[SCREENFILE] MWINST_E.SCR [STRINGS] c1_1 " Mouse Installation" c1_2 " " i1_3 " A file is missing in the source directory [Esc]=Quit [ΔΩ]=Continue " e1_4 " Press any key to return to DOS." e2_1 " ERROR REPORT - Mouse Driver has not been loaded." e2_2 " Please check your hardware installation." (* WARNING - this string must be 80 chars long, otherwise you'll see some color problems... *) r2_1 "[Esc]=Quit [PgUp]=Previous page [PgDn]=Next page" s1_0 "Copying.............." s1_1 "Extracting..........." s1_3 "Compiling............" s1_2 "Launching............" wait_1 "Loading... please wait." wait_2 "" wait_3 "" [AUTOEXECCMDLIST] rem ******************* Mouse Setup ************************ rem ******************************************************** [FILESTOCOPY] MOUSE.COM MOUSE.COM MOUSE.SYS MOUSE.SYS READ.ME READ.ME MTEST_E.EXE MTEST.EXE [READMEFILE] READ.ME [TUTORIALPROGRAM] MTEST_E.EXE