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No valid CDROM device drivers selected Not enough drive letters available Insufficient memory Insufficient far memory Not enough expanded memory, reducing number of buffers Expanded memory allocation error %uld bytes free memory %uld bytes expanded memory %ud bytes CODE %uld bytes static DATA %uld bytes dynamic DATA %uld bytes used Usage: MSCDEX [/E/K/S/V] [/D: ... ] [/L:] [/M:] Expanded memory not present or not-usable Illegal option '%c' Illegal option Cannot share drives Incorrect DOS version MSCDEX Version %d.%d already started MSCDEX Version %d.%d Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1993. All rights reserved. Unable to load translated messages 3a`RB OP8PˌÌ+Ž؎G+Žt +Ўڃt +ЎƒNF$6 -؎֋./@ʎں!L!Packed file is corrupt %%%%%6>C C; ; Translation: USA ; ; File MSCDEX.MSG -- Message file for MSCDEX.EXE CD-ROM FILE SYSTEM ; ; ;************************************************************************** ; ; NOTE TO TRANSLATOR: TRANSLATE THE INFORMATION BETWEEN QUOTES " " ONLY. ; If more than one line is needed, begin the next line with db followed ; by the text between " " and end each line with 0dh,0ah. Thanks. ; Do not remove or translate %c %d %s %ud %uld %d.0%d as these mark ; replaceable parameters for MSCDEX.EXE. ; ; Use the ';' (semi-colon) character to mark non-message lines. ; ;************************************************************************** ; ; ; ; msg0 db "CDR100: Unknown error",0dh,0ah msg0 db "CDR100: Unknown error",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg1 db "CDR101: Not ready",0dh,0ah msg1 db "CDR101: Not ready",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg2 db "CDR102: EMS memory no longer valid",0dh,0ah msg2 db "CDR102: EMS memory no longer valid",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg3 db "CDR103: CDROM not High Sierra or ISO-9660 format",0dh,0ah msg3 db "CDR103: CDROM not High Sierra or ISO-9660 format",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg4 db "CDR104: Door open",0dh,0ah msg4 db "CDR104: Door open",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg5 db " Drive %c: = Driver %s unit %d",0dh,0ah msg5 db " Drive %c: = Driver %s unit %d",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg6 db "Device driver not found: '%s'.",0dh,0ah msg6 db "Device driver not found: '%s'.",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg7 db "No valid CDROM device drivers selected",0dh,0ah msg7 db "No valid CDROM device drivers selected",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg8 db "Not enough drive letters available",0dh,0ah msg8 db "Not enough drive letters available",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg9 db "Insufficient memory",0dh,0ah msg9 db "Insufficient memory",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg10 db "Insufficient far memory",0dh,0ah msg10 db "Insufficient far memory",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg11 db "Not enough expanded memory, reducing number of buffers",0dh,0ah msg11 db "Not enough expanded memory, reducing number of buffers",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg12 db "Expanded memory allocation error",0dh,0ah msg12 db "Expanded memory allocation error",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg13 db "%uld bytes free memory",0dh,0ah msg13 db "%uld bytes free memory",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg14 db "%uld bytes expanded memory",0dh,0ah msg14 db "%uld bytes expanded memory",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg15 db "%ud bytes CODE",0dh,0ah msg15 db "%ud bytes CODE",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg16 db "%uld bytes static DATA",0dh,0ah msg16 db "%uld bytes static DATA",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg17 db "%uld bytes dynamic DATA",0dh,0ah msg17 db "%uld bytes dynamic DATA",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg18 db "%uld bytes used",0dh,0ah msg18 db "%uld bytes used",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg19 db "usage: MSCDEX [/E/K/S/V] [/D: ... ] [/L:] [/M:]",0dh,0ah msg19 db "usage: MSCDEX [/E/K/S/V] [/D: ... ] [/L:] [/M:]",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg20 db "Expanded memory not present or not-usable",0dh,0ah msg20 db "Expanded memory not present or not-usable",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg21 db "Illegal option '%c'",0dh,0ah msg21 db "Illegal option '%c'",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg22 db "Illegal option",0dh,0ah msg22 db "Illegal option",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg23 db "Cannot share drives",0dh,0ah msg23 db "Cannot share drives",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg24 db "Incorrect DOS version",0dh,0ah msg24 db "Incorrect DOS version",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg25 db "MSCDEX Version %d.%d already started",0dh,0ah msg25 db "MSCDEX Version %d.%d already started",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg26 db "MSCDEX Version %d.%d",0dh,0ah msg26 db "MSCDEX Version %d.%d",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg27 db "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1993. All rights reserved.",0dh,0ah msg27 db "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1993. All rights reserved.",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ; msg28 db "Unable to load translated messages",0dh,0ah msg28 db "Unable to load translated messages",0dh,0ah db '$' ; ******************************************** * * Please Select The Source Drive * * * * MZ.D "rj'Hi.0!.,ڣ t tt.#tt>tNjع&=87u&U=utYutgC&8uր̀ىt t +>s>Dzr(>t><u;wډtt t+؎JW!_ҋIh1i3..+$6t6t6ssPZ.3"LF!s?5!ss%ʎں*!%s!tô@!ùs.PVWU4tP.uP4bYYF4FPFPFP!P]F3҉VFFދVVF^3҉VFF@uVF3VF^F^^&G=23҉VFF^&W<£S=u4uPaYtPHuPaYYPYY =ucuPnaYPYYFPFP5YY=uuPLaYPYYƇ}Ƈ~F~FFHPvuPa[PhYWbYuP`YFF;~F; WvYY uP`Y문uP`Yq=uvP`YPXY)vP`Y RP`Pr PY{yRP PQPlYYW RPP0PKYb`0 RPP(P*Y RP(PtP5vP`YYMvP_YM3PUY+ tPP\YY]_^VWU4FRFPFPFP!PD[F3҉VFFދVVF^F^^K&ƹ^&‹3҉VFVF3VF^F^&tPfYF3^&?Zu^&G^&W‰F3PTY+ t;FtouH;ud^&u ^&tO3FF2^^&G:&tuG;~ur3VFVF~ru~r^&GFF^&W@3҉VFVF3VF^F^3]_^VWU P)YRP[Y;u;tP YRP0 [Y;u;tPYRP [Y;u;tuH3҉VFVF3VF^F^^&Gƹ^&W‹>u3҉VFVF3VF^F^^&?Zt6{6y P#6b6`P6Y6WP66(P SH3҉VFVF3VF^F^^&G^&GuH3҉VFVF3VF^F^^&G^&G3sm^&?Mu^^&uT^&uJ^&Gƹ^&W‹@3҉VFVF3VF^F^]_^UVً^C7CC/]U^؊C'CC7].uU`.P>uu$< 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DOS 3.0 or Greater required. No CD-ROM drive installed by MSCDEX. Input CD-ROM Device Name ( %c to %c ). Not CDROM Drive Check whether supporting Audio Control system or not... Not support. Supported. %s has been installed. You can enter Audio Control. Ctrl-Alt and 'A' keys. Track AddressStatusNow reading disk information      Play Stop Next Back F.F. F.R. PauseMenu Exit LdOutPlay R.dskR.trkR.pntR.cntProg.ShfflMenu Exit LdOutA Play Stop the Play and Clear memorized dataForward the next trackBackward the previous trackForward the 10 sec aheadReverse the 10 sec backPauseChange a MenuExit from Audio ControlLoad out the program from memoryA Play Repeat the DiskRepeat the TrackSet Repeat Point(s)Set Repeat Count(s)Set ProgramShuffle PlayChange a MenuExit from Audio ControlLoad out the program from memory------------------------------ Audio Control ------------------------------------ STOP PLAY PAUSE REPEAT DISK REPEAT TRACK REPEAT POINT ENDLESS PROGRAMSHUFFLE.00:00...*** Repeat Point mode ***DIRECTADDRESSENTER --- Input Repeat Point(s) address'C' key --- Clear Repeat Point(s) addressPLAYSelect Point A or BTenkey(0-9) --- Set Repeat Point(s) address'C' key --- Clear Repeat Point(s) addressStarting P.Ending P.*** Repeat Count mode ***Repeat CountENDLESS *** Program mode ***Tenkey(0-9) --- Set track number(s) for Program'Tab' key --- Forward next Program section'C' key --- Clear Program dataLoad out the ProgramAre you sure [Y/N]?Cannot Load out, exit loaded program after MKECDAPL.EXECan not set DIRECT on Stop modeCan not set ADDRESS on Play modeCan not Shuffle on Play or Pause modeCan not Program on Play or Pause modeCan not Repeat Point(s) on Program modeCan not Repeat Point(s) on Shuffle modeCan not Repeat the Track on Program modeCan not Repeat the Track on Shuffle modeCan not set Program on the Play modeCan not Repeat the Track on stop modeCan not Shuffle on Repeat Point(s) modeCan not Program on Repeat Point(s) modeWrite-protect violationUnknown unitDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC errorBad drive request structure lengthSeek errorUnknown mediaSector not foundPrinter out of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral failureReservedReservedInvalid disk changeHit space bar COMPAQ !!!!! 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CD-ROM drive(s) connected. $CD-ROM device driver installed. $ Interface board or CD-ROM drive is not ready. $ CD-ROM device driver was not installed. $ Insure that drive power is on and drive cables correctly attached. bort or etry ? $ . . . . ,.>)&uȎ؎ h-S-1s .1s.,.0.--,- A.PX.)&G &G&O=u繖.C2.QP ur.M@t.MtOr.XYͻA.5 ߰ײ ¼޷ ڸƸ ɸ !N,u .;=@v.;.=@.?.A@.C.E@.G.>:u..E.I.J.J.>:uP.?Xs .Gtr=.J,..Ku$.L0.-.I0.-.I-.I.:,s .J.>Jv.>It.I.,<r.I..Au.6 ,.8u G.K.6 ,.8tG2x.K---,0dPF,0 [ج,02.Kt dr.*r"rrr ,r.K'. . . R .> . . . ,úo.! key. Device Name : %TITLE% " Quick Startup (press Enter to proceed) " You may need to reboot your PC before using OPTI-CDcache. If so, you will be asked whether you wish to automatically reboot or if you prefer to defer rebooting until later. Please read the READ.ME file in your destination directory for helpful hints on further improving the performance of CD-ROM access. If you chose to automatically startup OPTI-CDcache, you should be ready to cache CD data after your system boots. Type "CDCACHE /s" at the DOS command prompt at any time to obtain a summary of the activities of the OPTI-CDcache software. If you did not choose to automatically startup OPTI-CDcache, execute CACHE.BAT from the destination directory of the installation. This batch file contains the commands to load the OPTI-CDcache CD-ROM caching software. Alternately, append "CACHE.BAT" to your AUTOEXEC.BAT to automatically start the OPTI-CDcache software after the system is booted. Type "CDCACHE /u" to unload the the OPTI-CDcache software. Type "CDCACHE /?" for a complete summary of the command line options. Press to exit the installation program. %TITLE% " Choosing to Reboot " OPTI-CDcache has been succesfully installed on your system. Your boot files have been modified to support your configuration selections. Backup files of the CONFIG.sys and AUTOEXEC.bat now reside in the destination directory resulting with a .BK1 through .BK9 extension respective of the number of times the install program was run successfully. You may choose to reboot your system now. Alternately, you may wish to examine your boot files prior to rebooting to verify the changes to your configuration. Do you wish to reboot your system ? %TITLE%  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^`abcdefgijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~MZB# f N W W W BRDR OXeyRTd( RR( " $ 9u 9u 66hf1 uWFVm*F>nuF9Ft=tz xt$6~6|6z6xj  t16~6|-#j#lRP. uϡ~ |t6z6x6~6|j  u[n+ljzx~|hf66j.FV>& tv [ tM+6666j$  uP  66RPj$  u666 6 j 6666j  uP" $ 66RPj  u666$ 6" j ^&" $ 9u9t566hf ty>nt r pt 뱡" $ 9u9u Ã>nt{z xt!6~6|6z6xj  t)6~6|-#j#lRPС~ |t+6z6x6~6|j  t Ã-#F#VFVRPFPHF Fu +~|66FV|~RPj. +zx66vvB u& tUGW uC=s>PGW*RPF P" t9tndžfPww t6v6t666 u nH uhf66 t^9v!9vL>& ttF *P6[[ t9wr9s9rw9r..