesV9representing the codes needed to be sent by your terminalV6to emulate the function. If you need less that 4 keys,V set the extra codes to 'FF'.V 8For example, if you want 'Esc, [, C' to be a cursor leftV 8code (matches the VT-100 left arrow button), set the 1stV 73 codes to 1B, 5B, 43 and the 4th to FF. If this is forV 5a VT-100 terminal, the user could then press the leftV7arrow button instead of the standard 'Esc, L' sequence.Z W =VENTERING SCREEN SEQUENCESV9This table lists the various screen sequences that can beV2sent by a pcANYWHERE host to a remote terminal, toV9cause desired screen effects. You must have sequences forV8cursor left, right, clear screen and cursor positioning.V7Other sequences should be entered, if available, tohelpVimprove performance.V 4To enter sequences, select the screen function, thenV 4enter up to 12 hex codes, that when received by yourV 4terminal, will perform the desired function. Fill inV unused codes with 'FF'.Z W =V !MISCELLANEOUS TERMINAL PARAMETERSV1Answer the various questions about your terminal.V9. The Offsets, row or column first, and position in ASCIIV/fields pertain to the cursor position sequence.V6. Auto-wrap means that writing a character in the lastV0column moves the cursor next line, first column.V 7. Scroll bottom right means that writing a character inV 0the last screen position causes a screen scroll.V 5. Supports PC attributes means that the terminal usesV /the same codes as the PC for screen atrributes.V 5pcANYWHERE compatible means that the terminal exactlyV(emulates the pcANYWHERE remote software.Z W =VDIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENUV&Your hardware diagnostics options are:V4. Overview: display basic information about your PC.V4. Communications Tests: test your hardware using theV,information in your hardware configurations.V9. Video Tests: test your video hardware for compatibilityV with pcANYWHERE.V 1. Keyboard Tests: test your keyboard hardware forV compatibility.V 5The results of these tests can help technical supportVpersonnel isolate problems.Z W =VOVERVIEW OPTIONSVYour overview options are:V5. Hardware: displays information about known devices.V2. Environment: displays your DOS environment data.V0. AUTOEXEC.BAT: displays your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.V,. CONFIG.SYS: displays your CONFIG.SYS file.V 4The last two options will ask you to enter the driveV letter of your boot disk.Z W =VCOMMUNICATIONS TESTSV8First select the hardware configuration name you wish toV,test. Depending on the device, you can then:V9. Check Network Driver: just tests that the needed driverVis loaded in your machine.V9. Test Network Communication: actually tries to send dataV 2using the configuration. This test does not try toV connect to another computer!V 0. Check Port: makes sure the serial port exists.V 8. Show Status Of Signals: shows the RS-232 signal statesV 5. Modem Test: attempts to program the modem for auto-Vanswer.Z W =V VIDEO TESTSVThe various video tests are:V8. Test For Snow: checks CGA adapters for display 'snow'.V6. Horizonatal/Vertical Synch Test: test if a PC with aV#CGA will work as a pcANYWHERE host.V8. Graphics Detection Test: test auto-graphics detection.V 4. Cursor Test: checks if cursor sizes work properly.V 3. Check For RAM Conflicts: failure means some videoV modes will not work.V 5. Check Video Modes: displays characters in differentV .video modes, checking the adaptor's operation.V8Colors Test: displays a color bar for your verification.Z W =VKEYBOARD TESTSV!The available keyboard tests are:V5. Bios Extended Keyboard Support: tests your BIOS forV&handling advanced keyboard BIOS calls.V6. Test Toggle Keys: makes sure the Shift, Alt and CtrlV)keys are properly detected by pcANYWHERE.V 5. Keyboard Lights Test: tests operation of KB lights.V 5. Scan Code Test: displays what key codes are sent byV 1your key on your keyboard. This will help supportV +personnel determine some keyboard problems.V 7Determine Which Program Controls The Keyboard: if it isV1APP, users may need the Special Keyboard Handler.Z W =VADDITIONAL LOG INFORMATIONV8When you have made a call to a host when the 'Log calls'V6option is YES, you will asked for some additional dataVbefore the entry is saved:V8. Project name: this can be used to help you recall whatVyou did on the host.V 7. Comment: some additional comment can be entered here.