^&G &G^_^F V FVFF ^F&FFN ufF* N+FVRPFPjj6n u:~u"FPvvjj6k tËF9Ft^+ FFVFF~tF+ұ JFVF~s2FPvvjj6 u FVF̡Ã~uAF*;Fv266vvjh6>uFVF+UQW~& _Y]UQW~& _Y]USRWVF~&_Z[]US^[]USVW^FV~ F v_^[]USVW^FV~ v)_^[]USVW^FVv~ c_^[]Rr ȸZRr ʸZRUsr/6 д  =t Àt2 ڸ]ZR6r!  =t Àt2ZQVUrF   6 .  >  6  =t Àt2]^YQVUrF   6 .  >  6  =t Àt2]^YQVULrD   6 .  >  6  =t Àt2]^YSR> t&C/t^&u&G*P6[[^&G^&G ^^F&_&* t- t vvi[[^&_&GP&OvvI[[^&_^F&G@|MH~HtÃ>t>^&G*P6h맀>6 t$^&_*8@t^&G^&_*@"WV>6 t8^&GP [ t(^&_*Ƈ@>t^&G*P6[[^&GP[FދFV~ڹ ‹؋vފL&(ONQRPt4 ^&GFv ^_^&G *- u,>t&u&G*P6c[[^&GV^&GP2[F^&GFvD&(GSt4F^&G^U^*"UF; H 8 J 9 h: [[>9 u+44xV4.J.H.LWVFF^&GFFF^&GFF ^^^^&g%^_m!̜PSR. ` .u rZ[X^ 0,+GrW;*rQ,ЎX PRG. .PQVWU.P$t0YX.]_^YX.ZX&,ЋUFN ȋNu F]S؋Ff ؋F[]22^? t ^? uF^?uދ^?0|#^?9v^7[[^FFF^FF'? t*? t%?t FF;F}F^F^? uыË^ ^FFF;F~N+FFFF։FFFFFFFFFFhf h[[ F%~t'=/tw, uJ,uC, t FFF^bFFF^?ct?Cu F6 F?:t'jFPhho hw[[ thx[j[FFFFF@F^Ԁ?:tjFPFPhp FP#[[ u hx[j[hFP[[ uhhq y[[j[FP2[F uHtHtmFPh L[^FPh F"FFFFFFFF~tFF^?:uFFPFPo[[ tFF-?=9v|.[FOFO^?t~uh@[h9[~th,[h %[Ã~t h [+Ã~tB; td~tBhf[;jth[j [4 r>4 vhlU[h N[j[h0 h [[ uhh /[[j_[~uh*[~tBG uB^ЌF&?tn~tKh0 h [[ thh [[j)FFFF FP62 60 hJ[~t Dh\[~tv[~u~tN~u~t?h54 t hP[j[h [F t h? -[[^&?t&7 [ th.[ t~thRh [hn~thFP[ t h [j[F Ft"5 Pvhjjjjjv t hf [hvvhD F t h h [[j[ hh[[hh[[h"FPv [[ t^&tË̊4 *k"$5 &n5 *@4 5 FF^&8Gw4 +jh jjhh V \ .L.NP..G.T.Vf.Xqh# [jhhZ F^.Zu .ƇZ NyP.G.G5 .GSy [[ FFj/FPP ~@WVhf+[BFV‹&w$&w"&w &w 8FV&t&t&t &t FV&D4& D2u^&G8& G6td#+^&w4&w2jjd&w8&w6RPF^&G,& G*u&G0& G.td +&w,&w*jjd&w0&w.YRPF^&G(& G&u+&&w(&w&jj &w,&w*)RP +Fvvh vvh h [^&w(&w&h vh [[hJ [^&w,&w*hM ^&w0&w.hu u vh i [[h a [vh W [[^_hf|[B^F+&G(&G&^&G,&G*&G0&G.&G4&G2&G8&G6FP[[F t=u h [Ph [^G u/~wF~w~w+ҋ^F+9Wr w9vW+WV+^&9FuFFtE9Ft& FPFPvv t F Ft FV9Vsw9FsF V 9Vr w9FvFVvvF*jPFV>& tF* FVhvv tFVFFV죞RP[[+!FV+FFFV9r(w9v jjRP>tFV̋FVjj"66(FVFV6666FVFV+  " $ +66CHDR6>6>+6 666 FV+FFFV9sw 9wfCHhDR+ljnrpFVtv+zx~|F Fu+  "b+FV=u( u$-"" $ 뽡"-"hf66 t"FVFV-">& t~uFj[ u+CACHhPPPj@6 uDh6 6  u+h6$ 6"  u^&+>t6#[^_Ujjhjj@v uM>CAu>CHt h>[HCAChjjjj@v u v[^+G9FuFFt9FtSFFF+ұ FVFF>& tF * FVFV9Vrw9FvÍFP[[ tËF*jPF+FVRP ^W+~u ~uFFFV9V|9FsfVFVV^+GF0FPPr[[F^Fv?s^FR+FFFPP@[[~u ~u^ËF^GF- ^+^^+GFPFPFPhF ua~u~u FV4~u FV# FV.FVjh  RP! tËFV^W+VFPj[F u&^&&W^&&WvFV&&T+^VFP-[F tvFP[[FvztF~| vB F~|Fjh FV RPb t^Ã~tMjFPFV RP: t^^F&&WFV^&&W^&&W+^ø^^+GFPZ[F uH~t?jvFV RP t^&&WFV͋FV^W+ø^+GF=FFX FFPP[[tËFFFDFFFFFFPP[[tËFFF>FPP[[tËFV^W+F N t*^&^&8uFF^&^&++^F&^F&F N uVw tt< u3 ++>< t<t<tf> t OOð S uø UP3PPPPPPW ؎ u$M x  FỼ ً~V^]<1r<9vNV uV @F몋FV F t ڊN nu;3@utGG y@u؃P-FFXtP+x GG3tGG~N~W^~+ƉFFVN^u @t+w3fu +v@u )<0u8+vu7uS&Y ut*VQNv-Y0^N QYSYNVv^N@-+FtF0F Ft 0x*FF+ W *Us Mu u˪u]Ë2< w 0<0ð%FvF 5FVY33FtV;vF+Fs +FtS~N"Y ~%uNVvUQY]^~%uNUnQY]ËF~F~%t+؉W33۬,0r,< w(rrr r؃s_3_NW3+HH_VWU]_^[0 t';r3L[WR/XM 3۬,0r< w us3Nӎñ0s='s=s=ds< s" 3һ'  d USVF uNF3؋F8ȋ^VF uf Fr ;Vwr;FvN3Җ^[]utúutúPSutut[X^ڡ,Rݎţ "+3.$»s;w+ڴJ!sJ!r3+ Ջr. &h.-.L!s+.G.G;sDVW_^:iP. I!>$t3."XL!XR+$PW.EEPv..> u;v>߉6+ã+Љ )X "=ېېېېېېۡX . 6 3$+.X1UVW` FFGF .N ON v +_^]Ë܋_Ț[Ë܋G*G@$,$VW +΋++++_^ÚÐc.0> $" F3* \&ˎ;tN;Wu;u ;Ƌu UVW薸RT3ہr΁s.΁rss6;Bt΁r B6D_^]VWUD PQ(>uu3،ގ 6 R^3ҎrZ~tEg[]_^SP!3ۀt>!Cr6$P!؋,Iـ>Mu ;uI!I!Î3Gtd uR&>COt8&u Q3۴Y  0 3ɰ us!6?OO5 F:t II DCCO F:u3ɤ:4t5>.+vKKCCs6?)U0Q)))CodeRunneR, (C) 1992 by OPR 0 TSR has been unloaded. TSR could not be unloaded. TSR is not loaded. CDcache concept, design, and implementation by Chris Magyar 1992 TSR is already loaded. Another TSR was loaded after this one. Error: Cache resources not successfully deallocated. Error: Cache could not be successfully created. Cache could not be successfully initialized. Error: XMS driver (e.g. HIMEM.SYS) not available. Incorrect TSR version number. Unload with same version. Cache Object has a bad signature!. MAPXd TSR requires between 1 and 16 /H: parameters. TSR must be loaded before MSCDEX.EXE to be effective. TSR may not be unloaded when MSCDEX.EXE is installed. CD-ROM N->1 Mapping driver by Chris Magyar 10/92 Cache flushed. Cache statistics cleared. Cannot use illegal (NULL) device name "". OPTI-CDcache(tm) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (c) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. Usage: CDCACHE.EXE /H: [Options...] Options: /H: /X: /D:, default = /d:$CDCACHE /L Hardware compatibility mode: disable support for "load high". /DC Actively monitor IOCTL for disk changes, reduces performance. /K Monitor CD-ROM data for disk change when IOCTL not supported. /C Clear cache statistics. /S Display cache statistics. /F Flush XMS cache data for all drives. /Q Suppress banner and copyright information. /U Unload CDCACHE.EXE from memory (Use ONLY if last TSR loaded). /? Display this usage information and example. Example: CONFIG.SYS => DEVICE=CDROM.SYS /D:MSCD0001 /N:1 AUTOEXEC.BAT => CDCACHE.EXE /H:MSCD0001 /X:1024 MSCDEX.EXE /D:$CDCACHE  Command line syntax error. @bMAPXd 8 RR@$CDCACHE Cannot map device "%s" to itself. Could not locate CD-ROM device "%s". Device "%s" is not a CD-ROM device. Error: Device "%s" is already loaded. Error: Device "%s" could not be located. %s. %ld KB of XMS memory used for caching CD-ROM device driver "%s".%s. INTERRUP Cache Memory in Use: %l5d KB Cache Memory Available: %l5d KB Total Number of Reads: %l8d Avg. Number of Blocks per Read: %2d Total Number of 2KB Blocks Read: %l8d Total Number of 2KB Cache Hits: %l8d Cumulative Cache Hit Percentage: %2d%% Recent Cache Hit Percentage: %2d%% Error code %d returned from Max_XMS_Block() SuccessERROR: Requires DOS Version 2+ERROR: Int 21h Function 52h returned NULLERROR: Could not locate head of device chainERROR: Cannot remove the NUL: deviceERROR: Device name not found in device chainERROR: IOCTL Input, Return Address of Device Header failedERROR: Close device, handle invalid or not openDevice Driver Operation Module by Chris Magyar. 6 U  9 NUL NUL ++++,',,,p*+*dxXulsc-+ #%0*.onhi   Jts33JtJtӀs(JtӅtJtӀr JtӀ w}. 3ۃt*Jtr#JtJtJuӀs./V+^uJuӀrJuӀrJuӁMZF 5YUWVF^FG3GGGS9$Bvَ3+Fv+هOPFP^7%VPOP^7VF^_]UVvV u3V tVPt\t=^]UWV3ҍ~3+󤍶~+هOVPFPv PPV^'PW uFm؎3IQqPP?܃ tu؎3IQwPP܃ tю3+󤍆PvP Pv< t8P^7TDPP^7TPV^7ET3^_]UWV3PFPvvPV^'P V t|Fy؎3IQ}PPIۃ t؎3IQPP"ۃ tvPvP PVf tP3P4S3^_]UWV3PFPvv PV^'PpU tjF؎3IQPPڃ t؎3IQPPrڃ tvv vvvM=@3^_] UWVPFPv vP3V^'PT uF؎3IQPPك t`؎3IQPPك t9^? tv?t F^? u? u~tvP^7RPFPv vPV^'P(T tV^_]UWV~P3P5QP3P5Q3DPP5/RD PP5"RF|^_]UWVVڃ َ3+I@+هO^_]UF ]UWVPv v^7VQ t[~}S~ 3IQv vU؃ uFFHPv^75QvV^7PP3P蝶F u@^_] UWVَ3+󤸮Pv QP3PDF u3FFvF9F}4Ћ؎3IQRv׃ uFF~tă~uTF9FuL~3+هO󤿲+هO󤸴P3P茵F tHv P^7O^_] UWVP3Q^7NPَ3+󤿶+هO󤿸+󤍆PQvَ3+󤍆PPv^_]U$WVP3P^7Oَ3++هO+هO󤍆PFPPPP3P^'Q?P tP^7TN uPv! uPPp'P8َ3+X+هOP3P^7yNَ3+هO^+هO󤍆PeQ^wPP^'PU uPvPp'P@PFPPPP3FP^'QO u&F؎3IQPP(ԃ u؎3IQPPӃ uvَ3+FF܍PQQQNQvPPPv[PvO uPPp'PK>PP7PPFHP^'PP uPPp'PPFPPPPv^'PM tP3P^7Lَ3++هO+هO󤍆P^'PoW uPFPPPP3FP^'Q+M uF؎3IQPPO҃ u؎3IQPP%҃ uZvَ3+v+v+v+v+FF܍NNލNNNNNN䍎QRRRVRv{vَ3+FF܍PQQQNQv;PPPv!PPZPF t.%Pv]F3PvNFPv^7IPFPPPPv^'PSK t(vP'QVP4Pt}P4II uP4َ3+هO~+هOP3P^7>َ3+هO󤍆PvPP3P^'Ql@ uPp'PxPFPP P3P^7>PP3P^'Q8? u}F ؎3IQ$PP\ă u(؎3IQ*PP2ă u,Pv uP7Pp'PwN+ȋэƂَ3+هO^? t?t F^? u?t(~3+هO󤍆PP P3P^7 uPPp'PwPFPP P3P^7؎3IѸ3t uF~u/v 3 v^_]U贛 ts=uvv(Pp'PCuv^'P;F uvvPp'P"uv^'PtH uv-Pp'PuvvnP^wnvv^'PB uvvPp'Pt]UWVP3P^7\:َ3++هO󤍆PPPFPQ쟃 ~ю3+󤍆PvPP3P^'Q; uPp'Pt4 َ3+󤍾ю+هO󤍾IPv8 PP3P^'Qb; uF Pp'PysP3P^79َ3+󤍆Pv PP3P^'Q; u Pp'Ps^_]UWVP3P^78َ3+ +هO󤍶~+هO󤍆P^'PC u@^t.t%3PQPPR  PFPvP3P^77َ3+ +هO󤍾ю+هO َ+هO~ю+هO󤍆Pv Q^wkPPv uPv& P^wj^GP3P76َ3+I +هOK Pv u6^GV َ+هOc El Pv讷 uJ^Gy َ+هO󤿄 +P3P^75َ3+󤿋 +هO󤍾ю+هO󤿍 َ+هO~ю+هO󤍆PPv uPP Pp'PGo3^_]UWV َv3+P3Q^74َ3+ +هO +هO󤍶~+هOP3P^74Ћَ3+ +هO +هO󤍶~+هO^?9|ю3+َ+QOY󤍾ю+َ+هO󤍆P^'P5> tTP^'P"> tA^_]UWVmF=}Pf t ^ ^ َ3+v*F ^_]UVF^FGG G3GGGPF t P1^G ^GPϑ t^w7Vڋ^G^GP^w;P^wA1P^wP^w*1^w޸tPl t^7wwV( ^G^GF^]UVv| t%~t3D D ttDDDaFD Ht HtHt7HuNV t=*| uVb Pt"e Pp'PCkttSVmVtt^]UWVv|t| t WO1Wu|t| t WW]|t| t WWE^_]UVv| tX|t DDDE|uD8D HtHHtHu*| }D| u؃| uD |~L^]U<WVP_F^G-tHuHuHu-u_vFP' t T PFPN+RQ܏ vڌَ3+هOPFP^w. 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CDCACHE installation is aborted.rem rem CDCACHE startup... rem call \CACHEUpdating "%s"... Unable to add CDCACHE line to "%s". CDCACHE installation is aborted.MSCDEXREMREM::/D:MSCDEXMSCDEXAUTOEXEC.bat Unable to backup "%s" prior to remark. CDCACHE installation is aborted.MSCDEXrem rem CDCACHE install has moved MSCDEX invocation to "CACHE.bat"... rem Unable to comment out MSCDEX in "%s". CDCACHE installation is aborted.\CACHE.batCDCACHE /REMREM::/D:/H:/X:/DC/KCDCACHE //D:MSCDEXMSCDEX/D: CACHSTUB.batUpdating %s\CONFIG.sys/D:CDDIRECTCONFIG.sys Unable to backup "%s" prior to swap device. CDCACHE installation is aborted./D:CDDIRECT Unable to update "%s" with updated driver line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.\CDCACHE /X: /H:/H: /DC /K CDCACHE / Unable to update "CACHE.bat" with CDCACHE line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.MSCDEXREM /D:$CDCACHE MSCDEX Unable to update "CACHE.bat" with MSCDEX line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.\CONFIG.sys/D:CDDIRECTREMREM::CONFIG.sys Unable to backup "%s" prior to swap device. CDCACHE installation is aborted./D:CDDIRECT Unable to update "%s" with updated driver line. CDCACHE installation is aborted./D:CDDIRECT\CDCACHE /X: /H:CDDIRECT /DC /K CDCACHE / Unable to update "%s" with CDCACHE line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.MSCDEXREM MSCDEX Unable to update "CACHE.bat" with MSCDEX line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.r+tINSTALL.txt%DC_OK_DRIVERS%%DC_OK_DRIVERS%%DC_OK_DRIVERS%%DC_OK_DRIVERS% Escape key detected during file copy. An incomplete transfer of the CDCACHE files has occurred. CDCACHE installation is aborted. Unable to open source file %s. Please place a copy of %s in the install directory and try again. CDCACHE installation is aborted. Unable to make destination %s. CDCACHE installation is aborted.Copying file %s to %s... Unable to copy file %s to file %s. CDCACHE installation is aborted.