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =VLOG ENTRY OPTIONSV7After you fill out the Additional Log Information form,Vyou have three choices:V5. Add Entry To Log File: save this entry in your log.V+. Discard Log Entry: do not save the entry.V9. Esc key: go back and modify the additional information.V0 Page 2 of 2Z W =VNASI/NCSI DEVICE SELECTIONV9A NASI/NCSI port has a 3 part name, given when installed:V0. Server: the name of a NACS/ACS server machine.V8. Service: type of service, like 'MODEM96' for 9600 baudVmodems.V5. Port: specific port name, unique within the server.V 7If set a field to , you may choose the selectionV 9at connect time from a list. If you set a field to ,V :any available matching device is selected at connect time.Z W =VSELECTING A SCRIPT FILEV4Use the standard pcANYWHERE path and file name menusV2to select a script file for this session. The fileV%name extension is fixed to be '.SCR'.Z W =VGRAPHICS TRANSLATIONS FAVORV9If graphics translation is required, and the remote has aV8CGA or Hercules adaptor, you can specify that the remoteV7displays the host's colors as accurately as possible orV2to sacrifice color accuracy for better resolution.Z W =V REMOTE MOUSEV8This parameter specifies whether or not to enable remoteV/mouse support. If enabled, there are 3 options:V9. Track Always - Two mouse cursors appear on the screen, V6 the remote mouse and the host mouse. You control theV6 remote mouse and tracking information is continouslyV9 sent to the host. Therefore, the host mouse will alwaysV 9 be up-to-date, but a lot of data will be transmitted toV . the host, giving a spongy feel to the mouse.V 6. Track Always, One Mouse - Only the host mouse cursorV 5 appears on the remote screen. For slow connections,V $ this may be more difficult to use.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =VREMOTE MOUSE (continued)V9. Track When Button Pressed - Two mouse cursors appear onV7 the screen, but the host mouse cursor is only updatedV6 when a button has been pressed. This results in veryV7 little mouse data being transmitted to the host. ThisV6 option only works well with applications that do notV9 react to the position of the mouse on the screen unlessV  a button has been pressed.V 3You should experiment with each option to determineV 0which is best for controlling your applications.V0 Page 2 of 2Z W =V PREFIX STRINGV4When selected, a list of available prefix strings isV3displayed. The first entry is always NONE. The listV/can be modified via Preferences. If a prefix isV3specified, it is sent to the modem before the phoneV/number field when a dial operation is selected.Z W =V SUFFIX STRINGV4When selected, a list of available suffix strings isV3displayed. The first entry is always NONE. The listV/can be modified via Preferences. If a suffix isV2specified, it is sent to the modem after the phoneV/number field when a dial operation is selected.Z W =V !ALLOW SCANNING WHILE HOST IS BUSYV8Normally, this parameter should be set to YES, but it isV4possible that scanning the screen can interfere withV&network activity in some environments.Z W =VLINES TO DISPLAY ON TERMINALSV9When a 24-line terminal is used as the remote, only 24 ofV7the 25 lines that are on the host can be displayed. TheV8remote user can display the top 24 lines by typing ESC TV5and display the bottom 24 lines by typing ESC B. ThisV8parameter specifies if the top or bottom 24 lines are toV*be displayed at the start of each session.Z W =VGRAPHICS SUPPORTEDZ W =V SPECIAL KEYBOARD HANDLER TYPEV1Some applications require that a Special KeyboardV3Handler is used because of the way that the programV3interacts with the keyboard. There are two types ofV8handlers available, called Type 1 and Type 2. The Type 2V6handler requires less host memory and runs faster thanV6the Type 1 handler, but may not operate correctly withV ,the ROM BIOS in your machine. If none of theV 0applications that will be run remotely require aV 5Special Keyboard Handler, set this value to None. YouV 4will know if an application needs a Special KeyboardV 4Handler if remote keystrokes seem to be ignored whenVthat program is run.Z W =VALLOW REMOTE MOUSEV2Set this parameter to NO if you do not want remoteV2users to use their mouse when running applicationsV3on the host. Remote mouse support requires about 1KVof memory on the host.Z W =VREMOTE PREFERENCESV5There are 5 categories of preferences (settings) thatVaffect remote operation:V.. File transfer preferences for some protocolsV7. General preferences (such as hotkey and print device)V2. Mouse preferences (such as how tracking is done)V 7. Remote access session preferences, for connections toV . a pcANYWHERE host (such as error correction)V 4. Terminal emulation preferences, for connections toV * non-pcANYWHERE hosts (such as line wrap)Z W =VPROTOCOLS PREFERENCESV2Some of the available file transfer protocols haveV6options that affect how the protocol operates. You canV/modify the options for the following protocols:V0. AWSEND (for pcANYWHERE remote access sessions)V. ZMODEMV. ASCIIZ W =VCHARACTER PACINGV2Specifies how much time to wait after sending eachV character.V LINE PACINGV8Specifies how time time to wait after sending each line.V PACE CHARACTERV 5If non-zero, after a line is transmitted, the programV 6waits for this character to be received before sendingV 3the next line. For example, to wait for a line feedVcode, specify 10.Z W =VDOWNLOAD TIMEOUTV1Because ASCII file transfers do not have a formalV4protocol, there is no way to automatically determineV3when an entire file has been received. The transferV5is stopped either when you press ESC or if the amountV3of time specified here has gone by without any dataV5received. For example, if you specify a timeout of 10V 8seconds, then 10 seconds after the last character of theV 1file is received, the transfer will be consideredV  completed.Z W =V UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD CR TRANSLATIONV9During a transfer, you can specify how CR codes are to beV7handled. They can be left alone, be removed, or have anVLF code added after them.V UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD LF TRANSLATIONV 9During a transfer, you can specify how LF codes are to beV 6handled. They can be left alone, be removed, or have aV CR code added in front of them.Z W =VERROR CHECKING METHODV6ZMODEM supports two error checking methods, 32-bit CRCV2and 16-bit CRC. The 32-bit method is more reliableVbut adds some overhead.Z W =VCRASH RECOVERYV9If OFF, received files that are not complete (because theV7connection was broken during the transfer) are deleted,V.ensuring that all received files are complete.V7If ON, partial received files are not deleted. In this V6case, if a new connection is made and the same file isV 7re-transmitted, the transfer can continue from where itV (was when the last connection was broken.V 4WARNING: Executing incomplete program files or usingV 8incomplete data files can produce unpredictable results.Z W =V DATA WINDOWV6This parameter controls data flow. If a window size isV6specified, then acknowledgements from the receiver areV4required before another buffer of that size is sent.V5If no window is specified, data is sent continuously,V0relying on flow control to prevent loss of data.V3Using no data window produces the fastest speeds ifV 9error-correcting modems are used. If non-error correctingV 1modems are used, and errors do occur, you may getV 1better throughput by using a data window. Try theV 3largest window size first, then cut it down if yourV throughput still seems low.Z W =VTERMINAL SESSION PROTOCOLV4This is the file transfer protocol that will be usedV7during a Terminal Emulation session. You can change theV8protocol during the session. Note that this field has noV3affect on a Remote Access session with a pcANYWHEREVhost.Z W =VALLOW AUTO DOWNLOADINGV5Auto downloading only affects terminal mode sessions.V4If auto downloading is allowed, when the host beginsV5sending a file using ZMODEM, pcANYWHERE automaticallyV)leaves terminal mode to receive the file.V3If disabled, after you instruct the host to start aV0ZMODEM send, you must tell pcANYWHERE to begin