\TargetDrive: Unable to update "OPTINET.bat" with target drive line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.CD CD \TargetDir Unable to update "OPTINET.bat" with target dir line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.BootDrive: Unable to update "OPTINET.bat" with boot drive line. CDCACHE installation is aborted.\.bk\.bkBacking up "%s" to "%s"...Backup of "%s" to "%s" complete...\CONFIG.sysAUTOEXEC.batAUTOEXECAUTOEXEC.batCONFIG.sysCONFIG\.bk Unable to backup "%s" to "%s". CDCACHE installation is aborted.0\CONFIG\AUTOEXECC: A: You have requested an abort of the installation program. Press Enter to resume the installation or Esc to abort. OPTI-CDcache installation is aborted. Thank-you for using OPTI-CDcache. OPTI-CDcache installation is aborted. XMS memory for caching must exist. Installation is not complete. Discovering system configuration.\CONFIG.sys OPTI-CDcache installation is aborted. Unable to obtain MSCDEX configuration. Installation is not complete./D:/D:/D:CDDIRECT/D:$CDCACHE OPTI-CDcache installation is aborted. Please unload CDCACHE prior to re-installation. Installation is not complete./D:Possible CD-ROM Device: OPTI-CDcache installation is aborted. No device chain discovered for system. Installation is not complete.SCSIMGR$$CDCACHESMARTAAR/D:/D:/D:CDDIRECT/D:/D:Possible CD-ROM Device: OPTI-CDcache installation is aborted. No CD-ROM device driver discovered. Installation is not complete.\CONFIG.sys/D: OPTI-CDcache installation is complete. Thank-you for using OPTI-CDcache. The destination directory must be a valid DOS path. "%s" is invalid. Please type any key to re-enter value or Esc to abort. The Boot Drive letter must be A through Z. "%c" is invalid. Please type any key to re-enter value or Esc to abort. Size must be less than max contiguous XMS available. "%s" is invalid. Please type any key to re-enter value or Esc to abort. The XMS size must be numeric. "%s" is invalid. Please type any key to re-enter value or Esc to abort.\CONFIG.sys/D: The device name %s is not supported in CONFIG.SYS. Please type any key to re-enter path or Esc to abort. At least one device name must be defined. Please type any key to re-enter name or Esc to abort. OPTI-CDcache installation has failed. Installation is not complete. OPTI-CDcache installation is complete. Thank-you for using OPTI-CDcache. proceed abort prev next Yes No Use XMS Caching (auto assign amount to use) Use XMS Caching (you enter amount to use) Expanded Memory (EMS) System Memory Install this Configuration Revise this Configuration v1.00OPTI-CDcache Install %s (C)Copyright 1993 Online Computer Systems,Inc. Use cursor keys or mouse proceed abort prev next %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Introduction (press Enter to proceed)%TITLE%INSTALL.txt Specifying Destination Path %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Specifying the Boot Drive %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Choosing Automatic Startup %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Specifying Extended Memory (XMS) Usage %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Specifying XMS Cache Size Configuration Discovery Summary %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Entering Device Name(s) Verifying the Configuration %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Quick Startup (press Enter to proceed) %TITLE%INSTALL.txt Choosing to Reboot r+tINSTALL.txt OPTI-CDcache unable to find install files. Please change to the directory where the install files reside, then type "install". Introduction (press Enter to proceed) Specifying Destination Path Specifying the Boot Drive Choosing Automatic Startup Specifying Extended Memory (XMS) Usage Specifying XMS Cache Size Entering Device Name(s) Quick Startup (press Enter to proceed) Choosing to Reboot %TITLE%%TITLE%%TITLE%You have specified the following configuration: Should this configuration be installed? Destination Directory : %sBoot Drive : %sAutomatic Startup : NoAutomatic Startup : YesMemory for XMS Caching : NoneMemory for XMS Caching : %sMemory for XMS Caching : AutomaticMSCDEX Supported : NoMSCDEX Supported : YesMemory for MSCDEX Buffers : System MemoryMemory for MSCDEX Buffers : Expanded Memory (EMS)CD-ROM Device Driver(s) : ...The installation program has discovered the following:Should OPTI-CDcache installation accept this configuration?Direct Driver Configuration Discovered...Device Name-----------Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions has been detected using the followingdrive letters and associated device names:Drive Letter Device Name------------ ----------- a+tEMMXXXX0SuccessERROR: Requires DOS Version 2+ERROR: Int 21h Function 52h returned NULLERROR: Could not locate head of device chainERROR: Cannot remove the NUL: deviceERROR: Device name not found in device chainERROR: IOCTL Input, Return Address of Device Header failedERROR: Close device, handle invalid or not openDevice Driver Operation Module by Chris MagyarxHNUL NUL PICKS::Set(value) overflow %i. OPTI-NET installation is aborted. PICKS::Set(text) overflow %i. OPTI-NET installation is aborted.a+ta+tr+tOPTINET.TMPr+tw+t OPTINET.TMPr+tw+tremrem:: rem OPTINET.TMPr+tw+ta+t /c copy > NULCOMSPEC\\r\\\a\\\ FOPS Printf fseek failure for : OPTI-NET installation is aborted. Thank-you for using OPTI-NET. FOPS Printf vfprintf failure for : OPTI-NET installation is aborted. Thank-you for using OPTI-NET. FOPS printf Open failure for : OPTI-NET installation is aborted. Thank-you for using OPTI-NET. FOPS constructor _open failure %i for %s OPTI-NET installation is aborted. Thank-you for using OPTI-NET. FOPS constructor stream open failure %i for %s OPTI-NET installation is aborted. Thank-you for using OPTI-NET.r+t OPTI-NET unable to find install files. Please change to the directory where the install files reside, then type "install". Memory allocation failure for %d bytes... Please free more memory prior to running the installation.Vfks72vx5+{{{{ J 2K(@{{{{{{(3{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{)_C_FILE_INFO=H" ,\\ ((((( H |*  1$1$B$EEE50P 0PX000WP ``````ppxxxx(null) |||||||PATH\COMSPECZ%_%d%.bat.exe.com/c |%%$oh.`F4޼o\ߤߴo\ߤߴoݪuߴvvo\ߤߴ4yyVfoDo\ߤߴFoD\ߦ~~Foh.`FRiRn?C<>R6000 - stack overflow R6003 - integer divide by 0 R6009 - not enough space for environment run-time error R6002 - floating-point support not loaded R6001 - null pointer assignment #ZRB OP4PˌÌH؎GH+s+ڋ+s+¬NF$6 -؎֋./@ʎں!L!Packed file is corrupt##2EKiDnhGDHlp"PTIMLPhNFFF F !BRVEXE 0jKYDISPLAY SYS 0jpJ=DOSHELP HLP qTDOSSHELLCOM 0jm) DOSHELP EXE 0>,DOSSHELLEXE 0jZ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes for OPTI-CDcache(TM) Version 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: I. Improving performance with OPTI-CDcache. II. Conserving system memory with your CD-ROM installation. II.A Loading OPTI-CDcache (CDCACHE.EXE) "high". II.B The Microsoft(R) MS-DOS(R) CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE). II.C Loading the CD-ROM device driver(s) "high". III. Using OPTI-CDcache(tm) with Microsoft Windows(TM). IV. Use of OPTI-CDcache with large amounts of XMS (>= 15MB). V. Resolving problems with OPTI-CDcache and CD-ROM disc changes. V.A The OPTI-CDcache "/F" (Flush Cache) function. V.B The OPTI-CDcache "/K" option. V.C The OPTI-CDcache "/DC" option. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information is intended as a supplement to, not as a replacement for, the OPTI-CDcache documentation. If you have questions about OPTI-CDcache, or encounter difficulties, be sure to read the documentation (in file or written form) as well as this "READ.ME" file of technical notes. Note that if your CD-ROM installation does not work without OPTI-CDcache, it is unlikely that it will work *with* OPTI-CDcache! When in doubt, get the simplest possible configuration working with all of your CD-ROM applications and *then* run the OPTI-CDcache INSTALL program. If you then encounter difficulties, consult the OPTI-CDcache documentation and these technical notes. I. Improving performance with OPTI-CDcache. Performance may be optimized with OPTI-CDcache by using the largest possible amount of XMS for CD-ROM data caching. The effectiveness of any given cache size for a CD-ROM application can be readily determined using the Cache Statistics function (CDCACHE /S) after the application has terminated. Do not use so much XMS for CD-ROM caching that other important performance-enhancing features are compromised. Examples of such features are hard disk caching or the amount of free memory available for Windows. Be aware that even small amounts of CD-ROM cache can be surprisingly effective for many CD-ROM applications. When in doubt, use the Cache Statistics function (CDCACHE /S) to determine cache effectiveness. To obtain maximum performance from OPTI-CDcache, do not use the options "CDCACHE /K" or "CDCACHE /DC" unnecessarily. The INSTALL program will (conservatively) set them in certain situations if it does not recognize the CD-ROM device drivers being used. These options are unnecessary in the vast majority of installations. See section V for more information about these options. II. Conserving system memory with your CD-ROM installation. OPTI-CDcache has been written so that it has a very small system memory footprint (~8K). This is a very small price to pay compared to the performance benefits provided by OPTI-CDcache. The amount of system memory used by OPTI-CDcache is constant; it does not increase when using larger amounts of XMS memory for caching! To further reduce the system memory requirements of your CD-ROM installation, consider the use of memory management software. Many memory managers, such as DOS 5+, Qualitas' 386^Max, Quaterdeck's QEMM, etc., have "Load High" functions. These functions allow device drivers and TSRs to be loaded into high DOS memory (Upper Memory Blocks or UMBs) conserving valuable system memory. Be sure to get your installation working in a basic configuration *before* attempting to load any device drivers or TSRs high. Also, make sure you thoroughly understand the concepts involved. The following section is recommended only for experienced users. II.A Loading OPTI-CDcache (CDCACHE.EXE) "high". OPTI-CDcache performs well when loaded into high DOS memory (Upper Memory Blocks or UMBs) with the "Load High" functions in DOS 5+, Qualitas' 386^Max, Quarterdeck's QEMM, and other high memory managers. If you encounter difficulties getting OPTI-CDcache to load high, remember that like most TSRs, OPTI-CDcache requires more memory to load than it occupies in memory once loaded. This is because the initialization code and data are discarded once OPTI-CDcache has been installed. This feature allows OPTI-CDcache system memory usage to be reduced to the smallest possible size. A very small number of installations with unusual hardware will require the use of the "CDCACHE /L <...