aV 2receive by pressing the hot-key and selecting FileV Transfer from the menu.Z W =VBLANK HOST SCREENV5If set to Yes, the host screen will be blank during aV9connection. If the caller has rights to blank the screen,V8they can blank or restore the screen during the session.Z W =VALLOW DOWNLOADABLE FONTSZ W =V LINE WRAPV5If Line Wrap is enabled, when a received character isV1written to the right-most position on a line, theV4cursor moves to the first position on the next line.V5Otherwise, the cursor remains at the end of the line.V SCREEN WRAPV 3This only has an affect if Line Wrap is enabled. IfV 6Screen Wrap is also enabled, when a received characterV 7is written to the last position on the bottom line, theV 3cursor moves to the first position on the top line.V 5Otherwise, the cursor remains at the end of the line.Z W =VV2This parameter specifies if pressing the BackspaceV7key in terminal mode should send a normal BS code (08),V2also known as a non-destuctive backspace, or if itV9should send a DEL code (127), also known as a destructiveV8backspace. A destructive backspace moves the cursor backV7one position and causes the character at the new cursorV "position to be changed to a space.Z W =VPROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION KEYSV9While in a Terminal Mode session, the 10 function keys inV8all 4 modes (unshift, shift, ctrl, alt) can be set up toV5transmit sequences. The sequences are stored in filesV5with the extension .KEY. When you select the name ofV7the key file to activate, you also are able to edit theV key strings.V 6To edit, first select the group of function keys, thenV 5highlight the entry to change, and type the data thatV 7is to be transmitted. You may indicate control codes byV 5preceding the code with a ^. For example, to send theV 6string HELLO THERE followed by a carriage return code:V HELLO THERE^MZ W =VTRANSLATION TABLESV5When you enable a translation table, all received andV4transmitted codes are translated to the codes in theV7indicated table. Translation tables are stored in filesV-that have the extension .XLT. When you EnableV4translations, you can select the file name, and thenV,modify both the receive and transmit tables.Z W =VHOST PREFERENCESV5Host preferences define the remote access environmentV2that will govern a session. There are divided intoVthree categories:V/. Features: what capabilities will be availableV8 (such as background file transfer and mouse support)V .. General: how certain options behave (such asV & hotkeys and phone number prefixes)V 4. Security: affects parameters dealing with securityV + issues (such as passwords and timeouts)Z W =VPREFIX/SUFFIX STRINGSV6Up to 10 strings can be specified. They can be used asV8either a prefix or suffix. Each prefix/suffix has a nameV5and a string value. When used as a prefix, the stringV7is sent to the modem before the phone number. When usedV7as a suffix, the string is sent after the phone number.V 7Use the arrow keys to highlight a name or string field,V #then press ENTER to edit the field.Z W =V"SELECTING A TRANSLATION TABLE FILEV4Use the standard pcANYWHERE path and file name menusV,to select a Translation Table File. The fileV%name extension is fixed to be '.XLT'.Z W =V*SELECTING A PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION KEY FILEV4Use the standard pcANYWHERE path and file name menusV4to select a Programmable Function Key file. The fileV%name extension is fixed to be '.KEY'.Z W =VEDITING TRANSLATION TABLESV6The two translation tables (one for received data, theV4other for transmitted data) are edited the same way.V7Each entry corresponds to one of the possible 256 codesV4that can be sent or received. The values are in hex-V8adecimal (00 - FF). Type the hex value to which the codeV5should be translated before being sent or after beingV 9received. To indicate that a code should be ignored, typeV two spaces as the value.Z W =VHOST QUICK CONNECT OPTIONSV9From this menu, you can use the displayed parameters and:V . wait for a remote to callV2 . exit to DOS and require the hot key to activateV1 . exit to DOS allow a remote to call at any timeV . call a remoteV  . cancel host operationV 7You can also select the Modify option and change any ofV displayed parameters.V 8Note: For serial no-modem connections, the DCD signal isVused to detect a connection.Z W =V VIEW/MODIFY DEFAULT CALLER ENTRYV5Whenever the Caller Information List is not used, theV5parameters in the Default Caller Information Entry isV/used for all remote access sessions. The CallerV3Information List is selected from the Host SecurityV5Preference screen. Use of the Caller Information ListVis initially disabled.V 5Quick Connect also uses the Default Caller Entry onlyV +if the Caller Information List is disabled.Z W =VFILE TRANSFER OVERWRITESV1This parameter specifies how to handle files thatV8already exist during Automated Procedure file transfers.VYour choices are:V8. Always Overwrite: transfers all indicated files to theV8 the destination, whether or not they already exist onV the destination directory.V 4. Never Overwrite - only transfers files that do notV . already exist on the destination directory.V 2. Overwrite Older Files - only transfer files thatV 7 either do not exist on the destination or if the newV  file has a later date & time.Z W =VREMOTE QUICK CONNECT OPTIONSV8Depending upon the device/port type and modem selection,V,you can select one of the following options:V7. Direct connect/terminal, to communicate directly withV7 your modem or whatever is connected to the comm portV4. Wait for connection (DCD), which waits for carrierV ! before beginning terminal modeV 3. Wait for an incoming call from your modem or fromV  someone on your networkV 4. Initiate a call through your modem or connect to aV  host on your networkV,. Modify the displayed connection parametersZ W =V RECEIVED V6Received CR (carriage return) codes can be interpretedV6as a simple CR (which moves the cursor to the start ofV5the current line), or as a CRLF (carriage return/lineV4feed) combination, which positions the cursor at theVstart of the next line.Z W =VAWSEND PROTOCOL SELECTIONV4The pcANYWHERE protocol is a fast, reliable protocolV0that under most conditions will give you optimumV3file transfer performance. But because the protocolV:sends data in both directions, some devices that slow downV9when data travels in both directions may impact the speedV9of the transfers. For these situations, select the ZMODEMV 8option, which will only send data in both direction whenV 5data errors are found. For example, if you are usingV 7USRobotics HST modems on the host and remote computers,V 7the ZMODEM protocol will produce faster file transfers.V 6(USRobotics HST Dual Mode modems should use the AWSENDV protocol.)Z W =V+MOUSE ACCELERATION FACTOR/DOUBLE SPEED RATEV3These values determine the relationship between theV6visible mouse cursor and the physical mouse movements.V5The smaller the values, the less responsive the mouseVcursor is to mouse movements.Z  W =VHelp-166Z W =VHelp-167Z W =VHelp-168ZW =VPREPROCESS A SCRIPTV7This utility preprocesses a script file. You can createV6script files with a text editor using .SCR as the fileV6name extension. At run time, pcANYWHERE actually triesV8to load a preprocessed version of your script, which hasV7the same name with the extension .SCX. If the .SCX fileV8does not exist when a script is to be run or if the .SCRV 8is newer than the .SCX file, the script is automaticallyV 6preprocessed. Use this step to preprocess a script andV 6check for any syntax errors. If errors are found, theyV 6are listed in a file with the same name as your scriptV but with the extension .ERR.Z W =VMAXIMIZE DISPLAY SPEEDV9The host always attempts to compress the data it sends toV8the remote. Two compression techniques are available forV4DOS (non-Windows) programs. The standard compressionV:method does a good job of compressing the data, but a moreV:advanced method can produce much faster screen updates forV6non-Windows applications. Setting the MAXIMIZE DISPLAYV 6SPEED option to YES activates the advanced compressionV :method, but will require that the host TSR module be aboutV ,46K larger than if this option is set to NO.V0 Page 1 of 2ZW =VMAXIMIZE DISPLAY SPEEDV6Note that the display speed option has greatest affectV2with DOS-based (non-Windows) graphics applicationsV8on