>" option whenever CDCACHE.EXE is invoked. If OPTI-CDcache has been loaded high, the "/L" option will prevent subsequent OPTI-CDcache commands (but not the basic caching functionality) from operating! If this presents a problem, simply stop loading OPTI-CDcache high, but continue to use the "/L" switch whenever CACHE.EXE is invoked. II.B The Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE). The Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) version 2.22 that is distributed with Microsoft MS-DOS Version 6.0 may be loaded high. See your Microsoft documentation for additional information. Note that earlier versions of the Microsoft Extensions often could not be loaded high, or had difficulties when they were loaded high. If expanded memory (LIM/EMS) is present on your machine, even more memory can be conserved by loading the Microsoft Extensions using the "MSCDEX.EXE /E" switch. This forces MSCDEX to load its sector buffers into expanded memory, saving up to 8K of system memory per CD-ROM drive letter. If you are using the "MSCDEX /M:" command, remove the "/M:<>" option. The minimum value that the Extensions will accept is four 2048 byte sector buffers, or 8KB per drive. This is the default value if no "/M" option is provided. Larger numbers of sector buffers do not provide much benefit without OPTI-CDcache, and *no* benefit with OPTI-CDcache. II.C Loading the CD-ROM device driver(s) "high". The CD-ROM device driver that was provided by the manufacturer of your CD-ROM controller may often be loaded into high DOS memory. Consult the manufacturer's documentation and README files for more information. If you encounter difficulties, do *not* load this driver high. III. Using OPTI-CDcache(tm) with Microsoft Windows. The OPTI-CDcache executable (CDCACHE.EXE) and the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) must be run *before* Windows is loaded. This is necessary since the Microsoft Extensions may not function properly when run from a "DOS Virtual Machine" within Windows. IV. Use of OPTI-CDcache with large amounts of XMS (>= 15MB). OPTI-CDcache requires the use of a single block of contiguous XMS memory. The total amount of available XMS memory on a machine may be substantially larger than the largest *contiguous*, or non-fragmented block of XMS memory. This may be a source of confusion for users who are unable to load OPTI-CDcache with the amount of XMS memory reported by MEM.EXE. If OPTI-CDcache is installed with a /X: value that is too large to use, then the largest available block of contiguous XMS memory will be used. To determine the largest XMS memory block you have available, versus the total available XMS memory, use the Microsoft Diagnostic Utility (MSD.EXE) or similar program. If OPTI-CDcache is installed on a machine that is equipped with more than 16MB of extended memory, be aware of the limitations of many extended memory managers. An extended memory manager (e.g., HIMEM.SYS, Qualitas' 386^Max, Quarterdeck's QEMM, etc.) converts extended memory into XMS memory which can be allocated by DOS programs such as OPTI-CDcache. Limitations may exist in the maximum amount of extended memory that the manager can handle, as well as in the largest contiguous block of XMS that can be allocated. For example, some of the memory managers that have been tested are incapable of managing more than 16 MB of extended memory. Additionally, those managers that can handle more than 16MB of extended memory do not always allow XMS allocations larger than 16MB. Of those tested, the only manager that worked without restriction is the version of HIMEM.SYS that is distributed with Microsoft MS-DOS Version 6.0 (v3.09). V. Resolving problems with OPTI-CDcache and CD-ROM disc changes. A small number of older CD-ROM hardware, CD-ROM device driver, or CD-ROM application combinations do not provide proper support for the CD-ROM disc change reporting mechanism. This can present problems when changing discs, since OPTI-CDcache may be unable to automatically detect the change and to flush from cache the data from the old disc. A CD-ROM application may then become confused when it encounters data from a previously loaded CD-ROM disc. The vast majority of CD-ROM installations will have no problems with disc changes. If you believe that you are having problems, and want to try a quick fix without reading the technical information below, try setting the options "CDCACHE.EXE /DC /K" in your CACHE.BAT. These options solve all known disc change problems. If you would like the maximum possible performance from OPTI-CDcache, do not use either of these options unnecessarily. More detailed information on disc change problems and solutions provided with OPTI-CDcache follow. V.A The OPTI-CDcache "/F" (Flush Cache) function. The first solution uses the "CDCACHE /F" command to manually flush the contents of the cache between disc changes. This is effective when switching between CD-ROM applications that use a single CD-ROM disc. This is not a useful approach for CD-ROM applications that use more than one CD-ROM disc during a single run of the application. V.B The OPTI-CDcache "/K" option. It is interesting to note that many of the older CD-ROM applications are capable of detecting disc changes even though the (IOCTL IN Media Changed) function is not supported. The developers of these applications knew that early CD-ROM hardware and drivers often did not support the (IOCTL IN Media Changed) function, so they wrote their own mechanisms for disc change monitoring. These homemade mechanisms rely on reading the contents of the current disc to monitor for change. Unfortunately, OPTI-CDcache defeats this type of mechanism since cached data, rather than current data, may be presented to the application. The application then incorrectly assumes that no disc change has taken place. If OPTI-CDcache is loaded with the "CDCACHE /K" option, a proprietary algorithm is employed that allows *most* homemade disc change detection mechanisms to work. There is a small negative performance impact associated with the use of this switch, so it should be set only when necessary. While the "/K" option is not necessarily failproof, it has worked with all the applications with homemade disc change detection mechanisms that have been tested to date. V.C The OPTI-CDcache "/DC" option. If you are using multiple-disc CD-ROM applications that bypass the Microsoft Extensions, another problem may occur (even if the CD-ROM hardware properly detects disc changes). The problem is that the applications do not necessarily poll the (IOCTL IN Media Changed) function in a manner that allows OPTI-CDcache to detect the disc change. This problem can be resolved by loading OPTI-CDcache with a "CDCACHE /DC" switch. This switch causes OPTI-CDcache to poll the (IOCTL IN Media Changed) function on behalf of the application. There is a small negative performance impact associated with the use of this switch, so it should be set only when necessary. Note that this /DC solution for detecting disc changes is required only in a small number of environments, as defined below: o The /DC switch affects only CD-ROM applications that bypass the Microsoft Extensions and communicate directly with the CD-ROM device driver. o The /DC switch affects only multiple-disc applications that require user assisted disc changes. o The /DC switch affects only CD-ROM applications that have been written such that the (IOCTL IN Media Changed) disc change function is *not* polled by the application during user disc changes. CD-ROM applications which use the Microsoft Extensions do not have disc change difficulties, since the Extensions frequently and efficiently poll the disc change function on behalf of the application. o The CD-ROM device driver must have been written such that it does not precisely conform to the "Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions Hardware-Dependent Device Driver Specification." This specification states that a CD-ROM device driver must issue an "Invalid Disk Change" error on the first read following a disc change that the application (or Microsoft Extensions) has not detected with the (IOCTL IN Media Changed) function. Unfortunately, most CD-ROM "device drivers" that have been tested fall into this category. Also, any given CD-ROM applications may or may not handle the "Invalid Disk Change" error appropriately. 0j>DOSKEY COM 0jTVFINTD 386 0jTMWBACKF DLL 0jW8 OPTI-CDcache Version 1.0 for MS-DOS Edition Copyright c 1993 by Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Online Computer Systems, Inc., 20251 Century Blvd., Germantown, Maryland, 20874. Disclaimer Online makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Online reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Online to notify any person of such revision or changes. Trademarks OPTI-CDcache and Sharing Information Through Technology are trademarks of Online Computer Systems, Inc. OPTI- WARE is a registered trademark of Reed Properties, Inc., used under license. Windows is a trademark and Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, PC, AT, and XT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. 386 Max is a registered trademark of Qualitas, Inc. QEMM-386 is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems. FlashFAX is a trademark of Brooktrout Technology, Inc. Technical Support For assistance with OPTI-CDcache, contact Technical Support of the Online Computer Systems, Inc., Products Division at (301) 601-2159. Information for other products in the OPTI-WAREr family may be obtained through the FlashFAX document ordering system at (301) 601-2120. ISBN 1-56953-000-9 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introducing OPTI-CDcache 1 Chapter 2 Requirements 3 Chapter 3 Installing OPTI-CDcache 5 About the Install Program 5 About the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions6 Starting the Install Program 7 Specifying Destination Path 8 Specifying the Boot Drive 9 Choosing Automatic Startup 10 Specifying Extended Memory (XMS) Usage 10 Choosing CACHE Size 11 Specifying XMS Cache Size 12 Configuration Discovery Summary 13 Entering Device Name(s) 13 Verifying the Configuration 14 Quick Startup 15 Choosing to Reboot 16 Usage Example with MSCDEX 18 Chapter 4 CDCACHE.EXE Parameters 19 CDCACHE.EXE /? 19 /H: 20 /X: 20 /D: 21 /L 21 /DC 22 /C 23 /S 23 /F 25 /Q 25 /U 25 Chapter 5 Error Messages 27 Index 29 Chapter 1 - Introducing OPTI-CDcache What is OPTI-CDcache? OPTI-CDcache is an MS-DOS program that dramatically increases the performance of CD-ROM applications through the use of a CD-ROM data cache. Recently or frequently used CD- ROM data is stored in high speed extended memory (XMS) where it may be retrieved almost instantly on demand. The use of high speed XMS memory for data caching contrasts with the use of lower performance data storage such as magnetic media or RAM disks. Is it the same as a magnetic disk cache? The premise is the same. Data caching technology has often been used to increase the performance of magnetic disk drives. A CD-ROM drive, which is on average 10 times slower than magnetic drives, will benefit enormously from a data cache. Until now, effective CD-ROM data caching has been largely unavailable. Will OPTI-CDcache work with my CD-ROM hardware and software? OPTI-CDcache is designed to be compatible with virtually all CD-ROM hardware and software used in the MS-DOS environment. This includes compatibility with CD-ROM applications requiring a DOS drive letter, the Microsoftr MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions program, or those applications which bypass the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) and communicate directly with the CD-ROM device driver. Will OPTI-CDcache work with Microsoft Windows? OPTI-CDcache is fully compatible with CD-ROM applications that run within Microsoft Windows. It functions with both true Windows CD-ROM applications and non-Windows CD-ROM applications that are run in the "DOS box." If SmartDrive is also loaded, the amount of XMS should be balanced between the two programs to ensure efficiency for both caches. How much conventional memory does OPTI-CDcache use? OPTI-CDcache is a terminate and stay resident (TSR) program that requires approximately 7 KB of conventional memory to operate. The memory requirements of OPTI-CDcache do not increase when larger amounts of XMS are used for caching! If your computer has the capability of loading the OPTI- CDcache TSR into "high" memory, it will use no conventional memory. If OPTI-CDcache is the last program loaded into memory, it may be unloaded using a standard "/U" command line parameter. This function does not work if the Microsoft MS- DOS CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) have been loaded into memory after OPTI-CDcache. How many CD-ROM drives will OPTI-CDcache work with? OPTI-CDcache will function with up to 255 CD-ROM drives, sharing the data caching functionality between all units. Chapter 2 - Requirements To use OPTI-CDcache, the following hardware and software are required: An IBM or compatible computer with an 80286 or higher processor with a minimum of 1 MB of extended memory (XMS); 7 KB of available system RAM (may be loaded "high"); DOS 3.3 or higher; and any standard XMS manager, such as the MS-DOS HIMEM.SYS, Qualitas' 386 Max, Quarterdeck's QEMM-386, or equivalent. The minimum amount of XMS should be no lower than 384KB. Chapter 3 - Installing OPTI-CDcache About the Install Program OPTI-CDcache provides an easy to use Install program which prompts the installer for answers to basic installation information. Instructions for installing OPTI-CDcache for use with your workstation are presented in this chapter. The Install program may be used to install OPTI-CDcache on your workstation to configure your system for caching CD-ROM data; and revise a previous configuration installed with this program. The OPTI-CDcache installation program provides a user friendly interface for defining your configuration and loading the required software. The screen is divided into several logically distinct areas. The title at the top of the screen identifies the program. A help line at the bottom of the screen is a reminder of important keys and is overlaid with active push buttons for mouse selections. The center portion of the screen is comprised of various windows which allow you to define your configuration and to install the OPTI-CDcache software. In most cases, you may use the keyboard or mouse interchangeably. The keyboard is required for data entry windows, such as names, sizes, etc. Windows with "scroll bars" on the sides support scrolling. Press the key to proceed when you have finished reviewing the information in these scrolling windows. Press to return to the previous screen. Until you select "Install this configuration," no modifications are made to any of your configuration files, CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT; no software is copied to the destination directory. You may abort the installation program at any time prior to this selection by pressing the key with no alteration of your system. In many cases, when re-installing OPTI-CDcache, the previous settings are detected and used as default settings. The Install program analyzes the CONFIG.SYS file and presents it for your review and verification. Some topics queried are: The destination path to contain the OPTI-CDcache files; The boot drive containing the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files; Autostart the CACHE.BAT file (created for easy startup); and The amount of XMS memory to use. Each screen contains information for each question, so all the installer needs to do is read the screen and answer the question. Defaults are provided for each screen. If a previous installation of OPTI-CDcache is detected by the Install program, the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files are backed up prior to any changes and stored in the destination directory. About the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions Set up the CD-ROM system exactly as you would normally use it. If the CD-ROM applications to be run at a particular workstation require the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions program, make sure MSCDEX.EXE is loaded BEFORE the Install program is run. If MSCDEX.EXE is not detected, the Install program asks if the "Disk Change" option (discussed in the "CDCACHE.EXE Parameters" chapter) should be installed. The CD-ROM driver's device name in the CONFIG.SYS file is changed and this changed device name appears in the CACHE.BAT file. After running the Install program, a reboot of the PC is required before running the CACHE.BAT file in order to: load the CD-ROM driver with its new device name; and unload MSCDEX.EXE, if previously loaded. Starting the Install Program To start the OPTI-CDcache Install program, follow this instruction: 1. At your install directory, type install and press . For example, C:\CDCACHE>install Or, from the distribution diskette, type A:\INSTALL The Introduction screen appears (see Figure 1). Figure 1 Introduction Screen When the Introduction screen appears, you are ready to use the Install program. Simply follow the screen instructions and provide appropriate responses to complete the installation. Specifying Destination Path You must specify the drive and directory that is to contain the OPTI-CDcache files (see Figure 2). C:\CDCACHE is the default path for a hard disk system. A:\CDCACHE is the default path for a machine that uses diskettes only. If you want to accept your system's default, press . Figure 2 Specifying Destination Path If you have more than one hard disk drive, you may want to install OPTI-CDcache on a drive other than the "C" hard disk. To do this, type in the path selection (such as D:\CDCACHE) and press . Specifying the Boot Drive Also, you must specify the boot drive where the CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and CACHE.BAT files are to be created and/or modified (see Figure 3). Press the key to use the default or type in your drive selection and press . Figure 3 Specifying the Boot Drive The "C" hard disk is the default for this selection, designated by C. For a machine that uses diskettes only, type in A and press . Choosing Automatic Startup The Install program creates a batch file called CACHE.BAT. This file is placed in the destination directory as specified at the beginning of the installation. CACHE.BAT contains the commands to load the OPTI-CDcache executable and the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions (if applicable). CACHE.BAT may be executed automatically from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file at power-up or manually from the MS-DOS prompt. The screen "Choosing Automatic Startup" (see Figure 4) asks you if you want to start OPTI-CDcache automatically at boot time. Figure 4 Choosing Automatic Startup Specifying Extended Memory (XMS) Usage The Install program offers the opportunity to choose the amount of extended memory for CD-ROM data caching, if present. You may choose to use all or part of XMS for data caching. This option is not displayed if the workstation does not have extended memory. Figure 5 illustrates this option. Figure 5 Specifying Extended Memory (XMS) Usage Choosing CACHE Size The default amount of memory used for caching is dependent upon the size of the largest available block of contiguous XMS memory. The memory amount used by default is determined by the following table: Avail <= 512KB Use all available XMS (in largest block) Avail <= 1MB Use 512KB Avail <= 2MB Use 1MB Avail > 2MB Use 2MB Larger cache sizes increase performance because they hold more data, thus eliminating the need for a much slower read from the CD-ROM drive. Having a cache too small may actually impact performance. CDCACHE.EXE, the OPTI-CDcache driver, provides statistics which may be useful in determining the effectiveness