a serial connection (or LAN connection using a serialV8gateway). If you do not intend to run DOS-based graphicsV9programs and if it is important to reduce the size of theV3host TSR, you may not want to activate the advancedV compression method.V0 Page 2 of 2Z W =VGATEWAY OPTIONSV6You are now connected to the gateway computer. You mayV6initiate a connection to a host computer or disconnectVfrom the gateway.Z W =VWINDOWS SWAP FILE SIZEV1You can optimize performance when running WindowsV9remotely by specifying a swap file, which can be from 64KV6to 960K. pcANYWHERE creates AW.SWP to be the specifiedV8size on the remote PC when Windows is executed remotely.V8You can freely delete AW.SWP from the remote PC when youV:are not running pcANYWHERE (it will be re-created the nextV 2time it's needed). It will normally be in the sameV 6directory as your configuration files. If you want theV 5swap file to be in a different directory, specify theV ,path in an environment string of the format:V  AWSWAP=swap_pathZ W =V COMM DEVICEV7This menu/field lets you choose from the communicationsV2devices that pcANYWHERE supports. Your choices areV.Serial: A standard IBM compatible serial port.V5Int14: A special device used with 3rd party software.Z W =VHOST MAIN MENUV2This menu is the starting place for setting up andV2operating your PC as a host for a remote computingVsession.V QUICK CONNECTV 4Quick connect allows you to prepare for a connectionV 4from a remote by setting just a few parameters. It'sV 0a fast way to start a session since you will notV 7have to set up caller lists or hardware configurations.V0 Page 1 of 5ZW =VBEGIN HOST OPERATIONV9Use this option when you have completed your preparationsV8and are ready to begin a remote computing session. It isV5from here that you tell pcANYWHERE to wait for a callV8now or just remain resident until you press the hot key.VVIEW/MODIFY LIST OF CALLERSV 1This menu choice gives you access to your list ofV 6callers. A fill-in-the-blanks form is provided for youV 4to store passwords and set up working parameters forV 3each caller you will permit to access your host PC.V0 Page 2 of 5ZW =VSELECT ACTIVE CONFIGURATIONV7Before beginning the remote computing session, you mustV5select the hardware configuration that your host willV5use to accept calls, called the Active Configuration.VHARDWARE CONFIGURATIONSV /pcANYWHERE allows you to define several sets ofV 5parameters describing hardware setups. These hardwareV 7configurations specify which communication device, dataV 8rate, modem, etc. will be used for different situations.V0 Page 3 of 5ZW =V PREFERENCESV6The Host Preferences form lets you define how you wishV3the host to perform when used as a host PC. You canV9choose such features as whether each user will have theirV2own password, if background file transfers will beV-allowed, what host hot key will be used, etc.V0 Page 4 of 5ZW =V UTILITIESV2The Utilities menu provides access to some specialV9features. First, it lets you test your hardware to ensureV6compatibility with pcANYWHERE. Other utilities let youV7let you view log data showing dates, times and durationV8of host or remote sessions, and lastly let you customizeV -pcANYWHERE to work with terminals not alreadyV  supported.V0 Page 5 of 5Z W =V UTILITIESV6This menu gives you access to various utility featuresVof pcANYWHERE.VHARDWARE DIAGNOSTICSV9This utility allows you to see what hardware and softwareV 5components are installed in your system. You can thenV 3test the hardware components that affect pcANYWHEREV 4operation. Information obtained as a result of theseV /tests can help when you need technical support.V V0 Page 1 of 3ZW =VVIEW LOG FILESV,pcANYWHERE allows you to choose from severalV6different report formats to view or print a summary ofV4host or remote calls. In addition, you can delete orV)move to another file old log information.V0 Page 2 of 3ZW =VMODIFY TERMINAL CONFIGURATIONSV.This utility allows you to modify the terminalV2configurations supplied with pcANYWHERE. With thisV8feature, advanced users may set up their systems so thatV8they can have their host PCs accept calls from otherwiseVunsupported terminal types.V0 Page 3 of 3Z