of any given cache size. You or OPTI-CDcache may decide how much XMS can be used for data caching. Highlight Use XMS Caching (auto assign amount to use) or Use XMS Caching (you enter amount to use) and press . Specifying XMS Cache Size If you wish to specify the amount of XMS for caching, you are presented with the "Specifying XMS Cache Size" screen (see Figure 6). The amount of usable extended memory, in kilobytes, is shown as the default value on this screen. Type a smaller value and press or accept the default and press . Figure 6 Specifying XMS Cache Size Configuration Discovery Summary The "Configuration Discovery Summary" screen displays information about the device drivers and device names configured with your system (see Figure 7). Figure 7 Configuration Discovery Summary Entering Device Name(s) If the configuration information presented in the "Configuration Discovery Summary" screen is not acceptable for this installation of OPTI-CDcache, highlight No and press . The "Entering Device Name(s)" screen appears (see Figure 8). Figure 8 Entering Device Name(s) On this screen, enter the device name(s) used when you type the MSCDEX line to load the extensions; or used by your non-MSCDEX device driver. You may add device names, one at a time by typing the name and pressing . A blank entry followed by pressing the key ends this screen. Verifying the Configuration Having answered all queries presented by the Install program, the "Verifying the Configuration" screen appears (see Figure 9). Figure 9 Verifying the Configuration Highlight Install this Configuration and press to continue installation or highlight Revise this Configuration and press to change your configuration information as previously chosen. Revising the configuration takes you back to the Introduction screen. Continue through the Install program as before or use the and keys to navigate through the Install screens. Quick Startup After installing OPTI-CDcache for the verified configuration, a "Quick Startup" screen appears (see Figure 10) to inform you how to start using OPTI-CDcache with your system. After reading the screen, press to advance to the last screen, "Choosing to Reboot." Figure 10 Quick Startup Choosing to Reboot The screen "Choosing to Reboot" confirms successful installation of OPTI-CDcache and permits you the opportunity to reboot your PC from within this Install program (see Figure 11). Highlight Yes and press to immediately reboot your PC. Highlight No and press to exit the Install program. You receive the message that you have successfully installed OPTI-CDcache for use on your PC (see Figure 12). Figure 11 Choosing to Reboot Figure 12 Installation Successful Message Usage Example with MSCDEX CDCACHE /H: [Options . . .] CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=CDROM.SYS /D:MSCD0001 /N:2 DEVICE=CDROM.SYS /D:MSCD0002 /N:2 CACHE.BAT (created during the Install) CDCACHE.EXE /H:MSCD0001 /H:MSCD0002 /X:1024 MSCDEX.EXE /D:$CDCACHE Chapter 4 - CDCACHE.EXE Parameters The CDCACHE.EXE driver has a number of advanced parameters not covered in the basic installation which the installer may wish to implement for specific configurations. Any of these parameters may be added to the command line when loading CDCACHE.EXE from the CACHE.BAT file or the parameters may be executed manually from the command line prompt. The following information represents an example of each parameter and a brief description of its usage. CDCACHE.EXE /? OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Usage: CDCACHE.EXE /H: [Options . . .] Options: /H: /X: /D: , default= /d:$CDCACHE /L Hardware compatibility mode: disable support for "loadhigh" /DC Constantly monitor for disk changes, reduces performance /C Clear cache statistics /S Display XMS cache usage statistics /F Flush XMS cache data for all drives /Q Suppress banner and copyright information /U Unload CDCACHE.EXE from memory (ONLY if last TSR loaded) /? Display this usage information and example Example: CONFIG.SYS => DEVICE=CDROM.SYS /D:MSCD0001 /n:1 AUTOEXEC.BAT => CDCACHE.EXE /H:MSCD0001 /X:1024 MSCDEX.EXE /D:$CDCACHE /H: CDCACHE /H:MSCD0001 /H:MSCD0002 [Options] OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "$CDCACHE". This parameter is required to specify the CD-ROM device driver name(s), up to 16 names maximum. /X: CDCACHE /H:MSCD0001 /X:2048 OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "$CDCACHE". This parameter allows a value of XMS to be set aside for data caching. If this switch is not used, the default is to use all available XMS memory found at the workstation. /D: , default=/D:$CDCACHE CDCACHE /H:ABCDEFGH /D:MSCD0001 [Options] OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "MSCD0001". This parameter is used to define the cached CD-ROM device driver name. The default is /D:$CDCACHE. In a situation where the application talks to a device driver, that device name, MSCD0001, needs to be mapped to the CDCACHE.EXE driver so that the application is able to talk to CDCACHE instead of the device name. This is accomplished by mapping MSCD0001 to CDCACHE.EXE. In this case, the CONFIG.SYS device name must also be /D:ABCDEFGH. /L Hardware compatibility mode: disable support for "load high" CDCACHE /H:MSCD0001 /L OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "$CDCACHE". The /L parameter may be required for machines that are sensitive to the CDCACHE.EXE driver's attempt to find a previously loaded copy of itself in "High" memory. You can tell that the /L switch is required if the system hangs when CDCACHE.EXE is loaded or shortly after loading. If the /L parameter is required to use CDCACHE.EXE, it is recommended that CDCACHE.EXE be loaded in low DOS memory and that the /L switch be used with every command. That is, CDCACHE.EXE /L /S. The /L parameter does not prevent DOS 5.0 or other memory management utility from loading CDCACHE.EXE in high memory. The /L parameter prevents CDCACHE.EXE from locating itself once loaded high. Therefore, a command such as CDCACHE.EXE /S or CDCACHE.EXE /U will not work. The cache is functional at this time, but obviously cannot be unloaded. This is not a recommended configuration. /DC Constantly monitor for disk changes, reduces performance CDCACHE /H:MSCD0001 /DC OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "$CDCACHE". A problem may exist that prohibits the flushing of the cache when swapping disks. This may be a result of: 1. The underlying CD-ROM device driver does not report an "Invalid Disk Change" error when the disk has been changed and the device request (such as a read) is issued. 2. The application does not protect itself from disk changes by querying the disk via the IOCTL "Media Changed" request. 3. The Microsoft Extensions, which would otherwise perform number 2 above for the application, are not being used. In this case, the /DC parameter must be used. This parameter ensures that a valid "Disk Change" occurred causing the old data in cache to be properly flushed. The next device request, such as a read, will detect a new disk. Using this parameter causes a small to moderate performance disadvantage. /C Clear cache statistics CDCACHE.EXE /C OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. Cache statistics cleared. This parameter is used to clear the current cache statistics from the cache buffers without having to reboot the PC. It may also be used in conjunction with the Flush switch. This may be useful when switching between multi-disc CD-ROM applications. /S Display XMS cache usage statistics CDCACHE.EXE /S OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "$CDCACHE". Cache Memory in Use: 1202KB Cache Memory Available: 2006KB Total Number of Reads: 955 Avg. Number of Blocks per Read: 12 Total Number of 2KB Blocks Read: 11498 Total Number of 2KB Cache Hits: 10846 Cumulative Cache Hit Percentage: 94% Recent Cache Hit Percentage: 99% TSR is already loaded. Notes: 1. In this example, only 1202KB of the 2006KB of cache memory is in use. The cache has not been filled, meaning that no data has been discarded from cache by the Least Recently Used (LRU) discard mechanism. 2. Total number of reads refers to the number of device level reads received from the application or MSCDEX. The number of 2KB blocks per read varies from 1 to 32 (2KB - 64KB), so only an average number of blocks per read is displayed. 3. "Recent Cache Hit Percentage" refers to the percentage of cache hits within a recent window of activity. The size of the "window" is related to the current cache size. 4. Even though 2048KB was used for caching, only 2006KB is actually available. A small amount of overhead is required by the caching algorithm. /F Flush XMS cache data for all drives CDCACHE.EXE /F OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. Cache flushed. This parameter is used to flush the cache memory in use for all CD-ROM drives without having to reboot the PC. It may be used in conjuntion with the Clear switch. This may be helpful when switching between multi-disc CD-ROM applications. /Q Suppress banner and copyright information CDCACHE.EXE /H:MSCD0001 /Q 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "$CDCACHE". This parameter is used to eliminate the display of the copyright information. /U Unload CDCACHE.EXE from memory (ONLY if last TSR loaded) CDCACHE.EXE /U OPTI-CDcache (TM) - High Performance XMS CD-ROM Cache V1.00 Copyright (C) 1993 Online Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Computer Systems, Inc. is a member of the Reed Elsevier group. OPTI-CDcache is a member of the OPTI-NET family of CD-ROM networking products. For more information, call (800)-922-9204 or (301)-428-3700 in the USA. 2048 KB of XMS memory used for caching reads to device "$CDCACHE". Cache Memory in Use: 1202KB Cache Memory Available: 2006KB Total Number of Reads: 955 Avg. Number of Blocks per Read: 12 Total Number of 2KB Blocks Read: 11498 Total Number of 2KB Cache Hits: 10846 Cumulative Cache Hit Percentage: 94% Recent Cache Hit Percentage: 99% TSR has been unloaded. Note: 1. If the /D: parameter was used with CDCACHE.EXE, CDACHE.EXE /U will work for an unload. The /D: does not have to be re-specified. Chapter 5 _ Error Messages Could not locate device "MSCD0001". Cause The PC has not been rebooted since the completion of the Install program and the device name currently loaded does not match the /H: device name that appears in CACHE.BAT. Action Verify the device name in the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot the PC to load the correct device name. XMS driver (e.g., HIMEM.SYS) not available. Cache could not be successfully initialized. Cause No Extended Memory Manager is loaded. Action Load your Extended Memory Manager. Cache could not be successfully created. Cache could not be successfully initialized. Cause There is insufficient XMS memory to create a cache (<3 KB). Action Free more XMS memory before running CDCACHE.EXE. Insufficient contiguous XMS memory for request. Cache could not be successfully initialized. Cause The value of /X: is greater than the largest available (contiguous) XMS block. Action Specify a smaller /X: value, or remove the /X: parameter to let CDCACHE.EXE choose a size. TSR is not loaded. Cause CDCACHE.EXE /H: /U was executed before CDCACHE.EXE was loaded. Action None. Informational message. Incorrect CDCACHE.EXE version. Unload with same version. Cause The version of "CDCACHE.EXE /U" does not match the internal version number of the CDCACHE.EXE which is loaded in memory. Action Unload CDCACHE.EXE with the same version of software that was loaded. Index 386 Max 3 About the Install Program 5 About the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions 6 AUTOEXEC.BAT file 5, 9, 10, 19 Cache definition 1 size 11 CACHE.BAT file 9, 10, 18, 27 CDCACHE.EXE driver 11, 27 error messages 27 parameters 19 /? 19 /C 19, 23 /D: 19, 21 /DC 19, 22 /F 19, 25 /H: 19, 20, 28 /L 19, 21 /Q 19, 25 /S 19, 23 /U 2, 19, 25, 28, 29 /X: 19, 20, 28 Choosing Automatic Startup 10 Choosing cache size 11 CONFIG.SYS file 5, 9, 10, 18, 19 Configuration Discovery Summary 13 Conventional memory 2 DOS box 1 Entering device name(s) 13 Error Messages 27 Extended Memory 1 "High" memory 2 HIMEM.SYS 3, 27 Install program 5 choosing automatic startup 10 choosing cache size 11 choosing to reboot 16 configuration discovery summary 13 entering device name(s) 13 introduction screen 7 MSCDEX.EXE 6 quick startup 15 specifying boot drive 9 specifying destination path 8 specifying extended memory usage 10 specifying XMS cache size 12 starting 7 verifying the configuration 14 Installing OPTI-CDcache 5 Introducing OPTI-CDcache 1 Introduction screen 7 Magnetic disk cache 1 Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions 1, 6, 18 Microsoft Windows 1 MSCDEX.EXE 1, 6, 18 OPTI-CDcache compatibility with hardware 1 Microsoft Windows 1 driver 11 installing 5 introducing 1 requirements 1, 3 What is 1 QEMM-386 3 Quick Startup 15 RAM disks 1 Rebooting 16 Requirements 3 SmartDrive 1 Specifying Boot Drive 9 Specifying Destination Path 8 Specifying Extended Memory Usage 10 Specifying XMS Cache Size 12 Starting the Install Program 7 Terminate and Stay Resident Program 2 TSR 2 Usage example with MSCDEX 18 Verifying the Configuration 14 Windows 1 XMS 1 amount to use 10 manager 3 required 3 specifying cache size 12 E-CINTERSVREXE 0jE‘MSCDEX EXE 0jS!cDBLSPACEEXE 0j/DBLSPACEHLP 0jQDBLSPACEINF 0jODBLSPACESYS 0j@NSDBLWIN HLP 0jtI!DOSSHELLHLP 0j^+vEMM386 EXE 0jM^MEMMAKEREXE 0jbSSIZER EXE 0j6;MONOUMB 386 0j1O"MSTOOLS DLL 0jIp4@echo off rem rem CACHE.bat v1.00 rem rem DriveDir\CDCACHE /X:size /H:FirstDeviceName1 /H:NextName /H:EtcDeviceName rem MSCDEX /D:$CDCACHE f''k'l'm'n'o'p'q'r's't'v'w'x'y'z'{'|'}'~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*'''''''''''''''''''''''''(Software Installation ====================== After installing the hardware, the following files have to be installed in order to make known to your system that you have a CDROM drive installed. CDMKE410.SYS A low level device driver for the interface card This device driver will detect and identify the CDROM drive. MSCDEX.EXE MicroSoft CD EXtensions to make DOS able to access the CDROM Drive ----------------------------------------------------------------cls @echo off echo going to drive c: c: cd\ echo creating subdirectory C:\CDROMDRV md cdromdrv cd cdromdrv echo copying all system files copy a:\*.* md opti-cd cd opti-cd copy a:\opti-cd\*.* cd\ echo updating AUTOEXEC.BAT copy cdromdrv\autoexec.bat + autoexec.bat autoexec.new copy autoexec.new autoexec.bat del autoexec.new echo updating config.sys copy config.sys+cdromdrv\config.sys config.sys echo. echo *** Installation of CDROM completed, Please Reset Computer. ******************----------- MSCDEX Version 2.23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MSCDEX uses the following command line switches for line: Switch Description -------- ------------- /D:(device name) Tells MSCDEX.EXE where to find the device driver. /E Tells MSCDEX.EXE to use expanded memory if your system is using expanded memory. /L:(drive letter) MSCDEX.EXE starts at the drive letter specified by this switch. /K Tells MSCDEX.EXE to use any Kanji (Japanese) file structures, if present, rather than the default of standard alphanumeric file structures. /S Instructs MSCDEX.EXE to patch DOS to allow sharing of CD-ROM drives on MS-NET based network servers. /M:(value) Tells MSCDEX.EXE how much memory to allocate for caching information on the CD-ROM. /V Provides memory usage statistics, such as how much memory is used by buffers, resident data, resident code. Example: MSCDEX.EXE /D: /M:4 /L:E where: /D:LASERWAV identifies the drive name as LASERWAV. /M:4 Memory caching is set for 8 kilobytes. /L:E the CD-ROM drive letter is E. When these modifications are completed, it will be necessary to reboot your system (by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del). This will reconfcls @echo off echo going to drive c: c: cd\ echo creating subdirectory C:\CDROMDRV md cdromdrv cd cdromdrv echo copying all system files copy b:\*.* md opti-cd cd opti-cd copy b:\opti-cd\*.* cd\ echo updating AUTOEXEC.BAT copy cdromdrv\autoexec.bat + autoexec.bat autoexec.new copy autoexec.new autoexec.bat del autoexec.new echo updating config.sys copy config.sys+cdromdrv\config.sys config.sys echo. echo ***** Installation of CDROM completed, please reset the computer ***** prompt igure your system based on the modified AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instalation procedure --------------------- a) Turn your computer on b) Insert the diskette in drive B: (ie: if your source drive is B) c) Type B: d) Type INSTALL The batchfile INSTALL.BAT will copy all the files to a subdirectory \CDROMDRV on the harddisk and modifies the config.sys and autoexec.bat files In addition to copy all the system files for the CD-ROM drive, the INSTALL.BAT also copy the files for the CDCACHE to a subdirectory \CDROMDRV\OPTI-CD. Details of the OPTI-CD can be found in the READ.ME files of the \CDROMDRV\OPTI-CD subdirectory. After the installation has been completed, please reset computer for the new drivers to take effect. -------------------------------------------------------- Below a sample of what should be in the config.sys file -------------------------------------------------------- lastdrive=z device=c:\cdromdrv\cdmke410.sys /d:LASERWAV /N:1 /d:LASERWAV specifies the device name. This is default set to "LASERWAV" Any name can be chosen as long as you choose the same in the autoexec.bat file discussed later. /N:(number) Number of drives. If connected Drive is one, by setting of /N:1, the time of Device Driver installation is ocasionally shortened in comparision with no setting of /N: switch ( or /N:4). Number to be cls @echo off echo going to drive c: c: cd\ echo creating subdirectory C:\CDROMDRV md cdromdrv cd cdromdrv echo copying all system files copy b:\*.* Echo copy all CDCache files md opti-cd cd opti-cd copy b:\opti-cd\*.* cd\ echo updating AUTOEXEC.BAT copy cdromdrv\autoexec.bat + autoexec.bat autoexec.new copy autoexec.new autoexec.bat del autoexec.new echo updating config.sys copy config.sys+cdromdrv\config.sb config.sys echo. echo **** Installation of CDROM completed, Please Resetset in 4 kinds (1,2,3,4). If setting number is smaller than the number of connected and the others (remained drives) cannot be connected. If /n: switch is omitted, it shall become same as setting 4 as maximum number of connectable Drives. Example : For number of 4 drives; /N:4 or /N: or /N For number of 1 drive ; /N:1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Below a sample of what should be in the autoexec.bat file ----------------------------------------cls @echo off echo going to drive c: c: cd\ echo creating subdirectory C:\CDROMDRV md cdromdrv cd cdromdrv echo copying all system files copy a:\*.* md opti-cd cd opti-cd copy a:\opti-cd\*.* cd\ echo updating AUTOEXEC.BAT copy cdromdrv\autoexec.bat + autoexec.bat autoexec.new copy autoexec.new autoexec.bat del autoexec.new echo updating config.sys copy config.sys+cdromdrv\config.sb config.sys echo. echo **** Installation of CDROM completed, Please Reset Computer *** Prompt $P$G *------------------ c:\cdromdrv\mscdex /d:LASERWAV /M:8 /V /E /D:LASERWAV specifies the device name. This is default set to "LASERWAV" Any name can be chosen as long as you choose the same in the config.sys file as discussed earlier. /M:8 specifies the number of buffers. default is 8 buffers /L:x forces the cd-drive letter to drive x if omitted, the first available drive will be selected i.e. in a configuration of drive A,B and harddisk C: the cdrom drive will be D: /E Tell MSCDEX.EXE to use expanded memory if your system is using expanded memory. ================================= Additional information ================================= If the CD-ROM drive is connected to a Sound Blaster Card, please modify the Config.sys to as follow: DEVICE = C:\CDROMDRV\CDMKE410.SYS /D:LASERWAV /SBP:220 /N:1 /P:(Address) or This is I/O port address of interface board. /SBP:(Address) At the usage of MKE CD ROM Drive interface board, /P:switch is applied and at the usage of Creative S/B Pro 2 interface, /SBP:switch is applied. Only either /P: or /SBP: is available for switch setting. If /P (or /SBP):(Address) is set, the base port address to be appointed by (Address) is only search. Thus, the other address cannot be searched. The only one base port address can be appointed by (address). Thus, the setting cannot be made at more than one base port address. If /P (and /SBP):switch is omitted, MKE CD ROM drive interface board shall become 300H, 310H, 320H, 330H, and 340H Ex: at base port 300H, /P:300 or /P: or /P at base port 200H, /SBP:220 or /SBP: or /SBP /N:(number) Optional, please refer to the above for details. INHELP EXE @j WIN 000 y* <CONTROL HLP @j, HWIN COM MT5 BOOTLOG TXT <A MOUSE INI ;B s u738%u8t8u:rƈ&> t5 tMÙ>0))t> t>t>t+F>((t> t>t+Ȼ ?t?t RZ>tH>tA>u4+ŀtǀt9w؎> t528&&u-&P$t#uXP#DtDu DV\^L9XP"t>t!u9Xt% u %&ˋÌڎG> 2R. ׿ ؋Z.  ׿ PQ y y;s> 2 OsIYX38/ t99 tS.C ; >G ; ؋.E A >G A +X.E ? >G ? .C = >G = 3&$t s Ȣ28>.t6>>^XrUWvvv v<+t1<.t-< t9< t-<t1<t%<t)<t%<t<u! 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ei ole asennettu -- hiirt ei lydy $Controlador no instalado -- El Mouse no se encuentra $Controlador nao instalado -- Mouse nao encontrado $Driver non installato -- Mouse non trovato $Driver not installed -- interrupt jumper missing $Gestionnaire non install -- cavalier d'interruption introuvable $Besturingsprogramma niet genstalleerd -- Onderbrekingsspringer niet aanwezig $Treiber nicht installiert -- Interrupt-Jumper nicht gefunden $Drivrutinen ej installerad -- avbrottsbygel finns inte $Ohjainta ei ole asennettu -- keskeytyksen kytkin puuttuu $Controlador no instalado -- El puente de interrupcin no se encuentra $Controlador nao instalado -- conector de interrupao nao encontrado $Driver non installato -- ponticello di interrupt mancante $Driver not installed -- multiple interrupt jumpers found $Gestionnaire non install -- plusieurs cavaliers d'interruption prsents $Besturingsprogramma niet genstalleerd -- Meerdere onderbrekingsspringers gevonden $Treiber nicht installiert -- Mehrere Interrupt-Jumper gefunden $Drivrutinen ej installerad -- multipla avbrottsbyglar $Ohjainta ei ole asennettu -- liian monta keskeytyksen kytkint $Controlador no instalado -- Encontrados varios puentes de interrupcin $Controlador nao instalado -- mltiplos conectores de interrupao encontrados $Driver non installato -- esiste pi di un ponticello di interrupt $MSX Mouse driver installed $Le gestionnaire MSX Mouse est install $Microsoft MSX Mouse besturingsprogramma wordt genstalleerd $Maustreiber MSX installiert $Drivrutinen installeras Microsoft MSX Mouse $Asennetaan Microsoft MSX Mouse laiteohjain $Controlador MSX del Mouse instalado $Controlador do Microsoft MSX Mouse instalado $Driver del MSX Mouse installato $Mouse driver installed $Gestionnaire de souris install $Microsoft Mouse besturingsprogramma wordt genstalleerd $Maustreiber installiert $Installerar drivrutiner fr Microsoft Mouse $Asennetaan Microsoft Mouse laiteohjain $Controlador del Mouse instalado $Controlador do Microsoft Mouse instalado $Driver del Microsoft Mouse installato $Switch values passed to existing Mouse driver $Paramtres transmis au gestionnaire existant de la souris $Schakelwaarden doorgegeven naar bestaand besturingsprogramma $Optionswerte an vorhandenen Maustreiber weitergeleitet $Parametervrden flyttade till existerande drivrutin fr musen $Kytkinasetukset siirretty olemassaolevaan ohjaimeen $Parmetros transferidos al controlador en uso $Definioes passadas para o controlador existente do Mouse $Parametri trasferiti al driver esistente $Existing Mouse driver enabled $Le gestionnaire existant de la souris est activ $Bestaand besturingsprogramma geactiveerd $Vorhandener Maustreiber aktiviert $Existerande drivrutin fr musen aktiverad $Olemassaoleva ohjain otetaan kyttn $El controlador en uso est activado $Controlador existente do Mouse ativado $Driver esistente attivato $Existing Mouse driver removed from memory $Le gestionnaire existant de la souris est supprim de la mmoire $Bestaand besturingsprogramma uit geheugen verwijderd $Vorhandener Maustreiber ist aus dem Speicher entfernt worden $Existerande drivrutin avlgsnad frn minnet $Olemassaoleva ohjain poistettu muistista $El controlador en uso fu retirado de la memoria $Controlador existente do Mouse retirado da memria $Driver esistente rimosso dalla memoria $Existing Mouse driver disabled $Le gestionnaire existant de la souris est dsactiv $Bestaand besturingsprogramma inactief $Vorhandener Maustreiber deaktiviert $Existerande drivrutin inaktiverad $Olemassaoleva ohjain poistetaan kytst $El controlador del Mouse en uso est desactivado $Controlador existente do Mouse desativado $Driver esistente disattivato $Mouse Driver not installed $Le gestionnaire de la souris n'est pas install $Besturingsprogramma niet genstalleerd $Maustreiber nicht installiert $Drivrutinen ej installerad $Ohjainta ei ole asennettu $Controlador del Mouse no instalado $Controlador do Mouse nao instalado $Driver non installato $Mouse driver installed, cannot change port (/i, /z, /c, and /b invalid) $Le gestionnaire de la souris est install, impossible de changer de port (/i, /z, /c et /b invalides) $Besturingsprogramma genstalleerd, verandering van poort niet mogelijk (/i, /z, /c en /b ongeldig) $Maustreiber installiert, Anschlu kann nicht gewechselt werden (/i, /z, /c und /b ungltig) $Drivrutinen installerad, kan inte byta port (/i, /z, /c och /b ogiltiga) $Ohjain asennettu, porttia ei voi vaihtaa (virheellinen /i, /z, /c ja /b) $Controlador del Mouse instalado, no se puede cambiar el puerto (/i, /z, /c y /b no vlidos) $Controlador do Mouse instalado, nao possvel mudar porta (/i, /z, /c e /b invlidos) $Driver installato, impossibile cambiare porta (/i, /z, /c e /b non valide) $Mouse driver already installed $Le gestionnaire de la souris est dj install $Besturingsprogramma al genstalleerd $Maustreiber ist schon installiert $Drivrutinen redan installerad $Ohjain on jo asennettu $Controlador del Mouse ya instalado $Controlador do Mouse j instalado $Driver gi installato $Unable to disable Mouse driver -- Control Panel is active $Impossible de dsactiver le gestionnaire de la souris -- le Panneau de configuration est actif $Niet mogelijk besturingsprogramma uit te schakelen -- Configuratiescherm is geactiveerd $Maustreiber kann nicht deaktiviert werden -- Steuerungsfeld ist aktiv $Kan inte inaktivera drivrutinen -- Kontrollpanelen r aktiv $Ohjainta ei voi poistaa kytst -- ohjaintaulu on aktiivinen $No se puede desactivar el controlador -- El Panel de control est activo $Impossvel desativar controlador do Mouse -- painel de controle ativado $Impossibile disattivare il driver -- Pannello di controllo in funzione $Unable to disable Mouse driver -- Mouse Menu is active $Impossible de dsactiver le gestionnaire de la souris -- le menu souris est actif $Niet mogelijk besturingsprogramma uit te schakelen -- Muismenu is geactiveerd $Maustreiber kann nicht deaktiviert werden -- Mausmen ist aktiv $Kan inte inaktivera drivrutinen -- Musmenyn r aktiv $Ohjainta ei voi poistaa kytst -- hiirivalikko on aktiivinen $No se puede desactivar el controlador del Mouse-- Un Men del Mouse est activo $Impossvel desativar controlador do Mouse -- Menu do Mouse ativado $Impossibile disattivare il driver -- Menu del Mouse in funzione $Microsoft (R) Mouse Driver Version 8.10 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1991. All rights reserved. $Gestionnaire de la souris Microsoft (R) Mouse version 8.10 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1991. Tous droits rservs. $Microsoft (R) Mouse Besturingsprogramma Versie 8.10 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1991. Alle rechten voorbehouden. $Microsoft (R) Mouse Treiber-Version 8.10 Copyright (C) 1983-1991 Microsoft Corp. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. $Microsoft (R) Mouse drivrutin version 8.10 (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1983-1991. Med ensamrtt. $Microsoft (R) Mouse ohjainversio 8.10 (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1983-1991. Kaikki oikeudet pidtetn. $Controlador del Microsoft (R) Mouse Versin 8.10 Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1983-1991. Todos los derechos reservados. $Controlador do Microsoft (R) Mouse Versao 8.10 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1991. Todos direitos reservados. $Driver del Microsoft (R) Mouse Versione 8.10 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1991. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. $Slow Moderate Fast Unaccelerated Faible Moyenne Maximale Nulle Langzaam Gemiddeld Snel Onversneld Niedrige Mittlere Hohe Ohne Lngsam Normal Snabb Oaccelererad Hidas Kohtuullinen Nopea Kiihdyttmtn Lento Moderado Rpido No Acelerado Devagar Moderado Rpido Desacelerado Lento Medio Veloce Non accelerato NETDI: ClassInstall (0x6 on 0x18b6:0x58) on 3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509/3C509b) ISA-tilassa at Enum\Root\*PNP80F7\0000 NETDI: Examining class Net NETDI: dif_FirstTimeSetup NETDI: NdiCreate(3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509/3C509b) ISA-tilassa) OK NETDI: CreateNetwork, Batch=0 NETDI: 1Got default NWLINK,NETBEUI NETDI: NdiCreate(IPX/SPX-yhteensopiva protokolla) OK NETDI: NdiCreate(NetBEUI) OK NETDI: 1Got default VREDIR,NWREDIR NETDI: NdiCreate(Microsoft-verkkojen asiakas) OK NETDI: ChangeLine: No matches found. NETDI: ChangeLine: No matches found. NETDI: NwMigrRecommendAction returning 3 NETDI: NwMigrDoCreateAction(3) called NETDI: ChangeLine: No matches found. NETDI: ChangeLine: No matches found. NETDI: NdiCreate(NetWare-verkkojen asiakas) OK NETDI: 1Got default NETDI: SetDefaultTransport: Couldn't determine transport NETDI: ClassInstall(0x6) end NETDI: NETDI: lpRegLogConf = 0x0 NETDI: ClassInstall (0x9 on 0x18b6:0x58) on 3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509/3C509b) ISA-tilassa at Enum\Root\*PNP80F7\0000 NETDI: Validating NetWare-verkkojen asiakas at Enum\Network\NWREDIR\0000, rc = 0x0 NETDI: Validating Microsoft-verkkojen asiakas at Enum\Network\VREDIR\0000, rc = 0x0 NETDI: Validating NetBEUI at Enum\Network\NETBEUI\0000, rc = 0x0 NETDI: Validating IPX/SPX-yhteensopiva protokolla at Enum\Network\NWLINK\0000, rc = 0x0 NETDI: Validating 3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509/3C509b) ISA-tilassa at Enum\Root\*PNP80F7\0000, rc = 0x0 NETDI: ClassInstall(0x9) end NETDI: ClassInstall (0xa on 0x18b6:0x58) on 3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509/3C509b) ISA-tilassa at Enum\Root\*PNP80F7\0000 NETDI: Wrote p.ini:DriverName=NETBEUI$, sect: NETBEUI$ NETDI: Wrote p.ini:DriverName=nwlink$, sect: nwlink$ NETDI: Wrote p.ini:DriverName=ELNK3$, sect: ELNK3$ NETDI: NwMigrDoInstallAction(3) called NETDI: ChangeLine: No matches found. NETDI: ChangeLine: No matches found. NETDI: ClassInstall(0xa) end NETDI: ClassInstall (0xc on 0x18b6:0x58) on 3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509/3C509b) ISA-tilassa at Enum\Root\*PNP80F7\0000 NETDI: ClassInstall(0xc) end j{@ Ƶ